Your opinion on interracial relationships?
Your opinion on interracial relationships?
Well i'm not sure why you used that image for your question considering those two are the same race
Pewdiepie is white and Marzia is Italian. Yet they seem to be happy together and have a healthy relationship.
Interracial (white + non white) is unacceptable interethnical (white + white) is acceptable
Yes, they're both of the same race. A nationality is not a race.
Pick two.
I don't like that Marzia changes her voice to sound higher pitch. If you watch older PewDiePie videos you'll hear she has a normal and much cuter voice.
Italians are arabs
>dark hair and eyes
>brown skin
>sandnigger religion (catholicism)
>poor and stupid like sandniggers
That was when she was sad and depressed and now she's happy
Lets assume for a second you are correct, then it still doesn't matter as both people are still Caucasoid. "White" isn't a race and is also a pretty meme way to describe Europeans considering putting it purely down to skin colour means a ton of non Europeans can also be defined that way.
she isn't even that hot. pewdiepie should get a hotter gf,hes from Sweden ffs
din dumme fan
Not every italian was mongrelized by arabs
not black enough for you?
Virtually no Italians, barring perhaps Sicilians, were "mongrelized" by arabs.
Yea, she's pretty average for the local Italian standards. Still better a Swede than a nigger
There is a reason people are staring.jpeg
Isn't she I*alian?
She's like gold to me where I'm from. Too many shit skin bitches and fat cunts here.
Du vet att han läser Sup Forums
Bra bait tråd ahmed
>top kek
if you're ok with creating half orcs
This thought keeps me up at night.
look at that outfit on the right half of your pic tho. You know marzie is a freak in the sheets.
Top kek
>tfw no italian gf
Someone is upset we’re giving safe passage to Sweden to a lot of negroes I see
Heres how an average sven will look like in 2100.
At least you'll still have your blue eyes.
>Someone who choose to be raped 20 years in jail for a quarrel with someone
Just burn that thing in an over already
>not stabbing degenerate commie satanists in the face
>Stop being italian
Based varg
Sardinian masterrace here. Blessed with long life, big cock, good height and blonde hair. OP is jealous that I’m fucking north European women all day long :)
guys head looks like a crushed coke can
I'd hit it
>mfw basque
>dark hair and eyes
I've seen (true) Germans with such features. Are Germans arabs too?
>brown skin
East Asians are pale. Are they white?
Poles are sandniggers now. Tomorrow I'm going to Sweden to rape few girls and get free money.
>poor and stupid
Italians produced many great people. Especially during renaissance.
>666 KB
"Caucasoid" is a taxon, not a race. It encompasses Germanics and ARABS alike.
Leave it to the Anlgo mongrel mutt to be against it
>the absolute denial
>poor and stupid like sandniggers
Ey pal, the last fella who disrespected me like dat ended up in a fuckin' ditch. Betta watch yer mouth, bucko.
He must impregnate her with the Nordic seed
Yea, yea, nice joke with the Italian thing but you are a fucking swede. It doesn't matter how pasty your skin is, swedes are banned from being white for the foreseeable future, so really it is the Italian who is race mixing with the nigger.
Italians were never mongrelised by arabs or moors. Italians got there 'arab' look through migratory waves from a few specific places well BEFORE Islam existed:
In ancient times,
1. Anatolian Settlers
2. Punic/Phoenician Colonists
3. Greek Colonists
Then after Christianity,
4. Christian Byzantine Settlers from Levant and Iraq escaping Islamic invasion
5. More Christian Byzantines from Anatolia escaping Seljuks
6. Even More Christian Byzantines from Constantinople escaping Ottomans
And that's it. The moors that conquered Sicily did not have a large immigrating population, they were an aristocracy of BERBERS (North West Africans). Out of all the middle eastern genes to arrive into Italy, the Berber genes are among the lowest, almost non-existent.
The Italian Moor meme annoys me for this reason It should be fucking obvious too, out of all the arabs the only ones that really look like Italians are those with Levantine origins, and it's even the reason why jews look similar to Italians.
And no, before you wonder, native Levantine genes are not originally 'semitic', which means that Jews don't have an evil jew gene (but it also means that they're narrative of ancient bloodlines is bullshit).
RIP BG Kumbi
>COMPLETELY missing the point of what i said and hiding behind a meme flag
My point was the terminology was shitty and is easily twisted moron.
She is based.
not anymore. they are chinks now. chink-arabs to me more precise
>RIP BG Kumbi
Where did BG kumbi go? Serious question. He was one of my favorite trolls.
I can see the point.
The point is that you will always rely on the definition of race that groups you with Nordids.
