What is with the "he will not devide us" stream?

What is with the "he will not devide us" stream?

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Is it divided?

French anons are pussies. They should do a flyby with para motors and douse the flag in gas and then burn it.

Celebrity distraction bullshit to keep the youth from spending their time and energy on anything productive. We could convert many from the left to our side if we organized intelligently.

No. They want us squabbling over a $15 piece of cloth

>French anons are pussies.

No surprise there

good point

i wish someone would cut shia in half with a chainsaw and send one piece to luke, and the other to that scrag with a note 'yes, you are'

Shia, like most celebs and corps, is just using drumpfism to rehab their brands, get attention, promote new project. Shia is a true artiste though with a volatile temperament. Sadly everything he does seems to end up in him displaying more liberal sin, which in turn requires a new act of contrition. He is stuck in his own feedback loop just like the collleges that keep needing new insocjus programmes to deal with the victims they create.

How many high profile SJWs are just performance artists though?

Who do the Franks think is dividing them?

They couldn't pass on the opportunity to have a white flag hoisted up high.