Which wall is your favorite, Sup Forums?
I personally like the THICC wall the best. It's big, intimidating, and aesthetic.
Which wall is your favorite, Sup Forums?
I personally like the THICC wall the best. It's big, intimidating, and aesthetic.
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I used to like thicc too but the indios can climb it tho look. Balance a ladder on the sides. Not good.
Razor top is clearly the best. Nothing to climb or pry open and razors on the top.
This shit needs to be seen from
Space. Thats all im sayen.
Add some auto fire mini guns .
But then they could use rope to latch on
They can but they can do that anyway. Hopefully they build in motion sensors to tell the border patrol when the indios are coming.
The wall is stupid, ineffective, and a waste of tax payer dollars. You can easily fly a drone loaded with 13lbs of cocaine over it with no fucks given razor top or not. Most illegal immigration happens by plane. Wall fags are the most retarded shills on the board next to /X/ tier flat-earthers
>its hopeless
>lets not try
kys fagit