Friendly reminder that a united world government would not only allow for true communism to take shape...

Friendly reminder that a united world government would not only allow for true communism to take shape, but also allow for immense progress in all fields, as the government wouldnt have to spend money and resources on such things as military, but instead could focus all it's resources on forwarding the human race.

fuck off abdul

Friendly reminder the United World Government movement is run by people who have no problem genociding an entire race of other people, using pedophilia to achieve their goals, and who assassinates opponents instead of defeating them in discussion or debate.

NWO is a good idea because its an Aryan idea.
Kikes co-opt and corrupt all good things because they themselves are corrupt.

The best reason to oppose it then?

Lolno, communism is why you should SUPPORT it.
True communism, aka the abolishing of a central government/adaption of a minimalist government, would be beneficial for us all and bring in true equality. This state of communism can only be achieveved if all opponents of it either switch sides or are removed. People like you are part of the problem.

>communism is why you should SUPPORT it
Even communists don't support communism.

Gulags when

fuck off faggot. NWO IS OVER.

Bitch didn't get the memo. This is Trump World Order now.

Yes. Yes, it is.

Calm down Stalin jr

Trump vs Rothschild let's go.


Well, you'd have to kill me and everyone else with a brain first.

>Soviets couldn't centrally plan the USSR's economy to even have food on the shelves
>a single world government will do better

People aren't going to magically stop fighting over stupid shit like race and religion. The military budget will stay the same, it'll just be renamed the "law enforcement" budget.

bad news: all those $.01/hr southeast asians salaries come up to $1/hr and your $20/hr goes down to $1/hr to compensate for it, comrade

>communism is stateless
>this world government will usher in peace and prosperity everywhere with magic
commies really do deserve to be thrown out of helicopters

Because the USSR didn't have access to all the worlds resources.

Communism isn’t real and the age of globalism is rapidly coming to an end.

wrong. with a one world government there is no need for communism. capitalism with a fiat currency can be sued and there is nobody left to question the legitimacy of the currency

they could mass produce it and pay for everything and refuse to let any one know how much is in circulation. they wouldnt even need to collect it if it was digital . companies could delete the money at the end of a transaction and the government could just flood the system and nobody would know

government jobs could be scraping gum off side walks and parking lots and you get dental and a retirement package (no health insurance) and everything that should be done would be done like paying people to remove mercury from fresh water supplies

The USSR also didn't have access to unlimited information like we do now.

it goes without saying that in that scenario the government pay companies mountains of money to conduct business and they dont need customers because of the corporate welfare payouts

The USSR covered a surface area of 22.4 million square km. The next largest country on the planet (Canada) covers 9.98M If the communists couldn't achieve anything even approaching the standard of living in leafland (which itself was lower than the US) with more than double the territory, the most fertile agricultural area in Europe, vast mineral and forestry resources, and shitloads of oil and gas, then surely they would be able to manage the resources of the entire world and create a paradise!

Neither did capitalist countries at the time, and yet magically the standard of living was infinitely better.

Really spools up my secondary turbines.

>muh stateless world government
Why can't communists think through the shit they themselves say?

>but instead could focus all it's resources on forwarding the human race.

Sure. Thats exactly what they'd do.

>be company
>work hard
>spend money
>make money
>delete profits
>teehee, our little secret

Goddammit you people are retarded.

>abolishing of a central government/adaption of a minimalist government...
>Sign up for UN style NWO.....
>abolishing of a central government.....

You'd have to be a 70 IQ level retard to think for a second a world government would be minimal. The very fact it rules over the whole world means it would necessarily have to be large.

If someone wanted minimal government that'd be the opposite of a NWO. They'd want smaller local level based governments with a small controlled federal government overseeing it. Not some EU style failure.

>would be beneficial for us all and bring in true equality.

Yet equality does not exist in nature. People have vastly unequal abilities and are vastly unequal in potential and productivity/accomplishment. You would destroy the ability of someone who works harder or better to reap the benefits of their own excess labor by taking away what he/she does and distributing it amongst everyone else despite a common effort, ability, or achievement.

>This state of communism can only be achieveved if all opponents of it either switch sides or are removed. People like you are part of the problem.

>removed/part of the problem

should we tack on another 100 million this century? ...Listen to what you advocate and realize that in implementation and practice you support a human genocide machine.

Not genocide if you're given a choice.

Um Yes it is.

Additionally the human population isn't fixed. About half a million people are being born every day around the world. They would certainly not all agree with communism. There is no way to force the entire human race to accept it.

How old are you?

why would anyone think we would ever want anything to do with normies? 99% of the planet should be killed off

Obviously not everyone would accept it, but that wouldn't really matter with a large majority of people supporting it. And after a few generations of nothing but communism and maybe a bit of propaganda the idea of a sovereign state with a non communist government wouldn't exist.

>And after a few generations of nothing but communism and maybe a bit of propaganda the idea of a sovereign state with a non communist government wouldn't exist.

Except of course recorded history would be filled to the brim with the idea's and histories of sovereign states and non-communist governments.

Why are utopianists such fucking brainlets?

gonna start book burning and censoring the internet then Sven?

