All mexicans-americans are democra-

>all mexicans-americans are democra-


no such thing as mexican american
just mexicans currently taking up US oxygen

learn trigger discipline, paco

was a mexican with a gun supposed to make us feel at ease? LOL

every legal mexican-american is a republican

dunno why you posted that, 80% of them vote dem. but if you say sooo

All the Mexicans and South Americans I've known in Canada vote Conservative, I really don't know what you guys did to cause yours to vote left, is it the whole "occupied territory" thing?

Maybe it's because our Mexicans are actually legal.

here in america its more about white vs nonwhite, as opposed to liberal or conservative. shitskins might hate gays, love guns etc but they still vote left for more welfare, more immigration and to vote against whites. always.

>only 75 percent is

Looking good, Paco. I would almost consider hiring you even.