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>tranny thinks he can talk about degeneracy
Feminist... Always such degenerate. This attention whore pretend that she needs diaper because of "cyberbullying", when she is really diaper fetishist.
>giving this human garbage youtube views
wow makes me think
I'm going to fuck my cat now thxs
Another feels over reals video from a biological male pretending to be a woman
This tranny actually makes pretty good videos and makes some decent arguments.
>implying I'm going to listen to a degenerate attempt to justify their degeneracy
Well I'll give it props for doing research
Explain? Her arguments made sense to me.
Golden one BFTO
Did you not watch the video I linked?
suprisingly made a lot of good points.
Same goes for a lot of alt-righters / neonazis who fight against PC culture - they probably hate it because "PC" societal rules prevent them from acting like Odin's sperm drinking pagan warriors who were total degenerates.
Only watched about half the video.
The attempts at "humor" were too much.
That woman talking about decadence made me cringe, though. Decadence is real, but I hate when babbling pseudo-intellectuals like her try to represent the side of reason.
Yes, what exactly is the problem?
Just imagine: somewhere there's a father wondering when their son is coming back.
holy shit i know i saw this exact same thread like around a week ago with the exact same replies
Hhhmmmmmm, you watched the whole twenty minute video even though my post had been up for six minutes.
>Yes, what exactly is the problem?
I don't know you tell me.
No, I watched it last month
>black people have good ideas
Hmmm, that's when I stopped listening.
Sure you did.
Yeah it's like the jews paired up with the aliens and reptiles.
I'm so mad she decided to go full tranny. Now he doesn't turn me on any more
seriously i feel like i've accidentally stumbled into some sort of time loop glitch
weird does not begin to describe how i feel
Islam will fix this.
It's deja vu user, no need to be so worried about it.
No. But White Sharia will.
>View X of my political opponents doesn't exist because Marxist word soup that doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
Every Contra video.
Thanks goy and
fuck you OP your videos are gay and you should kill yourself already.
Contrapoints got goddamn brutalized by Sargon. It's videos are just decently made ideological display. There is no depth to it, it is essentially for already converted masses and few curious people cringing at trannies.
No depth to the guy at all. As soon as you scratch 1cm down (which you can't do watching the video, obviously), the thing is collapsing. Deeply damaged being justifying the cock-chop through left politics.
So the gender freak couldn't even get high school level mathematical probability down correctly. I'll be honest, that triggered me pretty bad.
I listened to the person talk for 20 minutes and i really dont understand the point of this video. It's just lots of really thinly veiled arguments to a really sweeping 'lets just all get along' conclusion
Yeah I think he was more interesting when he was just a degenerate cross dresser.
I actually think he's one of the more tolerable leftists. He actually has decent argument structure and its not as condescending. I can see some of his points. I got really mad about his views of free speech though. We've gotten so far without this totalitarian view of free speech.
what did he mean by this
>I actually think he's one of the more tolerable leftists
It's literal fucking dude in a dress, you fucking scumfuck, he's not even passable. People like him should be stoned.
He’s a glitter and unicorns fag but is afraid to come out but he knows it inside so he’s just nice to gay people.
Based Ruski.
Thanks for your third world input but we don't do that any more. You'll see in 20 years or so
He doesn't even try to pass. He's said it before that he "identifies more as a women. But he has no interest in actually transitioning.
He's a degenerate yeah but he's more tolerable and has actual arguments even if I think he's wrong.
I find people that i disagree with more interesting than people I agree with.
This guy is pretty... sane(?) for a leftist I guess. I think he just opposes the "alt-right" because he's afraid they're gonna go on some kind of genocidal killing spree.
The Golden One is such a gentleman.
There is no such thing as degeneracy... said the degenerate tranny.
A 22 minute tranny drinking liqueur and talking shite video.
Do not click that shit.
Linked you by accident
I was shaking with anger
No he is trying to pass now, he recently went on hormones. I think this is the first video since then
Contra you don't have to grow shitty tits and suffer a broken benis for guys to find you attractive
it’s almost like you went on a virtual date with her innit
Really? That's lame.
What a fucking faggot giving into that shit. He had good points about style of dress being completely subjective and changing throughout history.
Why do left wingers like this tranny just bleat on about rightist ideology all the time, every video that I've seen which is plenty all they do almost is about rightists in some capacity, either on the 'far right' or 'centre right' but never seem to flesh out their own ideology, meanwhile right wingers never talk about left ideology because they are too busy with their own, I've never seen a right wing channel dive into the niches of left wing points like this faggot has done with degeneracy. It's like their only life's purpose is to oppose us. Can someone enlighten me?
The right is trying to find themselves and flesh out their ideology and explain to people why it's right.
The left is trying to prevent growth and explain why the right is wrong. The reason they're having trouble understanding is that the "fascist" have a broad spectrum of ideas.
I'm starting to consider myself a "socialist capitalist". I might agree with a lot of things with welfare, business restrictions regarding the the environment etc. But I also hate subsidizing faggot marriage and immigrants.
That's something I've noticed too; ContraPoints doesn't really seem to have a coherent ideology himself, or at least not one that's been made public. He makes fun of Antifa all the time and he's certainly not a communist, so I guess maybe he's like a Bernie-style democratic socialist? Sometimes it almost seems like he's trying to defend establishment neoliberalism.
