How the fuck are you guys not talking about this!!!!
(((THEY))) have been EXPOSED!!
Other urls found in this thread:
The guy who funded the $1.5 million dollar budget for this was so disgusted by what he found that he released it for free to the public for a week.
look up "An Open Secret"
look it up im sure theres other ways of viewing it.
if you dont trust vimeo find it somewhere else! this shit is fucking HAPPENING
It's vimeo you faggot.
shills fuck off dont let this shit slide!!!
dont let JIDF win!!
the producer is getting shut out everywhere else
he spent $1.5million on this and is giving it away free
Im just fucking with you. It is clear that (((Hollywood))) is full of perversion and pedophiles
It's not going to amount to anything if you just sing to the choir faggot. Go spastic and paste it to twatter and jewtube comments.
battery is dead/charging.figured i'd try and enlist some help while im waiting
Can someone tldr
pedojews won't be able to hide this anymore, day of the rope soon
Seems like we're going to start the cleansing on the (((West Coast)))
Links can be disguised, newfag.
So nobody itt knows what the vid is about, were just doing the usual ebil joos circlejerk ?
Bump for tldw
a bunch of former kid actors who were sexually abused when they were young name the (((pedophiles)))
Search twitter for #AnOpenSecret if you dont trust my links
Thanks, will check out as soon as i get to my pc
quick rundown?
I don't have 1.5hs
Ive been thinking about this from another angle. Is it possible this is all being orchestrated to weaken us soft power (cultural projection) so that it can be replaced with something like Chinese soft power?
Dirty Jews touching kids, no surprise there
its vimeo you fucking retard a mainstream site.
do you avoid youtube links as well?
just fucking kill yourself my man
i'm really not sure whats going on. it may all be a distraction from other things going on, but it deserves to be noticed and remembered and followed up on
they shilled the fuck out of this as soon as i posted it, no clue who (((they))) might be working for
interesting to say the least
Did Macaulay Culkin say anything yet?
>A Film By Amy (((Berg)))
Well, I'm gonna watch it anyway.
Is this kikess really exposing Jews or is she trying to put the blame on goyim?
And he said on AJ he has loads more if they wanna fuck with him.
time get rid of (((them))) once and for all, they're fucking with our KIDS. i wonder if theres a link between weinstein coming out, this video, and the news companies trying to normalize pedophilia with fucking weird articles
This bump? comped