Are you fucking kidding me? Holy fucking shit this is infuriating

Are you fucking kidding me? Holy fucking shit this is infuriating.

At least even her friends pointed out how stupid she was.

context? is it rude to ask someone how they're doing in japan?

The boy keeps holding out his hand so that the girl will hold his hand but she's dense and doesn't realize it so she keeps asking him what's wrong. The boy's future self commits suicide.

>she's dense
She just isn't ready to have a child yet.

tell me some jack off just extends their hand and you just go ahead and grab it no question ask?
did he want a hand shake? does he know her? im assuming im suppose to feel bad for the guy but that just sounds dumb.

I think Orange is driving home the point Naho a silly bitch

If Suwa doesn't have to take care of her in the future, best boy will be free to attain a more perfect waifu. The kind of qt alpha waifu a true bro like himself deserves.

He told her that he loved her a few scenes ago and she's in love with him.

Orange takes me about 40 minutes to watch because of frustration pauses.

maybe she just doesnt want to be rude by misunderstanding the hand gesture.
beside if this nerd kills himself just because he didnt get a hand shake then fuck him.

>Everyone got a letter.

Look at this fella.

Maybe you should stop commenting on a show you haven't watched.

It's pretty bad. Harem MC level.

Good MC.

This shit instantly made it drop from a 7/10 to a 4/10 for me.
Can't believe they made an entire episode about a gesture not even a turboautist would misinterprete/not understand.

NTR? Picked up

>mfw he'll still kill himself

His mom killed herself because she was bipolar and didn't like the fact that he chose to hang out with friends. His last words to his mother were, you're being a pain.

Part of the show is about a guy cucking his future self.

Sounds retarded

I wish

Orange is a cringeworthy attempt at being touching... Tfw you'll never have great friends like these

They are literally normalfags.

Couldn't make it through the first episode because of her reading the letter one line at a time. Like who the fuck does that? The letter didn't even seem that long.

This goes beyond dense. This is just pure stupid.

Normalfags willing to make big sacrifices to save you.

If the last episode didn't go out of its way to have everyone call Naho stupid I would be angry, but since they all did I'm going to give it a pass for now. She is easily the most infuriating part of the show though and probably the only negative thing about it.