Games are bad

> Videogames at this point are drugs
> They increase solity, anxiety, obesity and money burnden
> They should be regulated like drugs
> And we should look for better alternatives like hiking or sports

Other urls found in this thread:

No, fuck off.

I agree, I have been tempting to quit vidiya for the past 3 years now.

I dropped out of high school to play league of ledgands.

Never got out of gold league.

I'm still addicted ally these years later. I'm just going home now from a pc bang where I spent the last 8 hours and 20 dollars.

I should have been reviewing my math homework.

I really want to quit it's just so fun.

I don't have any other outlets to purely enjoymyself unless I master bate of go on pol.

>be straight white male
>told you're all the worlds problems
>education system indoctrinates you into a life of shame, and then punishes you with the way it is taught by constantly changing the system to favour girls, then still do well because you're not incompetant only to have your university spot taken by some nigger with half your score, so you try and get a job outside of learning and you can't because all the low level jobs are taken by migrants who will work for less, so you're unemployed and can't find a job and so society ostracizes you for being lazy, and you develop depression, and shut yourself off from the real world by immersing yourself in a fantasy one

tl:dr: video games aren't the problem idiot, only a symptom.


I seriously need help.

I have been addicted to smoking, alcohol and dabbing (Marijuana concentrates not the gay ass dance.) And nothing I have experienced is more a dicing then league of ledgands.

If I don't play for one day I start thinking about it and daydreaming that I'm playing it.

When I sleep I have dreams a bit it.

I want to go to rehab but if I told anyone that they would just laugh anmt me and say "why don't you just stop"

I want to stop I really do. But at the same time I really don't want to stop. I never want to stop playing. I could exist for enter nett in that competitive environment and be satiated. But I would feel empty. I do feel empty. Void.

I need to go to rehab. This is ruining my life.

yeah exactly. dont get me wrong combat sports can be fun. but i cant work with a group to clear dungeons or fight bosses with a group of niggers. i cant fight people with magic and swords irl. truth is throwing a ball around gets boring

Part of me wants to join the military to escape my addiction. I feel if I was Training in a brotherhood I would be satisfied.

And the same time fuck the military I don't wanna die lol.

Regulate yourself you dumb faggot. I'm a student, am I supposed to get smashed in my free time? Gaming is the BEST method of socialising. Most servers have a friendly atmosphere, you're playing with people with common interests and the playerbase is free of leftist cancer for the most part. Go on steam and look for profile comments. Every person on steam has -ist and -phobic shit




Enjoy it.

the chances of you dying in the canadian military are lower than driving to the store

Do it.

>thinks joining the military will make him stop playing vidya cuz addicted lul
>doesn't realize the military is FULL of high functioning addicts who just show up to work and go home to get drunk as fuck.
Literal retard.

>Gaming is the BEST method of socialising

I used to game a lot, quit it and started playing guitar instead.
Dont miss games at all really.

>implying my manlet hands can reach all the strings on a fret board
When will i learn?

Just changed strings on my acoustic, sounds incredible, haven't put the thing down for days

Music soothes the soul

Everything is bad. Fuck bitches, get money

Most people get no effect from video games once they turn 18. They only try to recreate the feeling of wonder they once felt, but its just because they have nothing better to do at the time.

In case you didn't notice already, the drug war is a failure.

>I don't have any other outlets to purely enjoy
You are going to keep playing video games until you come up with an alternative activity.

>Start getting your life on track and find a fucking wife you idiot.

Video games got me into programming.
Programming and my physics phd got me a wide swath of high-paid job opportunities.

Nah, I think I'm good.

Also, I do martial arts and go hiking regularly you colossal faggot.

True true but I need to upgrade my t-44 tank
Need like 10,000 xp

and my IS-2

But listening to metal while drunk and being top 500 in Overwatch is actually really fun.

video games are great, but you can kinda spend your whole life playing them. and wake up at 40 and go well shit. kek

>>fund a fucking wife

Are you 3, or are you female?

>They increase solity, anxiety, obesity and money burnden
Nice link to studies, fag.

It's all about moderation like anything. Sometimes you need activities that aren't too burdening on your mind or psyche, especially if you work full-time or go to school full time

There is a problem if you play 8 hours a day every day. But there's nothing wrong with playing an hour or two after work to unwind. Would it be better to play games outside like tag or football? Yes. But you also have to take into consideration how tired people are after work and how most people don't have the energy for those things everyday.

>I agree, I have been tempting to quit vidiya for the past 3 years now.
Well, you are just a retarded leaf. I finished university in STEM while playing all free time.

>what was Gamergate
They also redpill thousands of normies into opposing globalism.

Look I love league of legends. Like a LOT. But usually two games a day is all I can take

anybody who enjoys living will do that -- its called memento mori

i mean i got tons of shit done, but damn that was a lot of hours. oh well could have been getting in trouble.

