>MC gets a convenient power up last second
>"I can finally win"
When do you drop your anime Sup Forums?
>MC gets a convenient power up last second
>"I can finally win"
When do you drop your anime Sup Forums?
>inb4 when worst girl wins
>MC gets a convenient power up last second
>"I can finally win"
>loses anyway
>reconsiders his options
>comes back for a rematch
>wins with strong use of the basics
>Shut-in or NEET wakes up in a fantasy world
>fantasy world has MMORPG mechanics
when i realise it's filled with shit i've already seen before, the only exception to this is maybe comedies
i just go back and watch some 90s shit instead since they don't seem to follow the formulas so blindly like all the new stuff
But that's good. It's much worse when MC perfects the power-up and loses the rematch anyway.
>beach episode
>hot spring episode
>"man it sure is hot today"
>"lets all go to the beach!"
>out of place beach episode ensues
When a crossboarder OP posts a greentext thread with a non-Sup Forums reaction image.