
Have you ever wanted to be President, even in an Political Simulator?
If so then Power is the Game for you, in Power you play as a politician and run for Governor or Senator.
Rising through party ranks you can get yourself chosen the presidential nominee.
This is a welcome to the Republican Party Discord uSKtR8S .
This is an invite to the simulator, to Power oppressive.games/power/

This isn't the game-advertising board, nor should it be. Fuck off

how do i start
i want to help you fight

the dem spies show themselves

just go on the website and register, best places to go are DE,VT,MA,CT,NJ just to do the most damage to democrat efforts

cant i go to Texas

Texas already has more than 3 republicans which means there would not be a seat available to get.

ok now im right wing so fill out that as my positions


Positions only matter for being elected and the states i gave you have around centrist for both as the positions. Choosing the best positions means you have an easier time of winning the seat.