Warning to all Christians; Mark of Beast revealed!


The Shahada.

The Shahada is an oath that Muslims take which declares Allah as the one and only true God and that Muhammad is his prophet. This is blasphemy for Christians since Jesus, The Father and The Holy Spirit are God through a concept called the Holy Trinity. Taking this oath denounces this and calls Allah the one and only true God.


>Dude, Muslims believe in the same God!
No they don't. This is a misconception that has been made by many due to Allah and the Father being of same origin and given the same characteristics. Christians were given the Son to know who the One True God is and the Christians will find that God through Jesus.

>Why does it matter? Do you believe in magic?
No, but I believe in honoring my faith and my God like my ancestors before me. Taking an oath before another God is distasteful to me and I refuse to do it especially if I trust Jesus Christ as the one true savior and our lord.

>Where would the Shahada be?
Well, considering that it is in elementary schools across the globe and the teachers are actually making them cite it then I see no reason for it not to start leaking into other aspects of our life.

>What is happening? Is this literally nothing?
No it isn't. Your children are taking their oath and denouncing their God without you knowing it. This is happening in certain schools in both Europe, America, Canada and Australia. They are doing this to push cultural tolerance.

>Don't mean it when you have to take it.
You apply faith when you cite an oath, even when you aren't serious. This would be considered as blasphemy towards Jesus.

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ottoman empire is the beast

have been waiting for this thread for ages

the beast has fuck all to do with rome

rome fought the beast and always did

a new pope will come

Jews worship 666

bishmillah a has 666 in the ottoman and arabic caligrapphy

Oh really? It's blasphemy for Christians since you believe in something different?!?

Information on Islam

>Movie about the Muslim Muhammad which shows the story of the prophet. Good for a basic understanding of Islam.


>This clip shows a prophecy being scientifically accurate under the interpretation of the man who made the video. It can certainly be believable, but what "Allah" had told Muhammad to tell his scribes to write in the Quran just sounds downright creepy…


>Doctor who speaks Arabic shows the mark as being arabic for…


>Interpretation sounds fairly accurate, depicting Daniel refering to the first Islamic Caliphate.


>Jesus warns you of the Mark of the Beast. Same Youtuber explains it better


>Religion of Islam Exposed


>Dr. Pesta and Stephan talk about the truth of the Crusades. Know that the Christian Europeans put up with Islam's raids for 400 years before the Crusades happened!


>Muslims describe afterlife experience and converted to Christianity.


Post the picture.

ye all the symbolism

Nothing will save the jews now. Nothing.


Oh, would you look at that.

Thank goodness someone else caught on. The Dragon is making a comeback and this new Caliphate is going to be bigger than any empire we have seen before. I am planning to go back to my homeland so I can help Europe. The Christians waking up will be an eventuality.

google images plenty of places u can find it
its also in ottoman crest it has the devil horns in the top

This is stupid the mark of the beast will be the digital currency, with a chip at hands or chip at teeth

We don't believe in the same appearance of the Devil, and in fact, we have the same name for it.

Shaitan = Satan.

Allah = Elohim.

You got double 3 digits 3 times! Go bother India for goodness sake and keep your Allah and his digit black magic out of our thread!

Christianity and Islam are going to die, and we're going to die together. I know this because the way Islam is going, and the way Christianity is going, and the way the world is right now, is prophesied. All that is happening in our world is supposed to happen before the Redemption of "Man" and the return of Jesus [PBUH].

You can no longer get angry anymore, because the redemption that you have been seeking for the Original Sin is now clawing the sides of our Earth.

Oh, and 33+33+33=99.

I always thought the mark would be more of an ideology than an actual physical thing(hand = action/ head = faith).

The mark could either be Catholicism, Islam, or some other third party.

Probably the most unifying post I've seen on here kek. We can all die together watching sodomites take over.

what is 99 in your opinion?

Wrong 666 is not the mark but instead it is at which point the Antichrist comes in the tribulation period. The 6th Seal 6th bowl, and 6th Trumpet. The Monor Prophets of the OT have more about the Revelation Period than the NT.
>rome fought the beast and always did
Rome merely adapted Christianity to its Pagan religions, and converted the old gods into saints. The Catholic Church is an Antichristo religion, and will align with the Antichrist or Satan when he arrives soon after the wounding of the Beast or the Global Governing System. Christianity only allows Christian practices defined in the Bible, the Catholic Church allows for people to bring in their practices to the church. Becoming Christian means leaving your former life, and beliefs behind.

