
>the virgin MKUltra victim vs the Chad illuminati

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/pdfy-JUImyEgGzE-JEb6F/The Franklin Cover-Up [Child Abuse, Satanism And Murder In Nebraska]_djvu.txt

Alright, so how do we all get in on this?

bump, saw this documentary six years ago

>They ordered me to cook water
>and pour it over the child
>meanwhile they hit the child
>first with a belt, then whit a piece of wood.
>They put out cigarettes on her body.
>Then they could cut off her hair
>and ordered me to cut off the little girl's clitoris.
>I didn't know what that was.
>THey said 'clitoris' and they showed me that it was
>with the words 'here, cut if off'.
>My father told me I had to do
>it, he showed me where to cut
>and the I did.

This is geneva literally the city were the french part of the rothschilds reside and where many of the richest people in the world live and have their children in private schools

>I went in. The courtains were closed. It was dark.
>There were carpets on the floor.
>They told me to sit down, so I sat down at the table.
>There was a table the priests were standing at.
>They were wearing darkred robes, almost black.
>They were chanting around the table.
>It took a long time.
>There was something covered in
>cloth, the same color as their robes.
>They took it to the table. It was a child.
>My grandfather took it in his arms.
>My brother Pierre was next to him.
>My grandfather then showed my brother
>hot to kill the child. And then he did.
>Obviously the child started screaming.
>They said some prayers, and sent us out.

>After 45 minutes or an hour, I don't remember exactly
>they came out themselves.
>The ceremonies would always end the same way
>after it there was a feast on the terrace.
>There were two large plates with meat.
>I now know this was human meat.

i can't stomach this shit but bump because it needs to get out there.

Keep going op. I'm reading.

These are amongst the crudest parts for anyone not willing to watch the documentary.

Is this the documentary where they felt the need to show actual CP examples on screen? I remember getting freaked out by it because there wasn't even a warning or anything.

On another note, did any fellow Germans here watch a movie called "Operation Zucker"? In the second part (Jagdgesellschaft) they mentioned the term "Lebendpizza" (living pizza) to refer to trafficked children. I thought it was a pretty interesting"coincidence", considering that movie aired before the whole pizzagate business became a thing.

>Is this the documentary where they felt the need to show actual CP examples on screen?
Yeah. Quite disturbing.

can u redpill me on this?
i have no time to watch the documentary

All that ask for in life, is for these monsters to be punished before I go. Please God. Help us defeat this evil.

For any that are interested, this banned documentary about the Franklin cover-up is a must watch.



i've been working my way through The Franklin Coverup, a book detailing the investigation and court process regarding a pedophile ring based out of Omaha, Nebraska in the mid-late 80's.

Its chilling how vulnerable children's witness testimony can be torn to shreds based on the children's trauma. Here's one experience a victim Loretta Smith relayed:

"...a one-year old white female had her head taken off by a saw, the second a four-year old white male was hung on the wall and darts thrown at him and the third an Indian female, three or four years old, had several parts of her body cut off after which it was ground and poured on the girls and they also were made to drink the remains of the child "
archive.org/stream/pdfy-JUImyEgGzE-JEb6F/The Franklin Cover-Up [Child Abuse, Satanism And Murder In Nebraska]_djvu.txt

We are the only remaining gods. The duty is ours.

doesnt warren buffet live in omaha

Reminder that this is what we're up against
Reminder that this is happening on a scale you wouldn't believe
at this very moment

SO MANY of evidence and still nothing is happening, just how corrupted is out world? Pizzagate is almsot 1 year old now and no priminent player got jailed.

Here is some evidence linking Hunter S. Thompson (Fear and Loathing in Vegas) to the Franklin Cover-up. That guy has some connections to big Hollywood names such as Johnny Depp and Jack Nicholson, and his funeral was attended by famous people such as a Senator John Kerry in 2005.


>Reminder that this is what we're up against
>Reminder that this is happening on a scale you wouldn't believe
>at this very moment

in front of our eyes

>Hunter S. Thompson (Fear and Loathing in Vegas)

that and Eyes wide shut isnt available on Netflix, how convinient.