I stopped playing vidya a few years ago but recently started playing table top 40k and board games. Is this just as bad?

>trips ddd in ID


Somebody sounds scared of games, OP.
Why you scared of games? it that they train people's minds to effectively identify and combat cultural marxist entryism?
That it encourages mind-to-mind coordinated action and goal-orientation?
That it starves Hollywood of passive eyes and empty heads?
That it demonstrates (real) geeks are the actual drivers of culture now?
That it teaches hard-to-duplicate and infiltrate coded-language and in-group signalling, in the form of shit talking and joking play-abuse?
That gamers and others will happily watch a couple of pudgy physical doofs play a game for hours on end while they wax about current affairs and cultural concerns?
That your faggot troops of hipster SJW "journalists" and "cultural commentators" can't actually play for shit?
That you, more than anything, want nerds away from their computers, because we're fucking destroying your 70 years in the making plans, mostly for the fucking LOLz of it?

We'll hike, fuck, dance and play sports when every last fucking communist pawn is erased from the earth.
The outside ain't goin' anywhere. And neither are we. But you are. You're going down, fucker.

Remember to give them uncomfortable looks.

OP assumes that this isn't simply a personal drive problem and not a drug problem. I play games but only after I've led a fully active day beforehand. The kind of people who do nothing but stay inside all day with their blinds shut and play vidya for the entire time are the same kind of people who would just find another way to not be active or productive citizens had they had their games confiscated from them. Hell, they'd probably just nap all day. The lazy will always find a way to be lazy, and only they can solve that problem for themselves because it's a personal drive problem.

videogames are the reason trump won

gamergate redpilled an entire generation on ideological censorship. a generation that grew up understanding social media and then from there figured out how to use it as an underground propaganda machine. it was an introduction, also, in how to instantly recognize the cancer that is neoliberalism and how different components of the media machine work together to push a one-sided, harmful, degenerate agenda

of course, all of that is going to end up being a moot point as soon as net neutrality dies and it takes four hours to load webpages on Sup Forums

im beginning 2 think [b.c of ppl like u,] that any form of anti-hedonism is anti-humanity; inb4 hedonism is degenerate -- there is such a thing called sinless pleasure

Cucks attacking video games is why we have trump. Don't fuck with vidya.

Fucking hell same. It's basically a gambling addiction at this point. Am I going to get a decent team this time and have fun or is it going to have someone tilting and spamming surrender at 20 minutes?

LoL players are undoubtedly the most annoying gamers ever. A shitton of guys i know play that game and they never talk about anything else ever. With some people it's more extreme than with others.

Some league players will talk about all kinds of shit but there is this one guy who is so fucking obsessed with league to the point where I just want to beat his fucking face in every time he begins to talk about it, and that's like 80% of the time. "Haha league is such a amazing game haha XD u should play it user!". (Imagine this being said constantly, I mean I secretly like minecraft a lot but you don't hear me bitching about that all the time)

What's even more retarded is that some of them spend big bucks on the game. They spend so much time working in the local convenience stores and supermarkets and spend that money on weird ass cards and skins for the game. Spending €0,99 on candy crush is already a dumb thing to do let alone waste hundreds of euros on cosmetics. But nooooo it's an investment according to them, they are all pro's who will compete in the LoL tournaments and earn millions.

It's their money and they can spend it however they like but god fucking damn it. I hate league of legends and I hate all the retarded fags who constantly bitch about it. It's even more annoying than those guys who constantly ask me wether I'm watching anime.


I lost interest in games once I got a steady job at the age of 24. If you want to quite gaming, just find something that occupies your time more than games.


Yeah, nah. I'm not going to possess a single fleeting fuck about anything while I'm hiking. I hike to get away from it all.

Learn basic English before you do anything else, fucking leaf.

Enlighten me on how the fuck you'll get rid of communists by sitting in your room playing video games 24/7

I started slowly quitting games simply because of how bad they are nowadays. They're not even worth my time anymore.
And I say this as someone who spent the better part of his life as an outcast in order to maximize the amount of time spent playing

fuck off bitch. nothing more fun than getting drunk and playing vidya with friends

if you haven't played wii party games with friends while shit faced, you're a cuck

they are not the worst thing in the world. only if your life is already miserable that VGs are bad, if you have an OK life and play games you are fine

but you're right, we should generally spend less vidya time

If you seek enjoyment in modern video games, play the ones that come from Japan.

t. Non-weaboo

Games have changed. Now they're designed to be as addictive as possible, relying on same dopamine-releasing mechanisms as gambling. You know how it works, auto-generated quests, random loot, whatever loot lottery you got going on nowadays in FPS games like CS.

Keep in mind that today, microtransactions are a multi-billion dollar business. IIRC Blizzard alone makes billions in in-game transactions.

I agree, games have become dangerous.

