Who here unironically a Spencerpede after his last epic speech? Redemption arc complete lads

Who here unironically a Spencerpede after his last epic speech? Redemption arc complete lads.
In the course of a single speech our boy Spencey BTFO of the following:

> Israel
> Bolsheviks
> College kids
> Disruptors
> The "you're a nazi" narrative
> The "the nazi argument was settled 70 years ago" non argument
> Anti-whites
> A screeching kike in the audience
> Multiple screeching roasties
> The Jewish media
> Autistic Talmudic Reasoning
> Niggers
> Moarpheus
> The entire state of Florida
> The World

The stream
>those likes
It's finally happening lads, WN is going mainstream and it's all thanks to Spencer.

>inb4 kikes spam photoshopped images of him and try to call him a kike with no empirical evidence to support their claims
Don't fall for their lies mates, Spencer is 100% /ourguy/.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/filename/Richard Spencer Zionism 5/


1. They're "/ourguy/" or "/ourgirl/"

2. They accuse you of Jewry.

3. They promote the agent like no other thread. All day, every day. Nothing organic to it.

4. They say, "At least agent is doing something – what are you doing basement dweller!"

5. They accuse you of being scared or a shill.

6. They defend position within seconds with many IPs to control public perception.

7. "reported"

8. Everyone who rejects the "based Jews!" lie is automatically the same person.

9. Mis-use of the term "redpill" when everyone knows the first redpill is out of the Matrix controlled by Jews

10. "He/she wasn't always redpilled but now they're full 1488!"

Know the signs. See the floods. Recognize the repetition. They have the numbers, we have the memes. They steal the memes we have the dreams. They turn them into nightmares, we have the chaos. They can't fuck with the chaos… they're controlled ops. Never trust an e-celeb.

it was a good step. hopefully he keeps up the momentum

Don’t forget how badly he btfo this subhuman German star

Literally everyone knows Stefan Göddeun Germany and he was destroyed by Dicky


>Unlike the constant "X is a shill/zionist" threads that are also formulaic as fuck

I don't even know what the fuck to think anymore. I might go into the archive just to check if I'm still sane, because to me it looks like we're just getting divided.



I saw normies defending his right to speak on Facebook.

Some crazy shit is happening

Zionism, in its every form, means white genocide.

All the most rapid anti-white jews are anti-zionists.

They would prefer the Jews be a small elite on top of every country, instead of having their own country with jewish farmers, jewish trash collectors etc...

Go to sleep Richard. No matter what proxy you use. We know it's you.

Jews should certainly have their own plot Nation.
But their Nation must not have the capacity to subvert or manipulate other Nations...which is all the Jews have used Israel for.

So deportation alone isn't the answer. And listen: Spencer and the rest know this. They have an agenda which does not serve American or European interests.

I get why a lot of people will just jump on the "muh spencer" bandwagon, but if you look at his personal positions he's looking to hold some kind of political office.

The ideas he has are fucking retarded, he's pro-abortion, pro-free health care for niggers. I can't even work the guy out anymore.

Until he changes some of that shit I can't do spencer sorry...

(The speech was still an awesome success, but Nick Fuentes had some good points about the stage optics too).

This is Moarpheus, a notorious nigger loving autist whose purpose in life is to shill in every Spencer thread. Allow me to counter these non arguments 1 by 1.

>1. They're "/ourguy/" or "/ourgirl/"
Anybody could say that for any fucking reason.

>2. They accuse you of Jewry.
Clearly defensive of Jewry itself. Everybody accuses everybody of Jewry here, you can't just go and say "this person accuses you of Jewry therefore he is a shill". That's nonsensical.

>3. They promote the agent like no other thread. All day, every day. Nothing organic to it.
What does like no other thread mean? I simply posted this thread because i wanted to and I'm sick of obvious shills trying to control the narrative and tell everybody he is a shill without REAL FUCKING EVIDENCE. How is my thread not organic? I admit i took it from another thread but that thread was taken from one of my posts, i then built upon it somewhat.