>just how corrupted is out world?
This world is actually Hell. Nothing will be done because it's not meant to be.

If Satan isn't real then why do the most rich and powerful people in the world worship him?

Was it available and taken down this month or something?

These paintings are from Kim Noble.
Someone who was sexually abused. I'm sure I don't need to go into details of the circumstances here.

We need to work faster to solve pizzagate once and for all.
I have been trying for years.
You, yes YOU lurking, scrolling.
You know you can stop this, right?

They worship themselves.
They're ironically the devil.


>Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. - Thomas Jefferson


Don't you get it? "Pizzagate" was solved a long time ago before the 21st century.
The problem is that these "child sacrificial" pedo cults are so deep imbedded into human society that removing them would leave a big vacuum. Imagine pulling out a stake from your abdomen. That stake was keeping the blood and guts from spilling out.
If they're going down they're gonna take humanity along with them.

It won't do much. This has happened before and sorry to sound so pessimistic but I doubt it will yield any results. It never has. The waves come and go but the trash still remains on the beach for countless years.

not humanity
governments and civilizations maybe, but humanity is independent of those things, and until the Earth falls into the Sun we'll survive one way or another
hopefully we'll be off-planet by that point anyways

stop being afraid to talk about this kind of stuff with "normies".
stop being afraid to ask questions or read into "/x/ tier" phenomenon.
Filter your water.
Buy bitcoin.
We have the memes at our disposal, but unless we weaponize those memes we might to buy some full metal jackets too.

The Dutroux case is probablt the biggest redpill, ritual abuse, witnesses murdered, jurors threatened and all the big names get away with it.

>But are her eyes blue?

Ask me if I give a shit faggot.

Admit it. If you were part of the elite and you're untouchable, you'd do this too.

i'd love seeing a permanent pedowood pizzagate general thread
but the jewmods wouldnt let it

This point exactly, it's time to unravel the false bondage put over humanity by these evil satanic pedos. Especially if it means toppling their power structures

>that virgin slouch

Those paintings are one of the creepiest and saddest paintings I've ever seen. Effective art, and I don't know what kind of brains you gotta have to see those pics glorifying paedophilia. They show the truly dark things concerning child abuse

>governments and civilizations maybe, but humanity is independent of those things
Let's hope you're right.

This. I unironically was full /x/tier schizo at like age 17/2011 on
>1000 points of light
>Solvay Pharmaceuticals

Loads of shills to follow for posting these triggers so get ready goyim.
INB4 "sleepy"
INB4 "its nothing"

Wow that was easy kek. Shes really hot.

>You, yes YOU lurking, scrolling.
>You know you can stop this, right?
i dont know user
if enough people look into it then yeah sure
we could learn to raise a media campaign instead of doing it instinctually
what happened when pizzagate came out? why did it fizzle?
how can we do better?
that sorta thing

Look into Kim Noble.
There are other culty painters these types collect pieces of.
>Pic related
I will try to find more. Seriously, their taste in "art" is more than just questionable.

That's nothing
Check this out:


Dunno why but I've seen anons telling others to not post the full name of that site because you attracted spooks or something

Very interesting artist, thanks for the name my man


I am a filthy degenerate and I can honestly say no, no fucking way. kys if you actually think that you would do this if you thought you could get away with it.

Pizzagate didn't fizzle. It's still got momentum. 2017 has been a rough year for your average pedo.
Adrenochrome prices supposedly have never been higher. Pedos are ratting eachother out and getting busted.
We need to open the conversation offline.
The truth is Alex Jones could singlehandedly take on these demons, but with our help we could speed things up and save more innocent lives.

Yes you are correct that website is known for being astroturfed.
Not a bad website, but I only go there when it's cited. Not an active browser myself.
Here is one of my few bookmarks from GLP.

Why? Literally nigger tier statement. Like the one where nogs in Chicago saying that there is a gun cases lying around so thats why they commit crime.
You always have a choice. Don't use gun even if you got one for free. Same with this "being part of the elite".

Also all this pictures looks fake tbqh. Same with the story. Everything is too staged and sum up all stereotipical stuff.