You do this, southern Europeans do this, and even Americans do this.
Italian pussy was made for Swedish bulls
How old are you? Many grown men will tell you it's good to sacrifice physical attraction in order to get a gf with a better personality or a gf who is in general a better person. I watched only a few vids where Pewds is with her, she seems sweet, kind, gentle and generally very feminine. I think he did good, he's no idiot, if he wanted a cock gobbling 11/10 slut he could've had one.
he could get a hotter girl in Sweden 100%
No idea. His channel is still up but all the videos are gone.
.. ok? Is this babbys first genetics or something?
majorit of swedish women are brainwashed with leftist feminsm, 100%. Marzia seems to be veryloyal to felix. When he said "fucking nigger", she wore a hoodie in one of her videos that said "context matters". She seems nice
>being this autistic
This racemixed couple is absolutely disgusting (of course mixing with a Nigger would be even worse).
>Blond, blue eyed
>Nordic appearance and character
>White skin colour
>Brown hair, brown eyes
>Med appearance and character
>Light brown skin colour
Why are Swedish people so prone to destroy their own genes? I am fine with Italians in general, but I do not think we should racemix. This just ends in less and less people with a Nordic appearance.
After all, PewDiePie is a Swede so it should not surprise us he does not want his children to look like him. Swedes seem to hate themselves and their genes.
We are the only true european masterrace here. (I am basque).
he seems redpilled enough to know a gf from sweden would probably cuck with with negroes, apes and everything that has 4 limbs, a penis and is darker than petrol
Nope, same "genetics" since the 1930s.
You weren't the same race then, you aren't today.
Gas yourself all the way back to bleddit and your alt-right compatriots
>(I am basque).
Sure you are, bro. Sure you are.
"destroying" by mixing with an objectively better looking woman. Epic vargautist
Love is Love
Marzia a cute!
Alright dude, whatever you say. Keep hiding behind that meme flag though to disguise your true form.
Eh so are you, I mean think about, you had a reaction photo specifically designed for Sup Forums on your computer which you uploaded onto the interwebs just to exemplify to me how autistic I am through anthropomorphic logograms.
I'm this autistic.
Better looking woman than who? He could have every woman he wants.
Delete this. It's true unfortunately. All big businesses and important places are owned by Qatar and all small businesses are losing to chink competition
Watch some of their couple videos and you will see why they're together. Then if you are anything like me, you'll want to kill yourself because you will never find a fun gf that sticks with you after saying nigger and death to all jews.
She acts really girly though which appeals to betas like Pewds and me.
>muh blue eyes
Fuck off with this divide and conquer shit
>two carefree millionaires
>vowed to never have kids
Its a shame they fell for the childfree meme, I guarantee they'll adopt a bunch of shitskins in their 30s though
fact is it create healthier children
kek. Those are the native americans (that multi-colour scarf the nigger is wearing is "their flag"). But you tried, Sweden. You tried.
>can't argue the facts
okay then
>even UK and US literature have listings of "the white races of europe" and not only puts swedes apart from italians, but also italians apart from other central europeans, and anglos apart from everyone else
back to bleddit now
feel sorry for you t b h
you son of a bitch
They must symbolize the transcendent value of love over materialistic identity, and this should be state regulated.
>still hides behind meme flag
I know you're afraid to show what you really are because your own meme science will out you as "subhuman".
Their kid will turn out looking like Fabio
>Getting your information on genetics and race from an old man bearded lad who lives in the forest on the edge of Europe
You are thinking of dogs. Mixed race people have a higher risk of developing mental and physical health issues. There are even diseases only mixed race people can get.
Ten Commandments
Thou Shalt Not Adulterate...
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit...
PewDiePie is a rich famous and attractive white guy and the best he could do is the girl in the OP. Meanwhile Ricegum has a hotter gf than PewDiePie/
healtier only compared to the inferior contributing race
>she seems sweet, kind, gentle and generally very feminine
this. pewds did good.
>kek. Those are the native americans
That's probably your grandfather or something.
>Meanwhile Ricegum has a hotter gf than PewDiePie/
>virgins saying she isn't that hot he can do better
He's a millionaire and he chooses to be with her
How pathetic are you faggots Jesus Christ I am laffin
Yes but he can never date a women again that he knows 100% wants to be with him for not just being a millionaire.
She moved to sweden to live with him before he even had a 1,000 subscribers.
>she isn't even that hot
If this was the result,no one would be against it
Hi again r/asianmasculinity. Go ahead and spam the thread with your RiceGum bullshit, you shrimp-dick gook. It will not make you any more masculine in real life, sadly.
He met her before he got famous and rich