Post here if blackpilled

Also share black pill stories.

Will start:
>be me
>be bluepilled my entire life like a fucking dumbass
>go through all the possible phases: dumb fucking commie, shit-tier socialist, dingleberry moderate, idealist libertarian, enthusiastic ancap, /pol-tier conservatard (MUH WHITE RAYZ BABYZ), you name it, went through it all.
>everything is an illusion
>all of it is just and idea that helps idiots hold onto something to prevent them from facing the harsh reality. even peterson fits that category, he is trying to give you hope but it's all hopeless.
>realize that everything no matter what will go to hell.
>come to terms with this realization and find inner peace.
>start reading about buddhism, meditation, the multiple spheres of perception.
>come to terms with the biological realities of men and women.
>the flawed vulnerabilities inherent to every political system
>come to terms with it all.
>now it doesn't own me
>doesn't bother me anymore
>i own me, I control my destiny
>i can prepare for whatever is coming
>mfw all the nazi-tards and leftists will keep struggling killing each other while I will be ready to take action no matter what happens.

and you, when did you become black pilled /pol?

Other urls found in this thread:

I wouldn't shit too much on nat-soc.
Many in the SS were black pilled, but had shades of optimism about change hence Hitler being a man against time.
I don't like the economics of nat-soc, but they definitely understood shits fucked.
The kali yuga is coming and I hope I'm dead before it.

fuck off varg

you a wageslave?

>and you, when did you become black pilled /pol?

Probably about two years ago, I'm completely apathetic towards all politics, I only come here for entertainment these days.

same as i man.

used to come to /pol and rage cuz MUH WAIT BABYZ, MUH NIGGERS

Now I just laugh at all the fucking morons here and go on with my day with a smile on my face.

I want to die.
Only Trump gives me hope.

Same. I'm at a lefty grad school in a lefty city so I can't talk about politics

So you're giving up on your society's future. Good for you.

Take the bullet you're setting yourself for and never post here again.

you're a clown.

go LARP somewhere else, dumbass. nothing will change.

didn't think of it that way.

do you have something to back that up? willing to read on the subject.

Oh things WILL change
If not for the better, the worse
Whites were never so few in proportion to the world population and white countries keep being invaded by non-whites

meant it as in nothing will change for the better or the way that your average nazitard dreams about.

but i agree with you.

I'm with you man.

I will say the experience is bittersweet though, on one hand you're free from caring, but becoming blackpilled isolates you from the rest of the world essentially. My normie friends have all these problems and complaints and all I can really say is"oh man I hope shit improves for you man."

How does one choose a meaningful life path at this stage?? It all feels meaningless, it's easier to worry about the happiness of my family than myself because they aren't like this, but even a life of selflessness seems like a waste?? I guess what I mean might be how does one contrast their existance in this state to death? What is meaningful inheritly or do I have to make it up myself?

Would you fight for society in current year? Not even the Jews win here

If this is really a collective conscience, how can we end the simulation?

appreciate your input and, i must say, i do exactly the same:
>normie friends/family and their problems
>oh, sorry, hope things improve, that shit just sucks
shrug it off within a second after they left and carry on with my life.

be the glitch

And no longer giving any fucks realizing it is all bullshit and a game. I think Shakespeare had it right. Yet our President gives me great hope and entertainment even tho I can't figure out the j angle here. I pray for him and us.

Find something you like, do it. Find more things you like, do them. Keep up this pattern and you won't die regretting being born.

Bro why do you think we all go to hell though? My vision of death is not one of despair.

start learning about buddhism.
it will provide you with a framework to work within your own means and reality and it's all very easy to assimilate.
buddhism is in reality a very down to earth, easy to learn philosophy. search on youtube for "buddhism meaning of life", etc... start reading.
but if i may say something, you will very likely find meaning in life in the things you enjoy out of daily life --whatever they may be such as a good cup of coffee, playing your favorite sport, volunteering, helping other people, working out, playing with your pets, etc...
the very essence of what makes you happy is not the big projects and utopias that the nazitards and the leftists want to shove down your throats. once you realize that you will be free.
write a book, go for a long walk, enjoy listening to mozart, live in the present, happines can be found there.

Why end It? What are you unhappy with? Life is joy!

Always remember

if that's the case I will be ready.

This thread is horrible. Just go kill all of yourselves

t. MUH WAIT BABYZ nazi-tard


>realize that everything no matter what will go to hell.

thank you for sharing, user.