>Bought the Jewish interpretation on the mark being a chip.
>Will wear Shahada band on arm and head after being threatened to be killed.
>Accepts, because "I don't really believe it".
>Sit in a decaying society full of violence and vandalism while waiting for the "chip"

Yes user because I heard of the chip before.

God this thread is full of Jewish cancer. FUCK YOU JIDF. FUCK YOU HASBARA.

Put up a fight, but the ones putting up the fight should never know, and will probably never know this. We are all the instruments of God, and we shall all be used in our ways.

None of these numbers has any meaning. I'm no Kabbalist.

Intent defines everything.

> le based muslimpede
Fuck off to where you came from, prefereably some shithole where the hungry sandniggers are canibals.

You know who the losers are? The fucking Jews. You people are so fucked up on an instinctual level you feel the need to flood the internet with shills to counter free speech and discussion. Jews are subhuman trash. I can't wait to see Israel be destroyed. It will be amazing.

>>Don't mean it when you have to take it.
>You apply faith when you cite an oath, even when you aren't serious. This would be considered as blasphemy towards Jesus.
well Christians baptize, Jews have a bar mitzvah , Buddha teach their children about the Buddha

Alright then. If you desire an intent, Here is an "intent";


Fidget spinners in their hands while they denounce The Holy Trinity.

Can you explain please? I have a far fetched idea of what you mean, but could use some more information.

>Not posting Bill Warner

One of my first pilling on the faith.

You have asked for an intent when there was no intent by the numbers. It just happened. So then you ask "Intent?", and I make up one.

Same goes with the story of the Jews and the Golden Cow. The Jews are told to find a cow, but they persist with specifications, until they are told to find a "Golden Cow", when they could've got ANY cow.

Ok then. My post was meant in a approvable way. That the 99 does not means anything without people giving it a meaning.

To a Muslim, the bible is corrupted. Literally every passage has been corrupted. You guys then use it to justify that the Quran is the word of God. No Muslim has ever quoted a passage understanding the context is in because they never bothered to read the book the passage is in. They then turn to their Quran as justification for the word of God. The whole text is based on Blaspheming the Bible.

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Do you understand how dangerous this is when people believe that their God condones it?

A Muslim man down on his luck, failing to integrate in society will use this passage to kill a nonbeliever and use it as a means to justify going to Heaven.

Well you also do not believe that Jesus is the savior through which all sins are forgiven, and that you must go through him to be accounted righteous unto God the Father.
But then I do not expect much from a descendant of Ishmael, the OT states that they will be wild men who cannot be reasoned with, and Islam, and the Arabs prove that prophecy to be fully true.

Fuck off ahmed.


Stop asking him what the significance to him is, he will just pull some idea from his ass like Muhammad has 666 virgins or Abu Bakr has 666 camels. Then he will tell you don't believe it? It's in the Quran! You will look for it and it won't be there.

>literally every Muslim I have met.

i heard of this Theory before, and judging by how barbaric and subhuman Goatfuckers are, i wouldn't be surprised if it turns out it's true. Islam is Satanic, but so is Zionism, so don't try to make Jews look Human to me, cuz Jews are RATS. Jews and Mudslimes are spawn of SATAN.

We know. But I'd like to say something

>Be the Jews
>Be Jesus
>Be persecuted, tortured, and executed by the Romans for being Christian and following the Holy Gospel
>300 Years pass, the Romans decide to adopt the religion of the people they persecuted
>The Gospel would "still be the same"

It would have to be edited at some point. It brings forth the same message the Quran does, and we hold it in regard, as well, but if it were not for its corruption, the Quran would have never came into existence.

The verses of violence fall into historical context, considering that at the time of Muhammad [PBUH], the Muslims were fighting a [defensive] war against Judeo-Pagan tribes.

dem digits, get outta here satan

>replying to 65
>is 65

Of course the Jews would say something bad about Ismail [PBUH]. And what are you, a descendant of Israil [PBUH]? A Yahud?

Daily reminder Jesus was not a jew and wasn't circumcized. It say nowhere in the KJV that he was. Because there is a part of the process that would have brought up alot of questions.