This thing read my comment
im happy lmao
What the fuck he's is such a dirty nigger cock eating fucking reeee i hope he puts a toaster in that bathtub and ends the cringe. Good ideas my ass , No point, He literally suggests that people are too stupid to combat "clever rhetoric" therefore he needs to swoop in like a faggot superhero and combat it.
>socialist capitalist
No user. You can't just make up a new term and slew it around like leftist idiots do. If you're going to stand for an ideology, stand for one you're willing to live by for the rest of your life.
That is a man you tard
It's not new ideology. It's how keynes told the Brits to compete with the germans and the new world.
tell us more dr broscience
why are there so many pics of the römer on pol in the last weeks?
Is this a man, or a Germanic woman?
He's kinda right
i love russians now
fucking subhumans
>"stable utopian societies"
Not really. Nazi fiscal policies where too unstable - a disaster in the long run, and totalitarianism is good only for transotional/recovery periods.
>socialist capitalist
That's an oxymoron senpai. Do you believe in
>private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit or workers owning the means of production?
>hierarchy or a classless system?
Keynesian economics is still capitalism.
What I have noticed is that he attracts a lot of people from /leftypol/ who have the audacity to claim they are against identity politics.
Fuck off you disgusting tranny. Biology determines whether you're male or female.
ahhhh The fag free years. great times, great times
It's not an oxymoron.
You implement socialist ideals into a capitalist society in order to stimulate growth.
Mandating minimum wage laws and government funded building projects. Are all socialistic in nature.
The common class of people won't be happy in a pure capitalist society and money isn't distributed correctly.
If you actually know any Keynes. You would read that he was critical of captitialism and had very similar critiques that Marx did. He said the best way to combat it was to blend some socialism into capitalism.
Instead of the workers owning the means they just get a better share where everyone leaves semi happy.
I guess Alzheimer's is a racist disease, because it's called degenerative.
Socialism = the worker's owning the means of production, abolishing private property and redistribution of wealth and resources. If you don't have these things, then it's not socialism. People get confused and conflate social programs with socialism itself. A mixed-market economy, is still a (capitalist) market economy. That is social democracy and national socialism are both right-wing ideas, specifically center-right. They had welfare, minimum wages, workers compensation and rights and intervened in the market. Free market and Laissez-faire economies are further to the right.
False, Marxs hijacked the term socialist.
>its not as condescending
did you not see the entire opening of the video?
>we don't do that any more
yeah and now look at how amazing we are
and how terrible russia is
such a good decision we made
That's communism not socialism.
How so? Even anarchists that disagree with Marx agree with that being the definition of socialism.
The Golden one deserves to be made fun of
Also free market is not more right-wing, that's a retarded American meme, Monarchy and Fascism are the far right positions, right means hierarchy, traditions and natural law, not freedom to sell porn to children. obsession with freedom started of as a left-wing position.
>a disaster in the long run
>created the world's largest powerhouse for a whopping 12 years
you're an idiot
so it's not condescending if you agree with it?
that's not how it works you fag
I would argue that as competition is inherent in hierarchy, some parts of capitalism are inherently right wing, as they call for competition on the market
I'm a mixed market kind of guy though
Welp, there goes Saint Saens out of my plasticity, never touching him agian.
That's the definition of Marxian socialism, not all kinds of socialism. Anarchists are bunch of morons and don't understand anything they believe in.
I was joking but I said he's not as condescending. In his other videos he at least tries to be sympathetic or understanding. But desu he's dropped that a little bit and its disappointing.
Socialism is the precursor to communism. Under socialism there is still currency, a state and borders. Communism is reached when those three things are abolished.
Free market = far right-wing on the libertarian/individualist spectrum. Monarchy would also be far-right but on the authoritarian spectrum. I would argue that fascism is also authoritarian but economically somewhere in the center.
Having some regulation in economy doesn't necessarily interfere with competition, in fact it can even encourage it.
that man is too masculine to be a trap. should just kill himself.
Haha, is that the commie faggot who said 'I'm not a fascist is exactly what a fascist would say'?
This is completely wrong. Right and left has to do with government intervention in economics. Up and down has to do with authoritarianism vs libertarian (absence of authoritarianism).
You are getting this from lenin and hayek. This doesn't have to always be true.
which is why i'm a mixed market kind of guy. laissez faire is erroneously seen as "true capitalism" but the principles of capitalism aren't market freedom, they are market competition
Checks out, k*rean gooks are pathetic little attention seekers. The time will come when islam will destroy degenerates like you.
I like the option of people with some level of gender dysphoria not necessarily transitioning, and just being like feminine men or whatever. Some people are just not masculine and that's fine. I hate that the idea of "transitioning is the ONLY cure" is being pushed and I think he bought into that.
political meme squares are biased, it's seen from modern "moderate" lens. many "authoritarians" would disagree with labeled as anti-libertarian, anti-freedom and would argue that the other side are the ones who are enslaved.
I agree though, that free-market is mostly a right-wing position, but not the most far right, because it still has more equality, it ignores tradition and the natural laws, it asserts that everyone should have an equal opportunity.