Have any police investigations found evidence of Ritualistic murders and organised satanic ritual killings linked to global networks?

You are welcome. Don't just look into her art, I recall quite a profound history that Kim Noble had. It's all related.
Have another "weird and eccentric"pizzagate art jpeg.

>pagan mushroom shamans battling jews and their reptilian masters in the astral realm

>Adrenochrome prices
Speaking of which...

I don't know if that drug is real, but Thompson sure has the imagination to think of it in his novel.

Many of paintings also feature a small square of cloth, usually with a child being rape on it. It's almost as if...

Not only were 84 kids saved this week but another 120 kids were rescued from human trafficking last week.
One recent bust was in Compton, LA.


Even if they did what makes you think the officers there would risk their loved ones to get the truth out and/or allow justice to happen?
How many influential cops in the United States, Germany, France and UK were threatened while having a giant wad of money dangled in front of them if they choose to comply?
Don't take this the wrong way but even if someone from the authorities presented evidence much to the dismay of the perps you can bet your ass their gonna end up in a world off hurt and whatever they did will be burried before the masses even get to it.

The police aren't bad per se, they're mostly just instructed to look the other way. They're only "bad" if they actively partake in the harvesting during certain semitic holidays but idk if they do that.

And who were the people arrested? No doubt low level scapegoats for just such occasions.

Lord Jesus Christ, do not tarry any longer. Come back and destroy this wretched world with your holy and righteous wrath. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Christianity still has the potential though. John Allegro uncovered the secret amanita code from the bible. Very dangerous mushroom to eat and even more dangerous to enter spiritual warfare, with almost certainly possession or insanity as possible outcomes.

Fiona Barnett (the candy girl) reports the same horrendous stuff with drawings. military bases. Trains. Disney world at night. Human hunting parties in the forest. It’s so awful. I wish Corey would name names so that we can go from there to the top. Hollywood is just a small branch of it. The royals and Vatican and top politicians are at the top

Can anyone even explain this? It's real, right?

i have the Fiona Barnett archive here: independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/fiona-barnett--candy-girl,8248

And the us ambassador in Belgium was a pedo and Hillary covered for him

>Hunter S. Thompson
Also he agreed with Marxism and wanted complete drug legalization.

More pizzagate tier "art".

And paddock worked for Lockheed

that's our queen, why is she with the spirit cooking cunt?

Are you joking, user?
Do you know that pedophilia is legal in the netherlands?

Post some from Abramovic
She's Hillary's favorite 70 yo artist

Yes, but they cover it up. Watch true detective season 1. Hence the term TRUE

dafuq why did someone photoshop Christopf from Vampire the Masquerade behind Ben Franklin?

>retarded weeb

they google'd "vampire"

Sure, user. Not sure how much I have from here but I will keep the thread alive with what I got.


Amen. Please God don’t let the children suffer any longer. Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle!

Pic is work of an artist Tony Podesta colllects. He has one of her works hanging in his den

No evidence has ever or will ever surface and No one will be strong enough to just do the right thing regardless of the cost..is that what your suggesting?

But DMT is only produced in pitch dark enviroments with no light not torture. My theory is that this is why hermits used to seal themselves in caves. In order to stimulate natural DMT production and become more spiritual

>Chateau Amerois
>Ronald Bernard

That’s Tony podesta’s House?

Look at disgusting Alefantis.

You know tony has a basement where he told reporters it’s to watch special films that can’t be watched in the light of day. I think washington post published the article years ago when taking a tour of his house

This stuff is heart breaking, Idk if it's come with age but I never though twice about this kinda shit.

I hope every one of these pedo fucks suffer a long painful death.

Yes I had heard this "screening" room was installed so he could watch "complex pieces" of motion pictures.
Look what they'll post on instagram.
They do it in our faces, because the sliver left of their souls is begging us to end their torture.

Hence podesta’s handkerchief that was pizza related found by the realtor

Working together we can end this.

God has abandoned us.

No, WE abandoned it


Fair enough.

>cook water

So they kill children and then somehow cut the head laterally to get one of the most buried, hard-to-reach pieces of the human body to eat?


its "boil" dudebro


>Being this new.