White "hate" thread

White "hate" thread

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everyone below this line is an irredeemable faggot


man, niggers really have the pettiest shit to complain about. I mean why do they even pay attention to this stuff? It's like they never left high school.

"stabucks" stupid nigger detected


srs question, is pic related what white people actually do in the morning? this is exactly how i envision them before they go off to work from 9 to 5 to pay for our children to be raised because whites are literally nothing more than our slaves, but we just don't tell them.

Sage all fields

We can also say "Hi, dad" and "Thanks for the warning officer." Jealous niggers will be jealous niggers.

Things white people do

>Build civilizations that everybody else wants to live in

>tfw white
>Tfw do none of those things