Is GEOTUS killing the Deep State with JFK?

Is GEOTUS killing the Deep State with JFK?

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God emperor? Of the united states?

The highest salt producing acronym you can use

Goddamn checked and kek'd all hail the GEOTUS

The deep state wouldn't allow him to release anything of real substance. Sure, some stuff will be released, but nothing we haven't heard before

No, hes distracting from the us servicemen killed in niger due to incompetence

McCain leaking plans again huh?

Oct. 26th

>pinning on one man
No, it was straight up military incompetence that got servicemen killed. Its bullshit and no-one seems to care.

>Go to meet nigger elder in Nigerland
>Nigger elder starts trying to get you to stay
>people fucking hightailing it out of town

It was a set up and just like the raid in Yemen, someone on the left leaked info to make Trump look bad because goddamnit it was her turn.

>make Trump look bad
Fuck off you myopic tumour. This is squarely on our military. They refused supply requests on the premise of cutting costs while keeping our men in the area despite the withdrawal of chads support units. Coupled with terrible intel and straight up negligence in withdrawal without Stg johnson.

Doesn't matter. The only person who holds the answers about it being a Castro plot won't speak to the media about it. The case is dead.

Assuming trump cares about one pawn

>castro plot

Oh he doesn't give a fuck about them, thats been made abundantly clear. But he does care about PR.

The documents are going to be redacted worse than an SCP entry.


wew lad...just wew

Consistent with the whole meganon theory and "the calm before the storm". I'm willing to go with it.

Do we need 10 threads about this?

Shit won't release till Thursday the 26th.

When documents go to the archives, arent redactions supposed to be removed? this isn't a FOIA request.

>go to niger
no one cares

I'm hungry guys, this nothing burger won't cut it.
Bumps with cocaine, if not then sleepy.

is that pronounce Gee-otis? I like it


Is it not the CIAs files?
Are they not answering to no one?
Is it possible that potus really were supposed to take a dirt nap at LV before he made this statement?
Is it because he avoided a dirt nap in LV he is making it public?

w-what did he mean by this

Will it be public, or will it be accessible at a hefty price?

He said he's going to tweet them out 1 documents at a time

Topkek user

>go to libya
>everyone becomes autistically obsessed

National Archives, dude. Like the pastebin of all scribd sites.

>Deep State/CIA-Mafia killed JFK
>Trump openly releases that knowledge
Does he suspect that they are trying to do the same to him?
Maybe they threatened him.

I see! Let's just hope it doesn't get hacked and stolen by the Russians.

He is here!!!

i think the 'GEO-tuss' rolls off the tongue
sounds powerful

I’ve been in the Navy for 11 years...
It is one clusterfuck after another. Gross negligence and incompetence at every level.

How many ships have you crashed in your service?

No one that was responsible for JFK is still around though.

But the agencies are

Dont open the threads then faggot

But what I’m talking about is just in the everyday stuff.
>hurry up and wait
>paying contractors double because it’s after working hours even though there’s no reason we couldn’t have them come 6+ hours ago
>attempting to go out in conditions beyond the capabilities of the boats, and inevitably turning around
>training exercises with untrained safety personnel
>oops, we can’t figure out how to get you paid
>looks like shitloads of your quals never made it into the system
>etc for days

Roger "speedo" Stone asked him to do this last week. He mulled it over and conceded.

Checked. Nice triple double

Praise him

welllll, shit on a shingle... Czeched

The upcoming conflict (if there'll be one) between the USA and the DPRK is going to be interesting.

Megs was in this thread earlier. It's archived now. She said on the 17th why Trump would do this and she was riiiight.
146113191 Check her posts. Legit.


Plato calls your ignorance, "double ignorance."


Funny... imagine the irony if this was a McCain and Lindsey trap... totally faked to catch those two.

God bless Donald Trump.


Sounds about right.
Aside from the general stupidity of the enlisted ranks, we also have officers determined to meet unattainable goals.
So determined that they’re willing to go forward even without basic fundamentals training for swathes of any organization.
That alone endangers the shit out of everyone.
Way too many people joining purely for benefits doesn’t help.
I’m at least thankful that Mattis and GEOTUS decided to pull back on that tranny shit.


