Ok guys what the fuck is going on.
Trump signs an executive order to recall retired military.
Mattis announces a hearing on a new AUMF.
Is this it? Is it finally happening?
Is it North Korea or is it Iran?
Ok guys what the fuck is going on.
Trump signs an executive order to recall retired military.
Mattis announces a hearing on a new AUMF.
Is this it? Is it finally happening?
Is it North Korea or is it Iran?
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Communists are gonna get btfo.
Nonwhite genocide incoming, either way.
Day of the Rope (DOTR) incoming...
The Lord, your God, is coming, and all those who will do wicked will be brought to justice
if i ever had to get drafted to fight i would want it to be winter warfare.
>Happy to die in another Jew-controlled conflict
Never change, Amerifats. Never change.
commie loving fag
Who're the commies we're gonna fight against, my good goy?