>nothing will change for the better
so the next step from the steps OP listed is basically nihilism, the ultimate black pill of it all?
"I am only one man. I cannot change anything for the better or worse. So I will focus on me and be apathetic on everything else."

In all honestly I'm not hating cuz it's probably true for some people at least.

With bloodshed

I'm not apathetic though.
You have been brainwashed.
I work, I have friends, I contribute to society. I do help others almost everyday. I'm polite.
Even if what I'm proposing can be labeled as "nihilism", so what? That does not make me necessarily apathetic.
Accepting reality and its inner workings DOES not make you apathetic.
It just makes you aware of your limitations and the limitations of the system itself, you become an anomaly.
Apathetic people can still be within the matrix. Black pilled people are not.

I'm convinced that the blackpill is just depression. You go through all those stages learning about the world and your beliefs, and eventually you just retreat back into yourself and focus on your own life for the forseeable future.

The truth is, most people aren't significant enough to effect those outside their immediate circle, but through degrees of separation we can change the world. Our small actions effect others, who effect others. If we all do our part, we can create a better world for our children.

Thank you user, very simple, but great advice.
I'm not unhappy, I'm actually very satisfied with myself as a person, it just all feels's hard to explain, I could do anything I want in life probably but don't because I don't know why I should. With no way to explain why I am percieving this reality or why it even exists, I feel like any decision I make would be meaningless in any scope beyond my human body's sensory stimulus. If things are defined through their contrast to opposing entities, how do we do this with the existence of our mind?? I have leaned on the kybalion to process this, however, we are not equipped to percieve whatever contrasts life as far as I can tell. Must I study natural science more? How can we find something to contrast existence in order to define it in such a way that our personal lives can be lead with fully informed purpose?

oh yeah I'm so depressed that most people near me constantly seek out my company and presence in their lives.
i'm so depressed that i go to sleep soundly every night and wake up energized everyday to do what I must.

I am so depressed!

You are ridiculous, m8.

I'll save all of you
I may be blackpilled, but I will invent flying cars and naziswill live in cities in the sky.

If you're not blackpilled before giving into any hope for the future of society you'll always feel like you're deceiving yourself, because you are.

All medicine is a trade off of harm and healing.

Blackpill is the biggest truth pill, and you will never have any hope of seeing and addressing the core problems in ourselves and the world without it.

I meant no offence, only told it as I saw it.

very nice trips user.

It's weird, the more blackpilled you become, the more everyone loves you. Why??

This. The black pill is only the beginning.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I think that you have a point though.
You can be blackpilled and depressed IF you are in denial about it and refuse to accept what you have learned and come to accept as indisputable.

That will certainly not only make you depressed but completely destroy you.

You have a point there. And that's why you need a system to frame the new knowledge in a way that's useful to you.

because acceptance engenders inner pace and inner peace is the very essence of happiness.

I am glad I could somehow help you, user. Thank you.

All too often people can sink so far into their depression that they fool themselves into believing they're happy.
It might not be true for you, but I've seen it happen before. There is hope.

> work within your own means and reality and it's all very easy to assimilate
I agree with you that obviously people should not spend every waking hour complaining how much everything is going to shit, etc. It does feel great to forget about all these issues and just get out of the city and enjoy the simple things. But I don't think it should necessarily mean pretending nothing bothers you when it might. "Work within your own means" as you said, and some people fell comfortable pushing for more.. after all how would Trump get elected anyway?

>That will certainly not only make you depressed but completely destroy you.

Conflict and confusion are just as dangerous as outright denial I've found.

Ha-ha. Fuckin moron. How it doesn't own you if you're a part of society. The only freedom humanity had was death now you can't even die for free.

Fuckin dumn morons.

Going to bed now, Anons.

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and comments.

May you all find peace as I have.

I am a nihilist. It's the final, but hardest pill to swallow. Nihilistic depression comes from being unable to cope with freeing yourself from ideology.

>still not LaRouche-pilled
ask yourself, what is the meaning of progress?

Find God. Become an Orthodox Christian monarchist.

