Laws that ban strip clubs

Many states in the US are considering laws that ban fully nude strip clubs. If I wanted to live in communist china, I'd move to Okinawa.

Strip clubs offer private, moderately priced entertainment for men. That's literally it. There aren't guns or drugs there, it's just private entertainment

I went to a strip club the last time I was in Kansas City and it was a great time. They kept my iced tea refreshed and the women I spoke with all were going to school with the money they made. They invited me back there the next time I'm in town and I like that!

Who /stripclub/ here?

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strip clubs are like paying for a whore and then getting blueballed.

they're kinda degenerate, user.

they're usually a cover for prostitution, and lots of underage stuff goes on

>communist China
My sides

I'm not seeing any problems

why would i pay to watch someone eat steak?


I've always hated titty bars and what they stand for. In before fag. Go spin on a chair leg.

>no drugs
>at a strip club