>4. They say, "At least agent is doing something – what are you doing basement dweller!"
But he literally is dong something, and he's doing it well and it is getting good reception as evidenced by the likes and responses.

>5. They accuse you of being scared or a shill.
Gee, maybe because you sound like a scared shill?

>6. They defend position within seconds with many IPs to control public perception.
There is no way to confirm this, another nonsense point.

>7. "reported"
Yes everyone who says reported is a shill, never is it used ironically and I'm sure people won't respond with "reported" just like did as a joke.

>8. Everyone who rejects the "based Jews!" lie is automatically the same person.
Here he is trying to frame people who call him out by his obvious posting styles as a shill when all he does is fucking shill.

>9. Mis-use of the term "redpill" when everyone knows the first redpill is out of the Matrix controlled by Jews
This "point" alone should be evidence this poster is either insincere or a fucking retard.

He named the Moarpheus!?!?

Wonder who could be behind this post?


>10. "He/she wasn't always redpilled but now they're full 1488!"
This is literally how it happens for everybody though. One isn't born redpilled.

Reminder to pay attention to the posting style of this autist and his images/filenames. He is very recognizable and should never be taken seriously.

i like spencer as a public figure, just breaking the "anti-white" indoctrination and also normalizing white nationalism, removing the association from Hitler

But some of his views are gay as fuck. He is a big-government shill, literally wants a white New World Order with a gigantic government that includes countries around the world, which is all under one centralized socialist government.

Holy shit, fuck that. You KNOW that shit would turn into a cuckfest so fast.


why is it always some rich guy from a rich family?
why is it never a common man?

Exactly, this pan-European bullshit I cannot get on board with - it's completely opposite to nationalism, the EU is doing it right now... It's basically communism.

Add his policy positions to that outlook and I think he's a bit of an egotistical nutjob - this is why he sticks his talking points to "Race is real...Identity is real..." etc...

Rich people are usually smarter and savvier genetically and because of their upbringing (if they are observant/interested and not completely spoiled).

Wow his dress sense has improved. He used to dress terribly, now he is actually a respectable face of the movement

paneuro..paneuro..where haz i herd dat b4

He's not that smart, just an academic. Learned by rote just like all academics do. He's good at it, but not a man of action that's for sure.


>not a man of action that's for sure
What do you mean by this?

Fuck this faggot CIA shill

Deport him anywhere but here, he is not part of any good movement

The Order of Thelema emplaces homosexuals and marxists in positions of power within all nationalist movements. These people syphon off the leadership and destroy nationalist movements from within. When the time is right they reveal themselves to be homosexual or crash the entire group.


link related

Also research Jorg Haider, and remember Richard Spencer was studying in Austria when Jorg Haiders party was in charge. Remember Orban, who kicked out Soros, would not allow Spencer to convene in his country. There is a reason he was not allowed to.

now why would a man fighting for white interests follow the political ideology of the man responsible for the current model of Slow Motion Genocide..

A common man will be sucking dick for a mcdouble after becoming a white nationalist. Radical political positions ruin your career and blacklist you from the job market

THIS. They're all chaos magickkkkkk cringelords


I can't be arsed to watch it. he just isn't a good speaker.

>Radical political positions ruin your career and blacklist you from the job market
good thing a sincere person will choose saving his race over saving his shekels. Or her. I'm not sexist..

>Rich people are usually smarter and savvier
you must not know many rich people

This is a good link but there's some photo that shows his ties to some old CIA operation.

> there's some photo that shows his ties to some old CIA operation.
not sure ive seen this..

Spencer literally just describes a big illuminati-tier new world order-tier cuckfest, completely identical to the globalist system, except even more cucked and with WHITES ONLY

Lmao Spencer is such a faggot on so many issues. You know his eugenics program would be a total disaster, considering he's a fucking atheist. He's discussed euthanizing certain people who aren't fit for breeding and all this shit.

Fuck big government garbage, I hate that stuff. We're already living under corporatism and I hate it, it's suffocating. I like libertarianism, but I know we can't have it right now due to how big and corrupt our government is.

