2 PM. Election booths closed. Now comes the counting. Will the Czech Samurai get over 15%? Will the socialcucks get under 10%? Will the neomarxist faggots TOP09 and STAN leave the Parliament?
Czech Election 2017
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Polls from 10/20 looked good for SPD (our guys)
So the next Soros shill in power....
Try this and post results.
I'm surprised that Piráti got 9% considering their change of tactics lately
which one is the percentage of counted votes vs not yet counted?
But it's just preelection poll. You know how it goes with polls. Remember UK and Trump. :D
Basically there is nothing yet. First results should be at 3pm. But first results are from small precincts. Cities take longer. Tonight we should probably know total results.
averages of all polls were a lot closer in France Netherlands Austria and Germany, wrong polls seems to be a mostly anglo thing
Sorry I misunderstood.
Left percentage is how many precincts were counted rario and right perc. is attendance ratio.
alright thanks
But when you look at polls here in Czech, they were all over the place.
"I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself"
Winston S. Churchill
thanks, second (you)
I mena, of fucking course idk much about your politics, but the polls do seem to have certain tendencies at least
What is best gov/result?
Keep us updated on the results.
First mathematical prediction based on partial results and previous elections. Quite surprising. They say it should reflect the final results +/- 5%.
I am glad soccucks and commies are so low and neomarx eurofaggots TOP09 are out.
I literary prayed for that.
Here it is.
+/-5% with numbers over 20% and +/-1% with numbers around 10%.
>tfw commies take still that much votes in post-commie countries
that's a surprise
Not really. Not everyone was doing bad during commie times and a lot of dumb fucks got significantly poorer.
So far very good. Commies and soccucks under 10% and EU neomarxist faggots STAN and TOP09 probably out! Thanks God!!
why is a piracy party getting 10%?
they have been so unrelevant when people realized stopping rapfugees are more important than making people pirate movies legally.
They evolved to a full fledged party, it is just a meme name now to catch fags of guard.
what exactly do they want?
In Czech they are far far more then about pirating movies. They became full gear political party with full scope after the years.
t. shitlord
>still believing in communism
It's a fad. They'll be out the next election. It's the city liberals giving them votes. They got Greens in once, TOP09 next, now it's Pirates.
Will Babiš make successful coalition out of this?
Exactly, but I'm very curious about Pirates. They're too far left for me but to be honest the only party which has something reliable to say about future digitalisation and informatisation.
It's literally impossible for him not to.
Lol, Kalousek can stop looking for job now
I voted Svobodní laugh at me please