How did 4 members of a US special forces team get killed in Africa?
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Soldiers die in war, OP.
>those ribbon racks
They were inexperienced or not special forces. Just attached to a sf unit
By a gang of niggers roaming around the inner jungle? What a shocker. Was it a drive bye?
Nigger Muslim terrorists, dumbass.
African special forces don't joke around
Probably had something to do with black people...
Hillary and Co paid for a rouge faction of terrorist nogs after they told them where they would be. She did this to distract from the U1 news.
arms deal gone bad, people just never want to pay for their guns
They got killed in Las Vegas.
It was a spontaneous demonstration over a reprehensible Jewtube video.
All hat, no tab.
CIA niggers gave fucked intel. disband that shit agency already
This was pretty clearly a slave revolt.
They got unlucky and ran into mercenaries working the same job for a different benefactor.
because our military is a fucking farce that can't even handle Africans
At least a couple of them have GCD so they’ve been in long enough to know not to trust a local nigger.
fuck off shill its 4d chess
things in the region got hot quick becuase Chad pulled theyre forces out of the region. Chad pulled theyre forces out of Niger becuase Trump placed them on his travel ban list. Trump placed Chad on his travel ban list becuase Chad was attempting to collect contractual payments from Exxon-Mobil. the same Exxon-Mobil that Rex Tilerson was CEO of before joiningthe shitshow that is the TRump administration. the 4 green berets got wasted because Trump and Tilelrson are little bitches.
TV & film persuades some they are bulletproof..?
It's happened before, it'll happen again. See operation Redwings. Afghanistan. A forward OP with four seals got put under heavy assault. Everything in the area went in to save them but it was too late. Three out of four were killed.
That's the job. It wouldn't be any fun otherwise.
Apparently people think once you go to a few military schools you learn how to dodge bullets.
the nigger in the pic thought it was a good idea to mingle with his dindu brothers
>black agent Johnson
>white agent Johnson
Die Hard? Is that you?
Just because they are special forces doesn't make them immune to bullets or ambushes
Cause American soldiers are actually poor warriors compared to previous historical armies. This is due to the US military being run like a business instead of an army. The purpose of the US military is to make Jews richer and not actually create warriors that can survive in the battlefield
yank army is fucking shite lmao, not to mention they deploy them in High risk low reward areas in the true disposable spirit of the army and end up getting their men killed
Vet here. The military isn't a video game. You can get killed.
This may sound autist, but that's the truth and that's really all that needs to be said.
The top two guys got their name plates switched around.
Got shot to dead until they died, i guess
No relation
They had information implicating h
1) shitty intel and equipment
2) private contractor evac
3) no-one bothered headcounting
Sgt johnson was alive when they pulled out, he was left behind and subsequently mutilated.
top 2 guys name tags got swapped over for some reason
McCain or someone on the left leaking battle plans to make trump look bad.
What difference, at this point, does it make?!
Dave is that you?
Maybe, they died somewhere else and the location was switched to Africa to conceal it.
I heard some Americans sf went missing in NK.
Caught aids from local gay niggers.
Upper left and lower right were the "veterans" of the team. Lower left was an 18X enlistee, at least at the timing of this photo. No awards other than the NCO Education Tab which is just the badge so completed Basic Leaders Course, which is required during the trainee timeline for an "off the block SF guy".
Johnson, the one in question to a lot is an Airborne qualified paratrooper assigned to an airborne unit. He is SF unequalified, and to a certainty the equipment mechanic for the team. You can tell because of his Army Ordnance Corp Insignia above his unit awards and nameplate.
t. Senior NCO Armyfag
I don't fully understand this explanation, but I suspect it's closer to what went down than the CNN version.
There was only one mars bar in the lunchbox
Calculated negligence. Apparently they called for more supplies earlier in the year when Trump was downsizing left and right, and more recently Chad was added to the travel ban list when we were working with Chad forces to help us navigate the terrain. As they are more familiar and have more outposts set up As a result of the ban, Chad had to pull out, and our guys couldnt work with them due to anyone with a Chad ID being a nogo. Trump basically had these guys left for dead, not necessarily out of malice, but a calculated negligence due to the soldiers arms and support requests being declined. Kind of like when your cars gas light comes on and you think you can go another 20 miles no problem.
I know people are saying not to let this become Benghazi, but it's really starting to seem like it with all the new evidence popping up on why the soldiers were there.
>you will never get bear hugged by your army bf
Whites actually statistically do drive bys more often. They have always been a white crime since the days of the mafia. Dont be racist its unintelligent
Don't you have a bottle to sit on ivan?
the black guy was the leader, thats what trump said in the phone call
It usually means they were betrayed by a "friendly"
Closest Mcdonalds was more than 5,000km away.
>be American
>get shot by niggers
the only thing I don't get why to ship them off to Africa to get blacked it's basically the same at Detroit
gone wrong
US military is the only one with modern combat experience.
World Wide, Only One.
Nigger Russia fights like Americans now...and So Do You!
bottom left looks a bit like an aged harry potter with downs
fug off sven
I think not.
Antifa don’t count
Bruce U
You dont have to use the N word to be edgy. You know it makes you sound unintelligent. Why use it?
This is not comparable to Benghazi in any way.
>be afro-american
>get shot by afro-african
Black Johnson
This is a low key cuck thread
Hmm.. Benghazi was a clusterfuck that left the US ambassador dead..
Details so far on Niger hazy, but not a stretch to call it a clusterfuck ... So some similarity to Benghazi ..
Yeah but this really wouldn't be on Trumps head.
Some down the chain of command is hopefully getting fucked.
Call me cynical but i'd chalk this one up to an Obama appointed official or general.
Nonetheless, quite a shame these lads died.
Did you hear me?
you americans and your military kek... why would anyone waste their time fighting abroad? poor people I guess.
So they can wear the 3rd special forces group beret flash even if they did not pass the Q course?
The black dude looks like he may have been the most intelligent of the bunch.
Why do these guys look so brainless?
The nigger sneezed revealing their position.
They look "special" alright.
Russian "ISIS" forces moving in on Nigerian uranium.
The Postal Service, headquartered in Bern, Switzerland, uses the US Military to secure the value of the dollar...
Because our blood lust is unending.
Easy! Going clockwise from the upper left:
An actual soldier, a nigger soldier, a retard soldier, and a ginger soldier.
Where is bottom rights longtab insignia or the crossed arrowheads on his lapel?
Complacency and bootness.
Jewish false flag to star another pointless war
libs probably tipped the enemy off
Stepped on a landmine
Vegas. They died in Vegas.
Better question, why was the black guy found a mile away from the attack?
They died to make the current administration incompetent. The Obama holdovers gave the team bad intelligence. This shit has got to stop. The traitors must be flushed from power.
Only the upper left and lower right are fit to be operators. You can tell just by the look in their eyes. The black one might have made it but the fag on the lower left is a bed-wetter.
Never underestimate your enemy.
if they where special forces there wouldnt be pictures
they relaxed
t. fag who never served in special operations and thinks support fags are "basically sf"
How did seal team six who supposedly killed osama , a CIA asset we put in power in the 70s to oppose thee soviet push in the Afghani region, all die in a helicopter crash shortly after and nobody saw Osama's body except for the dead seal team.
How many of these awoos do you have
Ambush tactics.
What in the fuck are you talking about? They brought his body back to the states and dropped him in the ocean later. Senators and Representatives of the House got, not only pictures, but the full medical reports.
He had a bullet in his head, above his eye.
They had a nigger.
they're not all dead. you are not informed.
I don't usually correct people. feels to you.
>Shilling the official story
Obama pls.