>there's some photo that shows his ties to some old CIA operation
It's literally a photo of him with his girlfriend and a fucking Bush. It proves fucking nothing just like your autistic screeching of him being a CIA proves nothing. You're clearly a fucking ignorant idiot that doesn't even know wtf he is talking about. Please just stfu you dumb bandwagoning cunt and learn your shit before you post.

Not CIA, he is from the Order of Thelema, and he is using neurolinguistic programming to get stupid white bois to create chaos and division in the USA. L Ron Hubbard did the same shit to fuck up Hollywood. It's a method they have all but perfected.

Controlled opposition you mouthbreathing fucks

lel both pro and anti spencer people accusing each other of being jews

>Don’t forget how badly he btfo this subhuman German star

Holy shit, i thought he was going to start going into shock when spencer rolled out the IQ facts.

What draws most people to the right is when the left act like they do. Fucking idiots i swear, if their arguments are so solid, debate spencer, but they are not, so they silence him because he knows and speaks the truth.

You people are legit stupid.

Richard Spencer is a fat, out of shape homosexual who is using you guys to be someone. Get a grip, faggots.

Well I wouldn't want to get into a fight with Antifa and Richard Spencer is the only one at my back, put it that way.

Nonsense. The division was already created under Obama, he's merely standing up for whites like this board apparently does in all but action, if that creates more division then how is that bad anyway? Are we supposed to be uniting with marxist niggers who want to destroy white history and culture or something?

Don't care about controlled op crap, because one of these days there's gonna be a Path 5 who was introduced to WN through Spencer, if there hasn't been already

Lmao holy shit, have you guys seen who Spencer co-founded the alt-right with? The guy is a literal occultist mysticism type guy, obviously echoing that rumor about the third reich doing occult experiments.

Watch at 4:50


Liber Aba is actually not too bad

>this man cannot hold off a group of rabid leftists therefore he is illegitimate
Really faggot?

Why do people think Richard is controlled opposition? Is it because he thinks Jews should have a homeland to keep them away from us, instead of gassing them all? I've listened to a few speeches/interviews and nothing he says is controversial to me

>white privilege is a conspiracy theory
>there is no proof for it

-omg, I just saw a black guy with a white girl in a spaghetti commercial !
-wake up sheeple! white genocide is real!

I swear these alt-reich types are either on the CIA payroll or have the intellectual capacity of a fucking tuna fish.

Why do you save pictures like this? Guaranteed you have homosexual lust for this man titted man.

>that purple color revolution signalling
cult members. thats all they are.

Haven't been keeping up with Sup Forums much since the speech. Y'all hear about the 3 kids arrested for trying to fire into the crowd?

Yeah I am down for a libertarian economic system, but I'd have housing and healthcare for young families.

Owning a home gives men a legacy and women the home they need.

Would solve a lot of family issues.

None of this is worth worrying about until after the war that's clearly coming.

South Africa/Sweden are the canaries in the coal mine.

Let me tell you a little story about Richard Spencer.

Don't wanna give away details, but i used to do business with a truckstop in gary, indiana. it was a typical run down independent truck left standing on its last leg by the corporatization of the truck stop industry. however, i was shocked the first time i stepped inside its restrooms. each of the stall doors had the upper half removed, exposing the upper part of everyone while they took a s**t. it was truly grotesque. swollen, sweaty contorted faces would stare at you as you walked to use a urinal, wash your hands, etc.

when i asked the staff about the doors, they explained that one homo kept drilling gloryholes in the sides of stalls. he would remain in the stalls for hours, spying on truckers taking s**ts. if he had a trucker next to him and he was sure the rest of the bathroom was vacated, he would sometimes ejaculate into the adjacent stall through the gloryhole. the truckerwere always immobilized mid-s**t, and were never able to capture the homo, allowing him to escape. since this was gary indiana, the owners decided against isstalling surveillance cameras outside the bathroom door, and instead opted to saw the bathroom doors in half so no one could jerk off/peep in privacy.....

