What if trannies were just mentally ill faggots?

>Would get obamacare
>Penis wouldnt be cut off
>Wouldnt be on tv all the time
>Would be viewed as shameful
>Wouldnt be a political class

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i unironically believe my spirit is female and i am basically a woman trapped in a mans body due to recovered memories of another life in which i was a woman user.
but i don't cut my dick off, take hormones, live in a delusion, or fuck people of my own sex.
for fucks sake, that shit is a mental illness. stop that shit. wake the fuck up. you will always have a fucking XY chromosome no matter how much of your dick you cut off.
for fucks sake.
fucking trannies are the worst.
and gays are second in line omfg.
it has nothing to do with "self-hatred" either. i don't even know what "self-hatred" is. it's just that gay people are faggots.

maybe just maybe the problem is that health has become an (((industry))) and no longer has any basis in reality. You could tell a doctor you have kidney stones, he makes you wait 9 months in agony before telling you "oh well, piss em out!". But you go in and say you want to be a girl and he's got the pills all lined up on his desk already?

it's full on bat shit insane


>what if trannies were just mentally ill mentally ill people

i really believe it. i have memories of myself in the old wild west living in a whorehouse, and then out on a range with like 50 children later on in my life.
i'm not a gay though, i dunno, never been attracted to a dude, i'm just sayin' that's my memory.


Please watch this video without making any initial judgements.

i don't have schizophrenia i just have memories of something how do you know they're not real?
a materialist worldview is essentially scientifically debunked, you know. ever heard of physics? or the double slit experiment??

>a gay

>how do you know they're not real?

Because you and all animated humans corpses that are not the prime leader (me) are PHILOSOPHICAL ZOMBIES prove me wrong.

im definitely not a gay, im just sayin' lol. i've never been attracted to dicks before. these are just memories i have of being a woman in the old west. they're real memories, i have like a whole lifetimes worth of them. but no im not any sort of homosexual or anything and im generally not very fond of homos.


Reminder just how corrupt DC is

the simulation is actually MMORPG and you aren't special. there. proven wrong.

Was thinking about this the other day, I don't have memories or at least clear ones but it feels like I used to be a woman in a past life. I love putting my penis in vagina but I have this sense I know what it feels like the other way around.

yeah its not crazy. im not an otherwise crazy person. im just a regular dude. but i have those memories.
i don't know what its like to get dicked in a vagina though. but omfg i had a rectal exam before and omfg i don't understand how women or gays do that. even a single finger is so unpleasant and uncomfortable. butt sex is totally unnatural and wrong, that's what i learned from that.

and one time i had a gf ask me to bone her in the butt after i had that exam and i said no because i had empathy for how uncomfortable it must be. i dunno why she WANTED to go through that, sort of lost respect for her a little bit. just a little bit though because i suppose people are naturally fucked up.

fucking retard, end your existence.

one of my memories is of one of my many children being abducted by native americans.

curious from a philosophical standpoint. I sincerely doubt reincarnation is a thing... if so, Our Lord Jesus' reincarnation would have been not a major thing. Why do you think that you lived a past life? Do you think that you were traumatically killed and unable to fulfill the rights God gave you at birth?

>picture somewhat related

becuase dued unicorns and pots of gold and shit. Using your brain is so B.C.

The butt is an exit hole, it's not something I'd willingly experience.

Well I normally believed when we die we just cease to exist but I've always had this nagging feeling that this is not my first and I've been around for a long time. A lot of stuff happening now is just history repeating itself and a lot of "entertainment" is just a subtle way of showing what's really going on. This is just speculation, but it feels like this is a deliberate set up to test us to see if we can unite against (((them))) for something on a larger scale we can't fathom.

have you read occult history? There is significant debate that we live here on a plane and can ascend to another based on our knowledge and actions. perhaps this smears the idea of man/woman if that distinction does not exist further up, but it does not smear the idea that you get one shot at it. If, according to that type of logic, you were a woman, you must have ascended to the next level but been chastised down but given a second chance. The reincarnation of Jesus is different in a sense that he was reborn shortly after being cast down to Hell. You claim rebirth, and I am just curious how you justify it. Either you assume rebirth is a right to a person, or you think that somehow you were entitled to a right perhaps rarely given to humans who moved up or down.