My gf and I are thinking of moving to europe. Is it worth it? If so where? Which countries are the least cucked?
My gf and I are thinking of moving to europe. Is it worth it? If so where? Which countries are the least cucked?
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Dude we literally ran away from there what are you doing
as a canadian you are super close to denmark, they tend to be one of the more anti-EU EU members, and the tide will only change, definitely few trudeau types
Fuck off, we're full.
>mental gymnastics
No, you don't ran away, we've sent you away, like we did with all the autists, retards, and/or criminal scumm. Do you think America - and by extension Leafland, and Australia similarly - was an accident?
Sweden is nice
poland is one of the few non white trash not cucked countries left in europe
Ye, or London.
Russia isn't cucked
They also think liberalism is cancer
Molenbeek is pretty good too I hear