>pic related

Jesus was a Nordic man. From the seed of the Chosen people who have built every civilization to this day but people hate them so much.

As Shaitan would say to the magic-practitioners and Shaitan-worshippers on the Day of Judgement;

"I am a disbeliever to your disbelief"

Say it and take it to heart, you may yet be saved:
We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made.

For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.


It was Judas who was crucified, not Jesus [PBUH].

Oh fuck.

This is how you actually write it. Someone just took a poorly-written "Bismillah" that happened to have a sword at the end of it, and then thought "This is how all Bismillah looks like"

you are a faggot

nice meme shill
im takin it

No you people are still but hurt that you are the bastard children of Abraham. But you have a chance if you repent your worship of a flase prophet, and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Mohamed teaches hate, and Jesus teaches love, and forgiveness.

Well, I'm going. I'll see you space cowboys on the Dark Side of the Moon, when we die hand-in-hand.

Man wtf that's not how you write "In the name of Allah" looooool

You're too pure man

>call someone bastard child of Abraham [PBUH]
>expect them to join your religion, which merely exists for the sole purpose of being used as an instrument of God to bring about the end of the world, which, count to think of it, is no different from your religion.

Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus are the only legitimate books. All of your "Matthew" "Gospel According to John" shit is fucking retarded and doesn't sound cool at all. Gnosticism and Mysticism is the only reason you guys are cool.

Except that isn't how it worked and most of the corruption comes from your interpretation of what happened in Rome. Christians are like you, they don't want documents changed and kept them consistent for a very long time. Brush up on this history of Christianity and the history of Rome as well as the history of all the manuscripts. And everyone can speculate and come up with a hypothetical syllogism to justify their skepticism.

>It would have to be edited at some point.
You mean when it was reiterated from Greek to Latin? Yeah because people weren't multilingual at the time to denounce the changes they heard or read in the reiterated text.

>the Quran would have never came into existence
The Quran would have never came to existence if Muhammad didn't see Lucifer in the desert and was pushed to start a religion by his senile 40 year old wife.

>The verses of violence fall into historical context, considering that at the time of Muhammad [PBUH], the Muslims were fighting a [defensive] war against Judeo-Pagan tribes.

Yeah and in Jerusalem the city was being sacked. Yet the gospel don't talk about killing people in the name of Christ.


>Muhammad started a religion because of Lucifer even though this religion teaches things opposed to Satanic teachings

Can we just end this abrahamic infighting already?

Yeah okay Mohamed that was an intelligent retort, that proved nothing.

I'm sorry for the aggression dude, at least consider to put more thought in Christianity, we need people like you and our faith is an invitation to everyone. Thanks for your spooky digits regardless.

>Believes that killing people, stealing their stuff and corrupting the original bible is not an opposition to existence of man.

Can you and your religion stop trying to fuck us in the butthole as if we gave you consent?

God, stop this Abraham in fighting
>twists your arm while sitting on you as he says it.

We have the same God as the Christians
>lol, Jesus was a prophet

We are the same!
>Give us taxes for being a different kind of same though!

We just want peace!
>Under our conditions though

>shit is fucking retarded and doesn't sound cool at all.
Being cool isn't the point all all. If I wanted "cool" shit, I would go with Greek mythology and Norse.

Perhaps you would be interested in accepting the fate of Humanity and voiding yourself of all anger?

You are a blasphemer

muslims can't fucking read their own holy book says they worship the great enemy.


it's still wedding rings

That's racist!

You are ignorant of Islam.
>lol, ignore the bible

Did you know said women cant speak in church? >Yeah so what Muhammad married a 9 year old, those days were so different back then!

Islamist apologists utterly btfo

The mark of the beast is circumcision.

The mark is Judaism. Quit being a retard and read the Bible.

>Yeah so what Muhammad married a 9 year old, those days were so different back then!
That was never an acceptable practice in the majority of cultures even then. Girls at nine were considered children, and it was considered to be an offense worthy of stoning for violating them. But then nothing about Mohamed and his followers has ever been righteous.

if your God would strike you down and send you to hell for speaking some words of another religion he is not a god that inspires devotion to him.

A just god and true father of humanity worthy of our devotion would be nothing like the god described in Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious texts.