after a few months and countless complaints, the owners were beginning to think about reinstalling the full doors. still, they were nervous, as they had never figured out who the pervert was. at this point in the story, it's important to note that the truckstop had panel ceilings(think of the shitty ceiling tiles in classrooms you can lift up by barely poking at them), and the walls only extended up to the ceiling. this meant that there was a passageway between all of the rooms of the truckstop if you could get in to the tile ceiling. sidenote: if you ever have to stay in a hotel with panel ceilings, check above the panels along the walls adjacent to neighboring rooms. if it is an 'open ceiling' where there is no wall blocking between the two rooms, you can find all sorts of crazy stuff(porn, drug paraphanelia, condoms). i saw this a few times in the midwest, but not so much in the south/texas.

anyways, one day, while a trucker was taking a shower, a wiry, scabby white guy fell through the ceiling onto the shower floor. the trucker immediately freaked out, and ran naked into the hallway. eventually, he realized what was going on, and began pummelling the f****t. both of them were wet, and covered in dirt from the collapsed ceiling. a few of the truckers pinned down the f****t until the cops could get there, although he probably got off on that. eventually, it came out that the pervert would go into the truckstop late at night when it was short staffed. he would climb up into the panel ceiling when no one was watching and then spend the entire day masturbating and spying on truckers while they s**t and took showers. when the owners cleaned out above the ceiling, they found tons of used needles, cumrags, cigarette butts, and candy wrappers. from the amount of derbis that was cleared from above the ceiling tile, they estimated that the pervert had been living above the truckstop for months.


I seen it on a thread the day of his event in Gainsville. Just a simple white background with black text in various bubbles that links to an old CIA operation.
Yes their was the Laura Bush you assumption filled faggot. I'm not talking about that. Unfortunately I didn't save the photo.

Yes I know. >Don't tell your enemy what you are going to do, simply do it -Adolf Hitler

Not what I said dummy.

He isn't standing up for anything. He is creating an organization that he can crash when the time is right. He passed his prime so he is just taking one for the team. He will gain some recognition as a great brainwasher. Watch him meme IRL, white kids have been studied and he is there to lead them to destruction by sowing division.

This wormhole is very deep, as you peer into it a lot of things become more clear. Carl Kellner was the teacher of Crowley, Kellner was Austrian.

It is when you get brainwashed by them and then back your car into a crowd and go to prison for manslaughter.

Because that's what they've been told to think. The people who regurgitate that shit are clueless retards like this obvious dunce and the others are likely shills with some genuine autists that think everybody who speaks up for whites in public is a shill because that's politically incorrect.

PJW has been crying himself to sleep these last couple of nights the little faggot.

am keeping an eye open for it ty

lel youre right. too bad Spencer cant into Agrippa and these kikes are stuck in (((chaos magick)))

unironically going 2nd to last route

Good. Cernovich too I hope.

lol from what I've seen Cernovich has been losing it.

I tried watching even 3 seconds of it and it hurt my ears so bad I had to tear them off and break my phone.
He's so cringy and beta and when he tries to act tough it just comes off as really Jeb!-ish

>not realizing the (((media))) promotes miscegenation to eliminate tribal identity and thus remove competition

Wow niggers are really stupid

Glad I'm not the only one who's calling him out where I recognize him. The guy's a total fucking kike faggot trying to demoralize us all.

> (You)
>lel youre right. too bad Spencer cant into Agrippa and these kikes are stuck in (((chaos magick)))
The real question is, how can we put our heads together and make sure someone asks him about his cult status in an interview?

They're less aggressive since they dont have to fight for survival like the other classes do, and this makes them more docile by nature which is welcoming to normies (hence his unthreatening faggy voice).

thatd be epic. wonder if loomer would do it

This squirming, German faggot gets the gas. Fucking sort yourselves out Krauts. Fucking hell.

I have to admit he debated that unhappy German very competently and logically, and with considerable sang-froid.

