Balkan is white

This is from a protest in Belgrade, Serbia

Just bomb the cock-sucking shits again.

pay jizya serbistan

fuck wh*Te """"people""""

We are not wh*te

all could pass as locals in brazil

Of course white people look dark in low lighting, also the fact that serbia has high dinaric DNA meaning they are a bid darker than more northern tribes

Wh*te subhumans have no place on the balkans

we're not wh*te
ajvar is serbian

Look at how they raise that white girl into the skies, they think of her as a God.

Truly remarkable.

turk rape babies

But no one is chasing a monkey for the delicious SOPA DE MACACO....

go build me a house, Bojko

Bratushkies just have some enrichment from rouch. It is normal, germans get some Gift today.

serbs looking as awful as always

Balkan should be allowed in the white ethno state

>playing csgo
>get balkanites
>uncultured as shit
>get turks
>flame from minute one, abuse votekick, kill teammates to steal AWP
>get macedonians one time
>screaming into chat
>literally too stupid to play, forget time frequently, drop rifle for AWP to clutch sites and what not
>flame team
>cannot give info because it takes them 5 minutes of ummm errr to call a site name
>carry them to 12-5
>they are mad for some reason?
>one of them teamkills me once
>next round I stab him once thinking he cant be stupid enough to take the bait
>he teamkills me and gets kicked
>dont votekick his friend just ask him not to be as stupid
>does same think

You autistic retards. Wish there was an option to match without eastern europeans in video games. Im all patriotic and love my people, but man we become the biggest utter scum and trash online, dont we


Internet in East Europe and Balkans was a mistake.

Begone wh*Toid subhuman.

Do you want us in the ethno state?

Wow, this is not looking good. What do Serbs have to say in their defense?

ayy limao

t. another Turk rape baby

fuck wypipo


$$$ bitch

Gross. Serbs look exactly how they sound; repulsive.

No the Ustase need to eliminate these subhumans

nice blog, nerd

>australia flag
found the diaspora lmao

Why not?

But they didn't. They got eliminated instead :^)

Fucking try playing with arabs, they're cool as shit, just don't pull a prank and they'll give away their MGE just to knife you

What the hell is this nordic doing here??
He's definitely not a t*rkish rapebaby

your grandma is a serb tho,hmmmmm

he's controlling all of albania with his mind powers

>Brown hair
Wh*Te subhuman please leave.

fucking destroyed
how will he(and his grandma) ever recover?

The Balkans are not white! WE ARE FULL! DO NOT COME!

me on the left btw

I heard Bulgarians are the whitest in the balkans

say good night subhuman

Christians done a splendid job with Muslims, they Christianize them. Not even one Christian party in Europe has any other plans, only perhaps even darker people.

Serbs,Macedonians,Bulgarians,Albanians are the same, it is funny seeing them insult each other sometimes on genetic basis

Whites and Anglocucks BTFO

get out w*iteboi

everyone knows s*rbians are shitskins

ISIS tier behaviour. Except when they dress up as women and try to run away like bitches.

I haven't had much experience with mexicans; do they look similar to pic related?

We dindu nothing

me and the crew


Albanians have light eyes

OcccCcccman Aga

good joke Tonibler


pay jizya you wh*Te yunanhuman

the nibba on the right looks like his brain is in ancient illyria lmao


No fair,he was a cursed by a Slavshit warlock,that's why h is forehead is a checkers field.

only way to get rid of the subhumans

All wh*Tes shall hang

and Jews have creepy ass jew eyes that are 'light'
What's your point

Sure thing """Aryan"""

I'll just leave this here.

death to all infidels my non-wh*Te brother

Hvala ti Joe Šimunić.