it's not like putin was in the KGB & would be following their subversion strategy? >this is all a liberal conspiracy? it's not like Sun Tzu & Yuri Bezmenov warned us this was happening. it's not like reagan & ron paul warned us >putin is just as bad as netanyahu. russia is working with israel. they've been caught doing everything jews do. you probably have some of them on your friends lists
Russia didnt affect or care who won the election,just like kikes,they just wanted to cause division& sew the seeds of chaos in order to take advantage when shit hits the fan Just like israelis,russians have fake accounts& buy ads on instagram,facebook,twitter& other social media sites.They supported BLM,ANTIFA,WN,SANDERS,HILLARY,STEIN& TRUMP this is the same shit you cry about America& Isarael doing in the middle east& Europe,but this is happening to your own country.Yet,many of you praise putin because you fall for their propaganda that props him up as a right-wing saviour watch the yuri video before you respond,or at least the first 1/2hr.Putin arrests WN in his country,hes consolidated power to a few russian jews(by getting rid of the rightwing jews&goys)he promotes communism to russian youth&he browned all major cities in russia the things that get promoted in the west look to be pro-white only because theyre anti-subversion,but they aren't pro-white.Hes a fucking communist who YOU support
WAKE UP!! take the time to watch the video& then look at some other lectures by Yuri Bezmenov(if nothing else watch this video) >
Hillary is going to jail and theres nothing you can do about it
Isaiah Kelly
"Yuri Bezmenov" aka Tomas (((Schuman))) was a disinfo peddler.
Christian Cruz
You know by posting this shit about Trump and Putin it's so obvious you guys are Jewish.
Grayson Cox
continued >PUTIN banned pornhub,right guiz?its not like there are any other porn sites in russia EVEN IF THEY WOULDa ACTUALLY BANNED PORNHUB,THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF OTHER PORN SITES >go get a VK account cause free speach there.Russia not making personality profiles like our social media,so they know better how to subvetrt us& get us mad while simaltaniously doing the same to the LEFT,trying to make it all culminate in civil war,when time is prime 4a commy takeover >stop replying until you research the history of the situation >if you think putin is BASED,watch the video& redpill yourself to how you've been duped by the KGB he explains what russias goals are for the US& what the KGB is doing to sway American conservatives Putin has a yearly celebration of communism.He openly says he loves communism & wants the old USSR back,but better.He just had a huge celebration recently,for Stalin,Lenin& the glory days of the USSR >PUTIN is orthodox christain take the time to watch the video& don't cry& rage quit if you don't like'll understand by the end FACE THE FACTs: >russia is actively supporting BLM,ANTIF,&WN in America,while working with israel to subvert& demoralize the US& europe& has been for over 50 years >russia has rooms full of people who post on social media& even here in order to try to gain popular support the same way israel& other groups do >they give leftists money& support in order to make the right mad,while throwing pro-putin propaganda your way so u like putin& he looks like a conservative savior > we already know of them doing this all over the world to other coutnries in south america, the middle east,& eastern europe >
John Roberts
Pic related may be illegal in Russia faggot >use this informatsya wisely
Anthony Ross
putin is jew(pic related) he was just 100% right tho try reading the post before you start to cry.
not accepting or changing facts to fit your view is the most jewish thing you could possibly do
Charles Reyes
Israel won't exist soon. Enjoy living in Palestine.
Jeremiah Johnson
Trump is a confirmed neocon kike cocksleeve. Putin is based.