To create a safe home for your wife and children – to live a life of meaningful struggle, free from the degeneracy of the wider world – these are the ideals of men. This can be us. There is fertile land all over America – we just need to claim it! Join us – at the First Colony.
The First Colony is a long-term project dedicated to the establishment of a homesteading community in Northeastern America. We currently have our sights set on the Pine Tree State – Maine. Despite being the Whitest state in the Union, Maine is currently a blue state – though only because they lean politically toward libertarianism. Maine is also This is a boon for us, as it grants us a fair amount of autonomy and privacy. It also gives us the opportunity to foster a stronger and more sensible political zeitgeist. We're not cowards – we want to save America from its fall, so we will not hide away in the already-red states. We go where we are needed.
>So, who can come along? We operate on a meritocratic system: anyone who can and will put in the work would be a welcome member.. We are going for ultimate simplicity - basic human functioning. >Buy land, buy house, work or survive off the land. This is something our ancestors have done for millennia. Are we not men? Are we not the sons of our fathers, and their fathers before them? We can do this – and we have already started. Our project was founded in May earlier this year, and we now have months (five, to be precise) of skill- and community-building under our belts. For skill-building, we have ten primary guilds for all aspects of culture, production, and personal development. For community-building, we have a film club and book club. We have already covered Jack Donovan's “Way of Men,” Carnegie's “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” Bernays' “Propaganda,” and we are currently reading Sun Tzu's “Art of War.”
Our plan is to recruit, learn skills, and build community for another four to five years so that we are fully-equipped to build and run this colony. Again, we have already made steps—five months worth of steps-toward this goal. Will you join us?
Discord link: SUDEu9
Zachary Price
bumpity bump
>inb4 btfo leaf
Owen White
Nolan Reyes
Outside of the "refugee" retards in Lewiston and the far-left degenerates in Portland, Maine is a bretty good state. The north is super unpopulated too.
Ryan Campbell
Landon Barnes
Can we make these?
Jordan Wood
you racist. you gibs us many air jordan now
Jeremiah Turner
I'll vouch for this LEAF
John Wright
Sounds like some kinda Bioshock or m.night shamalamalan episode in the making.