I have a 40 year old spanish guitar it cost £5 & sounds like heaven on maj7 chords.

i highly doubt that even if I never played vidya that I'd be a social butterfly with friends

The kind of people who play those type of games would find other ways to be pieces of shit and something else to be a slave to. There are other genres which exist. I only play games for an hour or two after I've finished my day productively and I can say with confidence that it hasn't negatively influenced my life. The problem is the person behind the game, as some people are more easily susceptible to forming an addiction from it. It's a self-control problem, and that is something that only those individuals can solve and they must solve it themselves or die alone and unproductive.

Worry not, your autism can be weaponized in the coming battles.

I barely play 5 minutes at a time anymore. were I used to just be lost for hours. But I've found interesting real life stuff to do. not much difference really..

>me, 29 white master race
>corporate manager, hit 6 figures at 27
>been playing vidya since I saved up for N64 age 10
>purchased after selling fruit I grew in my backyard to my neighbors for $5 a box
>still play vidya roughly 1 hour a day on any console/PC
>gym routine and sports participation throughout teenage years and adulthood
user you are just a lazy piece of shit and blame your fat on the vidya

i could be playing games for hours our i could be building bird houses. same shit.

>I only play games for an hour or two after I've finished my day productively and I can say with confidence that it hasn't negatively influenced my life.
>It's a self-control problem, and that is something that only those individuals can solve and they must solve it themselves or die alone and unproductive.
>it worked for me therefore I'm right and everyone failing my criteria are wrong
That's called the pragmatic fallacy.

CSGO is the GOAT redpilled patrician non-nigger game

>pretending self-control isn't an individual's responsibility

Im 28. Im still addicted. Get a good job or you wont play games when you get older. I have been diamond in a game for months now in this new game. Give up while you can

>pretending we're temperamentally and physiologically all the same

responsibility to do what nigga.

control yourself, as in, self-control
be an adult or be a child

hey retard, nobody will hold you accountable for self-control except your goddamn self. if you want to blame another factor and be a failure that's fine, nobody cares

to what end? you gonna start a little family nigga. is that what your gonna do;
i guess that would be cool.

>Tv is bad
>Walking the dog is bad
>Cinemas are bad
>DIY scale Modelling is bad
>Sup Forums is bad
Just throw all your money at Antifa or whatever ultra commies so the state can groom us all the way till retirement (and mandatory euthanasia?)
KYS Alberto

I'm not seeing your angle here. Too much of anything can be and often becomes a bad thing, but objectively there is nothing wrong with moderation. You are calling a line of thinking that is inherently logical a logical fallacy.
>It worked for me therefore I'm right
Pragmatic fallacy is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone argues that because something helped someone, it will help everyone. What I was arguing is nothing like that. I was claiming that some people are more likely to be addicts than others. For you to think that this is false is to think that all people have the exact same brain chemistry. So it seems to me that you are only pointing out the fact that I mentioned myself in my argument as evidence of pragmatic fallacy when the base argument was nothing of the kind. I do not remember anywhere in my post where I stated that because it worked for me it will work for everyone. I was simply pointing out that people have different brains, and therefore some people are more likely to become addicted to things be it dopamine or something else which produces a sensation or chemical change within their mind that they become addicted to. Therefore, those people who are more inclined to addictions will seek out other addictions even if video games are taken away from them. This was the main point of my argument, it was pointing out a fact that people's brains are biologically different and those who are more prone to addiction and are currently satisfying their need for an addiction through dopamine will just find another addiction once their normal source is taken away. In an essence, taking away video games will not solve anything.

>ignore facts
>keep repeating same shit over and over
>keep calling me names based on absolutely fuck all
I don't even play vidya. Sure, I'm the retard.

what ever lady. go make me a samich

To be fair, alot of anons have unemployable genetic traits such as a total lack of willpower and being easily addicted selected for by 50 years of welfare. Not saying it doesn't make us weak for giving in, I'm just saying we need to start practicing proper ugenics instead of the selection of stupidity currently rampant in the welfare state.

Nice wall of text you got there.

don't know if this is bait or not, but as a NEET loser who's been playing vidya for the past 15 years yea they are actually bad, not sure what you're supposed to do about them tho, regulating or banning them = rip freedoms

This is another nurture vs nature episode.

>I'm young lol
learn to counterpoint faggot
thisthis guy gets it
git gud (in all reality they dont matter plat is easy to attain and thats the bottom of the barrel).

I don't even play video games anymore. I might jump in from time to time into a game, but none of it holds me, it's all so tedious and boring.
I waste my time browsing this shithole however. God help me.

Exactly, it's a bit of both.

Only if you let them. Don't let the game play you.

>Source: My Ass

Same here. Schoolmates introduced me to WoW, got addicted instantly, but I suddenly quit a couple years later when the game turned from challenging to just a grinding machine.
It just wasn't fun anymore

>money burnden
If you don't have money for vidya you're a money burden by default.

Cognitive behavioural therapy lad.

Video games are dead.

They have become online gambling with Skinner box loot systems.