AND ofncourse low iq Africans would be able to migrate to wherever they want?

"Limit the spread of harmful information that may cause damage to the state"

Equality is a dream that only fools entertain.

>harmful information
who decides whats harmful?

with a world government you wont need communism either you dumb fuck. you can just tax a little and let the people do their thing

fuck off commies

No military would absolutely ensure an uprising and coup d'etats of some sort. There will always be extremists who think they can do it better and are not opposed to violence to get into power. Without a military and power there can be no justice.
That said, a one world government would almost certainly have to have some kind of police force and the world would probably be something of a police state.

so when the people decide that communism is dangerous to the state, you don't mind being genocided?

>true communism
The only upside of this would be that the jews that would take charge would make sure that step 1 of their plan was to execute all actual commies, as they are antithetical to the actual goal of communism - this plan being one of complete jewish ownership and ruling of the planet, with the goyim as a permanent underclass, really what the word means; cattle.

"True communism" can only take place when resources are infinite, or near infinite, like in Star Trek or something. When everybody can just tell a machine "Make me a double bacon cheeseburger, Zoe" or whatever, and it makes it out of some nearly infinitely replenishable source of atoms to re-arrange or however that stuff might work in the future, then you can give everything to everyone. Until then, it's simply not feasible, and the proposed way to achieve it is just a false path meant to lead a specific group to world domination, anyway (jews).

Since the only "true communism" that could happen is through technological progress, that could never happen by starting a world-wide oppression of individuals. A people won't invent, a people won't progress, as a whole. Individuals do, and then this progression spreads, either as technology or cultural memes (no, not "memes" for the sake of entertainment, the actual use of the word, although "memes" are memes as well). You need as much freedom as possible for this, in fact, the less state and regulations you have, the faster technology progresses. The faster technology progresses, the faster we could get to free and equal individuals with no personally limiting (economical) factors across the world, being a reality. So really, you should support something like libertarianism if you want to see the best balance of technological progression and equality between individuals.

Remember, equal opportunity does not mean equal outcome.

>"Limit the spread of harmful information that may cause damage to the state"
It's clearly against the state to have subversive communist agents like this one around, so I'd say it's well within the rights of the state to euthanize them as soon as possible.

>true communism
So... all intellectuals exterminated, families broken up and all people living in massive commieblocks? Whoever doesn't work, doesn't eat and is sent to the gulag? Death penalty for racism and antisemitism? With inbred ratlike Jews ruling over this hellscape from their alchemist towers? Cool idea, Sven.

This. Communism is fake and gay, but if it were at all possible the fastest way to achieve it is organically through unfettered capitalism and progress.

Eat my shit, OP.

>Whoever doesn't work, doesn't eat
No complaints about this part.

>as the government wouldnt have to spend money and resources on such things as military
>, but instead could focus all it's resources on police

fuck off mohammed

Checks out, you subhuman cuck. I can also remind you of the fact that welfate payments to negroes and other subhuman scum could also be diverted to scientific advancement to serve the same purposes. The answer is not to cut military spending but to cut gibsme money to filth like your wife's bull.

>the government wouldnt have to spend money and resources on such things as military
How would it enforce communism without the military?

Isn't pedophilia just something they enjoy on the side? I fail to see how it how it's the way they're achieving their goals??

Free healthcare and free education and basic universal income = literal slavery for u retards even thought it = freedom because it would give you the time and mental space to do anything.

The NWO might save money on the military, but they couldn't eliminate it. A military sufficient to police the entire world might be small compared to all militaries presently in existence, but it would still be a big military in its own right.
The money saved would be unlikely to go to progress in all fields. Think about the price of giving mansions to all the favored friends of dear leader! That would be utterly necessary for progress, a truly representative effort binding together society for the future, a beautiful peace dividend.
If some government were to prove itself utterly dedicated to saving money and pursuing progress in all fields with it, they'd really stand out on the world stage.

> sven

They do that already.


We can all see how well 'friendly' worked out for you losers. Now you're lying to yourself to drag the rest of the West down with you.

Eat your bowl of shit asshole. You lost your home and it would take 50 years of bloodshed to fix your fuck ups.

Besides we've got enough of an uphill climb here already.

Per definition a united world government could let any and all ideologies take shape.


Arm wrestle me you stupid cunt. Equality is a false God, against the natural order of the world.

Comp me a bump

It's the best form of blackmail you can have on someone, filming them doing something like that. So they invite them to use their "newfound power" to do things, or even force them to join their little cults, and bam- instant blackmail material for life.

>Cutting gibs to niggers
Nice. Let's start with that. If Sweden stops paying into the EU, the EU can stop paying out to Romania, and those amounts will just about even out (we pay more into it, but close enough for visual ballparking).

While I share your general sentiment, you'll always be a Romanigger first. Your people aren't mere cucks, they're subhuman animals that should be glad if they even make the cut when europe rises again at this point.

Oh man I used to fucking hate reading prententious posts like these back in 2012.

>If the world were more liberal and progressive then we would advance further durrrrrr

fucking kill yourself faggot


Goyim exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.

Oh for fuck´s sake

only in a world of whites, mars here we come