Alt-Right the biggest fiasco in american politics


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Sven, I dont have the will today, can you just call yourself a cuck and fuck off?

No, that would be antifa

Antifa and the alt-right are just different sides on the same coin.

that's not a sven, that's a muhammed m8.

What the fuck does that even mean?


>No, that would be antifa
Antifa is good for the right since they make the left look like racist morons. Alt-right is bad for the right since they make the right look like racist morons.

>one uses rhetoric that advocates violence against your political opponents or anyone you claim is far-right
>the other just wants to demonstrate without having their lives or personal safety threatened
yeah that's not a false equivelency at all, thanks rabbi.

Both are violent organisations who want a civil war. While i think that antifa's goals are noble they are still violent and need to be more peaceful. The alt-right are just strait up nazis. Kill em all!

good read

richard spencer has ruined the 'movement'

its time to align with the new right

REMINDER: Anyone supporting or talking about pro-white groups like the alt-right are JIDF, CIA, FBI, MOSSAD or probably all of the above. Stay woke le anons, never advocate for whites. Plus you wouldn't want people calling you a racist would you?!

>the new right
Enlighten me

Lol why so paranoid. I do this for free haha

It's time they're officially labelled as a hate group. After this most recent shooting they're now directly responsible for 2 terrorist attacks on US soil.

>richard spencer

i dont know i rather be associated with cernovich than richard spencer. fuck richard spencer

>spend 18 billion of your own money to push richard spencer

is soros the biggest cuck of all time?

Exactly. Anything right of Bernie needs to be outlawed. P E R I O D. If you don't agree you're probably a white fucking male.

both are entirely controlled by the cia. they're used as boogeymen to scare normalfags into sucking government dick.

where do you think richard spencer's organization, NPI, gets all its funding from?
do you think soros would fund antifa without the consent of the intelligence community?

cerno is a soulless ebook merchant who believes in nothing and has psychological problems


considering violence follows richard spencer, he invited international media. gives no speech and is shouted down. 10 people show up to listen to him and everyone else is a protester.

at this point i just dont care or want anything to do with the alt-right

proof for your claim that npi gets money from soros or government sources or fuck off

Looks photoshopped, (the subhuman posterboy)

why is that tattooed mong amoungst those hu'white men?

it's not that you shouldn't advocate for whites just that you shouldn't do it using obvious false flag groups and people like richard spencer and the alt right

notice how few jared taylor threads there are compared to richard spencer ones
and how little media attention he gets
at most jared taylor will get one heavily edited interview in a msm outlet and then they ignore him because they realize he actually knows what he's talking about
meanwhile spencer and protests where "nazis" wearing freshly printed swastika shirts and hug black men gets blasted in msm constantly to

photoshop, look at the white lines around Richard

They need to ban everyone with visible tattoos
Also literal 90 IQ Neo-Nazi's like that retard in the red suspenders that got punched

jesus fuck someone bombed richards house in virginia

photoshop confirmed

This. Just keep shitposting on Sup Forums and wait for the next Hitler. But whatever you do, PLEASE don't go out IRL and advocate for your race. That would be stupid

Exactly, we need to ignore people like Spencer because they are getting massive amounts of media attention (obviously CIA...). We need to put all our focus on less well known people like Jared Taylor. He doesn't get much press but if we just focus on him hard enough... I'm sure in 20-40 years people will really take to his ideas.

He's being ironic genius. Read the post below you

no please do this, and dont wear masks an talk like you do here on pol as well.


pretty please?

i agree.

stupid (((swede)))

Spencer is at the head of the first legitimate pro-white movement since Rockwell. If Taylor can drum up the kind of support that Spencer has, well good for him, and I will also support him if that time ever comes. But for now Spencer and Azzmador are killing it in the meat space. They're /ourguys/.

All photographs by Evy Mages.


not true. just because i rather support literally anyone else other than richard spencer doesnt make me non-white.

laura loomer and actual jew is BETTER and less TOXIC than richard spencer.


CIA needs to up their game

spencer is pure poison.

>peacefully run over woman with their car

not really at all. from what ive seen antifa has been attacking and the alt right has been defending. notice how antifa is always at the alt right rally when the violence occurs? even when antifa is alone they are starting shit.

you obviously haven't been paying attention since the beginning of all this, or just dont have eyes

What a load of nonsense.

in a Democratic ran city...

>hurr durr only the attention a message gets matters not the message itself

kys soros shill

so you're implying that the drivers intent was to run over protestors to achieve a political goal? if so, you're fucking retarded.

Richard Spencer has done more to damage white nationalism than to help it.

Consistently he has been the guy to get beaten or the guy to throw the roman salute up during meetings where they are trying to build a platform where they can be taken seriously by the media

Totally agree. I think white nationalism 1.0 has done WAY more for whites. We need to get back to basics and embrace our 80s style skinhead activism. Richard Spencer just isn't doing enough for whites.

Love your flag by the way. 1488 Brother. HEIL HITLER.

Agreed. Actually, the best we can do for whites is to improve ourselves.
Whats the easiest, low-effort way to self-improvement. Sleep, a lot of it.
Funnily enough I'm actually getting really sleepy right now. Something about Spencer gets me really passive and sleepy... zzzzZZzzzzzz.... zzzzZZzzzzzz...

Pretty much a dead-on representation of what all of these threads are

Absolutely, 12-14hours of sleep is recommended by doctors. Also stop exercising if you're white it's literally killing us -

>follow the "new right"
>what's the new right?
>I dunno, but you should definitely do whatever this Jew says

>laura loomer and actual jew is BETTER and less TOXIC than richard spencer.
>i'm white

LMAO What the cuck?

Lara Loomer is blonde, has straight hair and a very Aryan nose. What are you trying to say?

this is the epitome of intellectual dishonesty

They're normalizing racism. They don't always do a good job but on average they do more good than bad.

KEK. but no seriously, shes a jew and ugly af but i find her less off-putting then the poisonous richard spencer. and you can call me jew i dont care

i support anyone who isn't richard spencer except the anti-white trannys etc

I would never call you a jew, that's anti-semitic.

Loomer is an anti-white Jew who had plastic surgery and her hair bleached. There's fucking pictures of it in another thread going on right now. There's also video of her on Twitter pawing at a white guy and calling him a strong Aryan.

The perfidious anglo strikes again

The redpill must be gentle and sweet. Jared Taylor is the man we need, not (((Richard Spencer)))

Spencer never once said anything racist during his speech in Florida. White ethnocentrism is not white supremacism, no matter how much shills want to conflate the two. "We have the right to preserve our traditional culture" is not the same as "we're the best race on the planet, fuck you". The latter is what Jews, black nationalists, Arabs, and 'La Raza' overtly believe, and also aren't penalized for saying it. Only whites are.

Not true, you're just a JIDF shill and this is all a psyop. Anyone shilling for the alt-right or advocating for whites is CIA. Laura Loomer is an upstanding human being. She looks Aryan AF desu senpai.


Cernovich, who is helping a pedophile learn the sealed names of his accusers so he can harass them? That's the guy you'd rather be associated with? WTF is the matter with you?

ive actually never seen any anti-white rhetoric from loomer. are you also claiming stephen miller is also anti-white because he's a jew?

grow up.

I don't understand what they think they are achieving.
Autists make up their own mind which is why they are here in the first place, these shills are literally just doing what the left always does, dehumanization and ridicule.
As if that works on us, h-hehe.

i honestly dont like the guy, but i rather align with the new-right because of the poison that is richard spencer

Spencer is eloquent and articulate, presents himself well.
He is poison to the left, that makes me like him.