Girls und panzer and /ak/ thread


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This is my wife, Maho. Be nice to her.

Momo is not cool and she is not a beauty.

It's been a while but I'm back to let you know that Rukuriri the Ravager is still best girl.

Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!

Hello everyone, I'd like you to meet my wife Katyusha.

>Still joking

She's a nice girl and she's incredibly cute!!

All you need is Nina.

Your wife cheats on you.

Can someone explain?

These machine translations are quite vague, so I don't really get it.


Anyone got translations for Ribbon Warrior Chapter 11 onwards?

I saw that last night too. Glad Duce is winning something other than my heart.

Ranking for Garupans that give blowjobs when you ask them to

wish someone would translate that fuckin mango

Post your Tonks

>#1 is Miho
Rude. Also
>no Saori/Yuuki/Aya

That Nina at the very front is terrifying

Who put an unarmed Renault UE carrier into that?



replace momo with klara and we have a deal

Is it bullying if the bully is severely autistic?

Gib link plox

Speaking of the VN is the BG guy and the art guy currently here?
Also somebody a while ago offered to some side art, are you still interested if you're here too?


If you call the "bully" severely autistic then yes


If she creates a 3rd Nishizumi daughter, what will her name be so the name theming continues?

How does Erika practice Judaism without the rest of her team knowing and making fun of her for it?


Will she ravage my cock with her anus?


Forget autistic, how about erotic?

She'll ravage your anus with her 2 pounder

She is practicing Mahoism, user.

That's a uncommonly cute looking Erika.

I bet she hopes Maho hugs her.

>That face

This is true love.

oi cunts give us a hand here

>those digits
are you sure she's not practicing satanism?

Check last thread

They are both the same thing though.

Don't judge me but I'd gladly do ass-to-ass with such a fine lady as her. No homo.

Stop this tomfoolery

>Rukuriri the Ravaged


>'Ranking of GuP girls who are most likely to give you a headjob when repeatedly asked for'

Do you agree?

Ok I have a silly question about Girls and Panzer. I remember watching an anime, where war broke out and some moe girls got into a panzer and defended their home village with it. It was serious war and not just a game to keep their school open. Wasn't this Girls and Panzer? After watching the movie I'm pretty confused.

Is Taeko fourth?

That was Boku no Spider Tank.

Thats not GuP.

Is that what cumming by fucking their brains is called?

Definitely Miho and Duce.

>there is fanart of this with some garupans
What a nice time to be alive.

Is that the actual translation?

Chapter 11 is on the /ak/ wiki. Chapter 12-20 still not translated.

>ded thread
>dead quality sales

>Anzu will never give you this look.
>Anzu will never mount you and ride you like she rides her tank
>she will never give you this look as you cum inside her

Feels bad man

Ignorance sure is bliss.

She needs a man in her life, not just a little brother.

That's some rear armor.

>Takeo cute as a bug
>Akebi sweet as candy
>Noriko surprisingly spunky
>Shinobu a refined, streamlined beauty

So hard to settle on just one

>nobody will ever translate all these gup comics and doujins

Duck is the best team, we've known that since the start.

Turtle Team is actually best team.

It has momo though and she's smelly.

That's not interesting at all

Well, the best Doujin was already translated so why bother with others?

Yuzu is most likely the smelly one. She does all the hard labor.


Just now noticed the Dr. Strangelove reference.

Anglerfish team would be best team if it didn;t have that autistic Yukari and that fatass Saori. And remove Mako and Hana, they're boring as fuck.
Add in Maho and Erika and the team would be perfect.

Same here, Duce deserves an onii-chan who jerks off with her used pantyhose

Being a duck lover is suffering


I'm pretty sure Anzu is the smelliest, knowing how much of crap she eats.


>Anglerfish team would be perfect if it wasn't for 4/5's of their team


Smelly potatoe prez!

Is he wrong? Miho is the best part of the team.


>Momo misses so much because Anzu's farts burn her eyes

Hippo team best team

Suddenly it's all coming together. I bet the school getting shut down is somehow related to the Anzu stench as well.

katyusha wants to learn Miho's protecting-your-friends senshado
that's basically it

Hippo team is cool and all, but Erwin is really the only one that stands out. The others are kinda meh

Nah fuck you

I want Anzu to sit on my face and fart and fill my nostrils with her scent

At least post the fixed version.

Everybody know that the bunnies is the best team, best semen demon, best who, best autism, best twintails, best genki, and best leader

Speaking of Oreo, she's the worst Hippo and it looks like she doesn't shower.

How is that any better than Chovy jerking her little brother off with Pepperoni's used pantyhose?

>17 yo

Katyusha worries me greatly

Is that chovy otouto in a wig

Why are the Duce and Chiyomi bullying Katyusha?