Jesus fucking christ bongs

Jesus fucking christ bongs

is that glenn beck?

Britain is lost

only way to do that is to remove kebab

Pls kill me son, put me out of my misery.

Do any men actually care about women wearing high heels?

we cant, too. many muzies, it would be racist
also, because we've become the huenited states of mexico

Im launching the nukes now, it'll all be over soon.

What in God's fucking balls is going on in the UK???

>be bong
>get bonged
It’s how things should be.

Gib 100 billion first

Cant because my last butter knife was taken during last tv-license raid. :(

It's no longer a recommendation, we need a solution. A final one.

Pay repetitions to Poland

Seriously I'm starting to agree with them.

That funny and eccentric side of the average brit has been twisted and infected with agenda.

Why have brits evolved to hate themselves so much?
I though the (((globalist))) yoke was more concentrated on America.

What will it take for the UK to wake up?

How is England not in riot mode? These police are useless

I don't know lad, I don't know

I do believe if my local police department tweeted something like that, I would firebomb them.

The UK is more of a joke than Sweden or Germany or France now.

How the FUCK did that happen?

Stop it, it's getting too pathetic.

Someone get them to sympathize with furries so they have to wear cat tail butt plugs.

I realize that it's all very good fun to take the piss out of other white nations for whatever cuckery they descend to, but the time for laughing at each other ended a long time ago. It ended when leftist policy started getting Swedish women and British girls raped en masse. Stop fucking laughing. Stop even being depressed. Get pissed enough to channel it in real life. The time for hiding your power levels is past, too. If you all don't start showing some fucking solidarity and fighting back as a RACE, they're going to win while you all sit on Sup Forums talking shit about each other, which is as good as being complicit.
Talk to your white neighbors. Share some sense with them. I spent a couple of hours at a neighbor's place last night; brought over some craft beer and a couple of cigars. After a drink or two, he was horrified by just the partial redpills I gave him about what's happening in Europe, but much more receptive. It's not impossible to wake people up, but it does take effort, and if you're not doing something to make that happen, then what good are you doing talking about it here? There's still time, and a way to wake sleeping white people and bring them to our cause.
The next time you go to type the word "KEK" when you see an image like OP's stop, think of the 14 Words, and ask yourself, "Am I really helping?" Don't sit back and laugh watching them push us into extinction, before switching to another thread and pretending to be angry about it. Not fucking helping.

Only if they give us back our clay.

And people have the gall to mock the second ammendment? This is exactly why we need guns.

The one on left of pic 2 looks like Mahoney.

We'll get Pauline to drop some Vegemite over your land. I think that might just save you

WHERE DID ALL THESE MEN FIND WOMAN SHOES IN THEIR SIZE?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

its almost as if they have them custom made long ago and are using this event as an excuse to wear them in public , since all degenerates need to do everything in public

wow, this is...powerful

Must be karma. The ride never ends user

When the fuck has a woman ever walked a mile in high heels? This shit is not only stupid but makes no sense. Sorry we got you sick dad.

Don't these people realize they're on the brink of civil war?

lol britbongs btfo!

Britfags, what do normies think of this shit?

There's no way that would fly over here.

Do you realize this started in America?

Fucking KEK

All these women

>There's no way that would fly over here.
coming from the country that started the whole feminism extreme SJW bullshit since a couple years? Yeah fuck off

I do but we don't live on a relatively small island that's been invaded by at least 25000 jihadis

>her shoes
it's like womens are literally forced to wear their uncomfortable footwear
why westerners are so degenerate
I can't imagine retardation like this happen in any slavic country

>crime rates spike as people realise the police are a bunch of fags
>spoon sales rise

if i were a britbong at this point i better go to coma or live in a cave like a SAGE

If I was a britbong i'd steal a spoon and start slaughtering people.

Those are all Marxist ideas, you dumb faggot.