That German, damn, the cognitive dissonance was actually making him physically shake. So much brainwashing.

Dugin also seems like he's into some pretty weird shit.

Many of these guys are. I know Bannon is into the Fourth Turning, but I wonder how hard he is trying to engineer chaos to bring in a new system.

I actually think he wouldn't deny it. I think he would say Aryans have had fraternal societies since their time as as pagans, and homosexual acts were a part of all of that. Then he would give some weird answer that was half joking and talk about pepe.

The guy is gay. We should have gone with Milo, the other Thelemic mole, Milo generated way more rage than Spencer.

kill yourself haters
His message might be a little confused and his delivery not always the best but the man has brass balls to say the shit he does. He's trying to get his message out there, you have to respect that. Rocking up to multicultural universities and telling them how it is, not one of you would have the balls and even if you did would be a trembling pile of spaghetti as soon as a Kang called you out.

You faggots on the other hand do nothing, just sit here commenting on everything like a bunch of women and talk shit. Keyboard warriors get zero respect, which is all of you.

One user, any user, show me something you've done to back up your political views.
hate him all you want, but dont disrespect him.

Dugin is more than likely into Russian Orthodox mysticism. I need to read up on some of that, it almost looks like he is intentionally modeling his image after Rasputin lately. That might just be the old Russian style though, I dunno.

I feel about Spencer pretty much what I felt about him before this little speech: he's ok, but there are way better speakers and leaders in the movement than him.

Yep. Kike-backed shills trying to divide us so we don't rise up against JQ

yeah Spencer is predictable

dugin is a jew.

Unrelated shilling follows

Some Republicans are trying to pass a gun ban that is super vague and will be interpreted in ways that are totally against the constitution please spread the word if you support the second amendment

Also if you live in the states these turncoats so please get them voted out


hes a fag

>Exactly, this pan-European bullshit I cannot get on board with
No one can, I've never heard anyone in the AltRight agree with him on that shit. That's one of the biggest things I dislike about him, his insistence on spouting his panEuropean and Dugin-inspired bullshit.

>needed a redemption arc

No he's definitely LARPing like Rasputin. He's even an outsider-adviser to Putin

This fucking lazy kike can't even be bothered to change up the filenames of his shill images.

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/filename/Richard Spencer Zionism 5/


lel, the people that follow him end up in jail and on lists. He is probably raking in cash with donations too. Too many of his guys end up in jail.

Anonymity is the best tool these days, the fact that he is trying to get people to give it up shows that he is either clueless or intentionally trying to hurt people.

I don't like it because America isn't European. I don't want to be European, fuck that noise. I get nauseous just reading some of the shit they spout on my AMERICAN image board.

I'm sorry but what does your post have to do with my statement regarding Zionism? Is there something you disagree with or are you trying to derail the thread?

The Fourth Turning isn't occultism, it's a political and sociological theory about civilizational cycles

No shit sherlock, I already know what zionism is. What I'm trying to say is that I've seen the same kind of formulaic threads calling the same people zionists.

That was an ambush. That guy didn't know he was in a 'debate' with a public spectacle.

>What I'm trying to say is that I've seen the same kind of formulaic threads calling the same people zionists.
which people? like spencer? its because they're zionists...

I'm showing everyone how much of a fucking shill you are.

Stop shilling this faggot. We're not an "alt right" board and you're a fucking idiot if you wear that label. You're helping the MSM pigeonhole the opposition.

It's POSSIBLE he is controlled op, but I don't really care. It is also just as possible he is reverse controlled op or a rogue CIA nigger. If the controlled op is doing a good job any way, then there is no point getting in his way til he does bad shit.

I like both, I wish Milo would do something entertaining again, cause I think Spencer and Milo doing a sort of tennis match of the right wing momentum with each other is an effective strategy.

dank meme

TRSodomites are spergs who take Sup Forums seriously. They post pics of MAGA cringe but they act like total spergs out in public.

Oh I've got plenty. I'm fucking sick of these TRShitters trying to co-opt our board.