That's why this is a big deal dingus. These are 3000 files we HAVE NOT SEEN BEFORE. They were suppose to be released after 25 years which was 1992. But it was said it would be bad to release them then so they said to wait another 25 years. Which leads us to this year. Pay attention

oh jeez oh jeez

there are no more redactions this is the real deal. BUT they did have a "fire" a few years ago that destroyed a bunch of JFK files. So who knows what full files we DO get

Oh goody. A new dump of completely blacked out pages.
Classified releases are the most absurd non happening bullshit ever.



shut up larpnigger

George Bush Sr. is still alive. Why do you think little drummer boy Bush Jr has been quiet for 8 years and all of a sudden he makes a speech to bad mouth "Conspiracy" theories & people that follow them. Think about it.

Omg he is awake!

OH please. He said on the Campaign trail he would not stop them from being released.


No shit... definitely something up with that. He always frat boy giggle shrugged off everything

Praise kek

PISS OFF with you LARPing Trap. You are a gullible virgin. Go back to tumblr fan fic retard

> believing the deep state is brazen and lawless enough to have assassinated JFK
> also believing the deep state is law-abiding enough to feel bound to an arbitrary timeline to reveal this openly to the public

You're right, we have to kill the niggers.

>Way too many people joining purely for benefits doesn’t help.

Biggest issue in the military today. The military should be bidding contracts, beyond the standard military contractors, for complete (or near complete) automation. Less people joining the military, in particular less capable people, means that more jobs will need to be automated. Particularly in the Navy/Chair Force. With less capable recruits, the number of jobs needs to be reduced while maintaining military effectiveness.

Biggest concern would be cyberwarfare/ECM/EMP weapons and hardening against them. This is the only future of the military in a

Newly released photo! THE CONSPIRACY IS REAL

Yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk. Good old Trump.

Meant for
I care, down with nigers.

Alright. Where can we read the docs?

Is that strom Thurmond? Waving


The deep state would never allow such a release of data, sources will be talked to. Assets terminated if needed. Trump is doing his best to fight the deep state, the only question is he strong enough to not fall to them in defeat?

Uh oh. The meme flag shills are getting all hot and bothered. I sure changed my mind completely. Kek.

kek wills it.

Looks like I'm going to keep embarassing myself with incorrect reply numbers until I recognize these digits.
Praise Kek, hail to GEOTUS!


You get a (you) for insight. We need to fix our military and that starts at the top.

Yeah, there are several Filipino people I’ve met that consider themselves Filipino first.
Nigs and other assorted shitskins are basically the same.

Have a Pepe Hail Kek

Kek is here.

The released files so far have actually been very light on redactions. Will see.

>people at home burning and otherwise disrespecting the flag
>minorities actively believe Marxist agitprop against "White America"
>implying they are going to fight for this country

Lmao. Automated drones will be required to keep the Chinamen/Russkies at bay as well as the marauding BLM/La Raza types in case of a real conflict. If the military thinks that all "citizens" are invested this country then we're already lost and it's time to GTFO of dodge before the spark hits.

This is also why the 2nd Amendment is critical.

And on the third day, kek gave us double trips, so we could all collectively say "what did kek mean by this"


Hillary, grassy knoll!

Would Hillary have released the JFK files?

No way. If they CIA went to talk to her like they apparently did to Trump, she would have bent over for them. They have so much shit on her. She will jump through hoops for them

CIA director 'strongly advises' against releasing them, fucking deep state confirmed shitting their pants right now

The military is a total mess. Thank God we don’t have an actual land/sea war.
>all niggers/spics/women/nu-males hide
>extremely few combat-minded people are massively outnumbered and BTFO
>enemies find all the worthless shots who ran and capture or execute them all anyways
>world headlines read “USA crushed in humiliating defeat by Malaysian reserve component.”

Needs a bump stock

It just keeps rising!

holy shit pedes!!!

he is our guy.

We are amplified.
