I was curious as to how much occult history affects politics

Lots of books are out there, from the sources themselves, that are easy to find. Clearly, in politics in the past, there have been members of occult societies who have made major decisions with respect to the USA.
>list goes on
Im not talking about child raping and murder extortion stuff. Isn't it strange that those above us see below, and use that as a justification?

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I personally would read material by René Guénon, Julius Evola and Aleister Crowley who all share similar belief of "secret influence" behind political movements, revolutions etc.

The difference is, none of these men believe in some super secret club of elite who scheme these things. These revolutions that change the course of history are influenced and manipulated by metaphysical realities themselves that some may describe "Gods".

Freemasonry is not just about old white men LARPing with odd symbols and such. It is a Luciferian religion which has tried to destroy Christendom and replace true religion with the cult of man (secular humanism). Freemasonry is very anti-Logos.

What exactly is wrong with Luciferianism?

Lucifer, the name itself, derives from the latin word "Lux" which means light. Freemasonry´s foremost aim was to "enlighten" people, whatever that might mean.

The fact that freemasonry of today is club for some old rich men scheming political agendas has nothing do with doctrines of Freemasonry itself.

Same way, the founding fathers of United States were freemasons. Everyone here can agree that those men who wrote the constitution were men inspired of (personal) liberty and freedom.

The fact that the U.S government today is practically everything what the founding fathers were literally running away from the Crown. Same has happened to masonry.

It is like saying that Catholicism was founded because of pedophilia, even though, thrue Catholic belief probably has nothing to do with pederasty.

Worshipping devils is not good religion. I am aware of the meaning of the name 'Lucifer'.

It's all occult. Hell, all the presidents from Washington to Trump are blood related. They all come from one royal family that was deep in the stuff. Hillary Clinton is even related to Trump.

>what is exactly wrong with worshiping the fallen angel that wants to enslave all of humanity and make them suffer the second death along with him
Come on.

The thing is that Lucifer is not the name of the Devil.

Lucifer is Satan.

Isaiah 14:12-15
>How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
>For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
>I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
>Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

You have very limited and biased views of the matter in my opinion. I´m not fan of the redneck John Bull type of Christianity "I heard so I believe it" -type of mentality.

The fact that even bible differentiates between the Devil, Satan, Beelzebub, Samael and Lucifer as different entities should reveal my attitude towards such notions.

The Devil is the (tribal) god of any tribe that is not the Yahweh of the Judeans. The fact that the Witches were accused of worshipping the Horned god on desolate mountain peaks while ignoring the fact that Mount Zion or Sinai itself was on a mountain where Yahweh revealed himself to Moses.

>what is exactly wrong with worshiping the fallen angel that wants to enslave all of humanity and make them suffer the second death along with him

Where do you even get these theories? Not from the bible. Book of Enoch is not official. And the name of that Fallen angel is Azazel in those doctrines.

finishing up Dr. George Oliver's History of Initiation. it's probably incredibly misleading but overall a good read. explains how most religions/ secret societies acknowledge the Osiris/Isis myths and basically everything stems from Noah and the Ark

They are all the same name of Lucifer. Just as Christ was named Immanuel, Jesus, and Michael.

Mystery Babylon.

Even at Bohemian Grove they say they are there once again to celebrate the "awful mysteries"

go watch all of david ickes works, then steven greer, then nothing, you will pretty much be caught up to date on what the fucks going on.

Thats a fucked up translation from heylel, in the greek bible it was heosphoros.
It literally means "light bringing". In the latin bible John the Baptist is called Lucifer too, and Jesus call himself, yup, Lucifer (Phosphoros in the greek bible).
Isaiah was propheticing the fall of Nebuchadnezzar II.


Great counter argument bro.
Just read the fucking bible in latin, and you will see.

Like you did?

Lucifer and Satan are not the same entity.

yes they are the same entity heretic

>Amerishart """theology"""

Or maybe there's more to the story than OMG good and evil!!! You stupid simple faggot.

The Lizard man is a crackpot.

If you are expecting me to put every quote in english, latin and greek so you can keep with your good christian larping you can go and fuck yourself, retard.

By the way, the most sinful thibg you can do is to believe you are saved and pure, asany christis like you believe actually. "I believe in Jebus :D im saved andnu go to hell :3".

Poor fag.

I bet you dodn't even recite the penitential psalms every day.

different fingers on the same hand