>you're born into the mark meme

Get saved Ahmed :)

Watch the videos and documents. Also, as a history student studying Islam and the history of Middle East it is literally not up for Debate, Islam is what we are being warned about. The antisemitism is also part of their psyop. If you haven't noticed in this thread alone, Muslims use Jews as a scapegoat to unite the common enemy. This isn't condoning the Jews actions though.

You guys want the ultimate Redpill on Jews?

Israel was set up as an outpost to watch out for the rise of Islam. It is strategically placed there to be a buffer for Europe. Understandably, Zionists control all wealth but the wealth is not absolutely controlling. We like to think the Jews control us but that's only an illusion that will soon fall. As soon as our trust in our money flies out they would be utterly powerless.

The truth is, we as Christians, control the Jews. Their existence would be futile without our involvement. The thing that is the problem though is that we have to barter with them so they don't combust Israel and start pouring in our countries like they did before Israel existed. You think the atheist ones are bad, just wait till you see the Yiddish conservatives. Aside from that, part of the barter was to be able to operate in America and that is why you see them in banks and entertainment networks. They work against us because they are like that employee who hates his boss to the point where he tries to crash his business. That's why it will fall off its horse.

Said the guy who justifies this opinion based on condensed interpreted information reiterated by a celebrity scientist who spent more time criticising Christianity than actually accomplishing something in the profession he spent years trying to obtain.

The mark of the beast is W W W

Matthew 1:1-17 literally first passages of the New Testament
>The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

2Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren; 3And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram; 4And Aram begat Aminadab; and Aminadab begat Naasson; and Naasson begat Salmon; 5And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse; 6And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias; 7And Solomon begat Roboam; and Roboam begat Abia; and Abia begat Asa; 8And Asa begat Josaphat; and Josaphat begat Joram; and Joram begat Ozias; 9And Ozias begat Joatham; and Joatham begat Achaz; and Achaz begat Ezekias; 10And Ezekias begat Manasses; and Manasses begat Amon; and Amon begat Josias; 11And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon:

12And after they were brought to Babylon, Jechonias begat Salathiel; and Salathiel begat Zorobabel; 13And Zorobabel begat Abiud; and Abiud begat Eliakim; and Eliakim begat Azor; 14And Azor begat Sadoc; and Sadoc begat Achim; and Achim begat Eliud; 15And Eliud begat Eleazar; and Eleazar begat Matthan; and Matthan begat Jacob; 16And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

17So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.

The mark is in your forehead, it's on your soul.

Hebrew doesn't have "W", it would be "V"
"Vav" "Vav" "Vav"

>french flag

If anyone here would know, it's you. Are arabic classes mandatory yet?

This kills the Christian.

Nah bruh. Check your own Flag, it's straight up satanic.

How would you kn-
>Looks at flag

>what is the first commandment
damn, OP might be on to something it's like ancient jew law and muslims don't get along or something....
are they hostile in the present and historically or something?

1. That was the symbol of the Ottoman Empire, we had no flag before that. Our symbol was the Shahadah.

2. "Heilel ben Shahar" in Arabic would be "Hheli-il ibn Shahr", which doesn't even mean "morning star".

3. This is all useless, meaning my arguments. These are only proving the idea that Redemption is coming soon.

Satan has one name, and it is Iblis.


Satan is a title given to an opposer. See the book of Jobs or was that revisioned too?

now Nimrod in Genesis and the anti-Christ in Revelations have a lot of similarties. Babylon and the future Babylon. The tower of Babel was literal and symbolic at the same time. God didn't hate tall buildings, he knew the dangers of a One world goverment, especially one that goes in the power of one.
(Genesis 11:4-6) Doesn't let me post, thinks I'm spam.
Absolute power corrupts, and this was a pure evil goverment. Now nimrod is thought to be 1/3 human, 2/3 nephilim (fallen angles)
2/3 = .66666.

Lucifer is the name. Satan means adversary. Trust your King James Bible

Wrong again but somewhat true, introduced in the 14th century, Islam did adopt the crescent but it was not until the Turks made it to their flag.

So how does the Pakistani intelligence agency work? Do you guys repeat lies to the point someone believes it and work from there?

Satan has no power. All he does is suggest temptation, and we have the power to not follow.

This isn't the Pakistani flag and We had a variety of symbols

Wrong. Ashes on Ash Wednesday already revealed as the Mark.

islam came literally out of jewish stuff just like christianity. it's the same deity, stop coming up with bullshit.