That was fucking boring OP

You'll be reincarnated into it burgerbro

fucking nihilsts

This is a great post, let me share my story

>be me
>be born in 1985
>wow crap. it's 1990 already and they are talking about the end of the world being thwarted.
>wow its 1995 why is this so fucking rad? i cant even tell... oh shit look at that someone blew up a truck inside the federal building they are saying it was ex-military.
>it's 2001 two buildings fell down wow sad.
>2008 wow that decade sucked look at this black guy he seems pretty rad lets go with him
>2010 nope i was wrong about that. say there are some kids on this Sup Forums talking about a red pill. i like that.
>2012 we need to take down the true powers that be and build a new society of enlightened
>2017 oh shit this isnt going to work oh fuck no we are fucked we turned our revolution in on ourselves.

Currently embracing the Leviathan. It does no good to worship or hope for any kind of salvation. The darkness is the only truth now. The doom cult is the only truth.

Why would you worship anything at all? What for? Do you really need something to worship?

my experiences in life led me to the black pill. its not something that can been undone. it will change you forever


>>go through all the possible phases: dumb fucking commie, shit-tier socialist, dingleberry moderate, idealist libertarian, enthusiastic ancap, /pol-tier conservatard (MUH WHITE RAYZ BABYZ), you name it, went through it all.

Sounds like you're just looking for an identity to latch onto, you won't find it in politics, but a healthy community. Logos, Ethnos, Ethos.

without the hate man....

>nothing will change
shit has been changing forever you fucking moron you really think we just reached a plateau and that's it?

>go through all the possible phases: dumb fucking commie, shit-tier socialist, dingleberry moderate, idealist libertarian, enthusiastic ancap, /pol-tier conservatard (MUH WHITE RAYZ BABYZ), you name it, went through it all.

I stopped reading here..

this line proves that you are a fucking retard.

>he is too much of a nigger to have patience and willpower to overcome inertia in society.

>thinks this is Buddhism rather than Epicureanism
Buddhism's "middle way" is positively austere by Western standards. Go to if you want to learn real Buddhism rather than watered down Western shit.

I went through the Buddhism phase you're currently undertaking for ten years; it's as much of an illusion as the other shit you've complained of being shilled to you.

Now this is the will of the Father who sent me: that of all that he hath given me, I should lose nothing; but should raise it up again in the last day. And this is the will of my Father that sent me: that every one who seeth the Son and believeth in him may have life everlasting. And I will raise him up in the last day.
>from john 6:39-40

you can't be a christian and not be blackpilled. no matter what you do on earth it will change nothing. your path and whether or not your soul is saved is decided before the universe was created. it's known as the eternal covenant to christians. we're just here to troll atheists.

what's the source on that?

i was "blackpilled" to begin with.
i never went through any of the above phases because all you have to do is look at the people and how they behave. (and everyone who claims to be this or that behaves like a fucking ape).


Pick neither.

Fuck Buddhism.

With no struggle, there is no achievement.
We shouldn't avoid struggle merely avoid meaningless struggle.

In either case your story is lies and bullshit.

`>be in HS getting good grades, well liked, play sports, a bit shy but not timid just reserved

>dad and mom are older already in their 50's and both alcoholics.

>Think dad is showing signs of slipping . Hop maybe if he stops drinking he'll get better.

>user, you father has Alzheimer's Disease. A progressively degenerate brain disorder .
>Not sure what this means but I still have the optonistic hope he'll be ok.

> Things get worse and I am ashamed when my friends are around when he fails to display coherence within the context of the conversation and repeats himself .

>I hate myself for being ashamed of my dad.

Start drinking and smoking weed, try LSD, staying out all night, smoking cigs.
> Skip the first day of school senior year
>Skip many more days and eventually stop going altogether.

> get a job, get another job and then a decent job as an audio consultant rising to the top ten rank corporate wide in a national company.

Blow it all off to go on Grateful dead tour
>Hey user, let me introduce you to my friend.
> Hi user, want to come to an orgy after the show?

Twist my arm.
> it was just a ploy to make their boyfriends jealos but at least I get naked in bed with them both.

>user, I am going to get an abortion will you come with me? I had a dream with you in it and you saved me.

> End up staying with this girl because she is sexually available and has big tits.

user will you get me pregnant? You don't have to hang around and be the father.
> She must have low self esteem becaseu broken home
> Having a baby on this wild california coast will be something,maybe the beauty will imprint on his spirit.

> user , rap it up will you? You don't think I love you or anything...
>Eight months later

>user get out, I am with thig guy now.
But that's my baby in you..
>user get out , go away..
> Hi son are you and your gf married?
> I am blocked .. and you hate me?

> 32 years of my life I have lived with a broken heart