Donald Trump is the worlds most powerful ma-

>Donald Trump is the worlds most powerful ma-

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canada is so precious trying to be relevant in anything.

Low quality shitpost.

Umm if that's Drake he's a nigger jew

wasnt this fag a teacher?



that's a woman, baby

Slays pussy like one..... even cucked our faggy or just really really British monarch

he always reminded me of this character

He Ivanka's little Jew pussy

he technically holds more direct power over governance of his country but trump has more "handshake" power

>won with only 39% of the vote


Powerful. He commands the room.

Trudaeu actually unifies us and most Canadians love him very much
Trump divided the countries between extreme polar opposites and has the entire nation in turmoil because of it

That's pretty gay



He has singular access to every single canadian aircraft carrier and nuclear weapon.

I like how alt right retards think it's bait that we Canadians love our amazing prime minister
They can't wrap their minds around the fact that some people aren't conservative christian retards

Powerful. Tranny Castro was a Monarch butterfly. Now he shares that knowledge with youth. Expect him to shave his head when muzzies start to overthrow.

Shes right you know.
So am i

OP? It's almost as if a robot posted this thread. Mods let it manifest. Now they slide it.
Bad robot.


I'm not sure why Jews think its an insult to have Based Alpha Castro as a father, less of a cuckthan Pierre. If I could choose one Pierre or Fidel I'd go with the latter

I hate our prime minister, he is a total faggot.

Explain your pedophile Trudeau.