DO you think men should not marry and just fuck as many sloots or be a beta male and get married, ruin your life and make a white baby possible?
inb4 pic related is alpha
DO you think men should not marry and just fuck as many sloots or be a beta male and get married, ruin your life and make a white baby possible?
inb4 pic related is alpha
Marrying doesn't necessarily make you beta.
The only thing that separates a beta from an alpha is that the alpha doesn't give a shit about what the societal standard (or Sup Forums's for that matter) is for alpha.
Brad Pitt from fight club is the only true alpha.
Fat bitch shoulda picked that fuckin apple back up.
Healthiest shit she's eaten in a month.
the best men are the ones who fuck a lot of women before settling down with one. it shows that they're discerning in their choices
conversely, the opposite applies to women because double standards exist for a reason
lol poor cuck, that women is disgusting
He's not an alpha because he's proposing to an absolute hog.
>has to fuck them to find out if they fit the category
must be low iq
>fucking a bunch of 8 and 9/10s while searching for a 10 is retarded
well shit. guess I'd better start dating women for their personalities
Jesus christ. That pig-woman pegged him in the face with a half eaten apple, and then tackled him. Apparently he actually wants to marry someone like that.
What ever happened to things like self respect or standards?