Help me understand this "WE WUZ KANGZ" nonsense

So I've seen the we wuz kangs memes for years, but I'm trying to understand the basis for the whole "black people come from royalty" thing. This doesn't even make sense, how do you specifically descend from only kings? Who were the kings even ruling over, other niggers? Or are they suggesting that nations of whites were ruled by a few niggers, who then went on to breed and create the modern black race? What the fuck are these dindus actually implying when they say they "come from kings"? Please help me understand this shit, Sup Forums.

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Essentially they are just trying to make it seem as if they were significant in our history and in other histories around the world to try to discredit others and give credit to themselves.

>understanding nigger logic
Not even watching rick and morty can make you this smart, user. Don't even try to understand their retarded ways of thinking - God himself cant'

You were created by a black scientist wh*te boi

Intellectual gibsmedat, user.
The bible says it somewhere, men can't live on foodstamps alone.

They say "we" was kings because black people have an inherently collectivist mindset. They identify as a group and almost never as an individual. Thus, if at some point in their history there was black royalty, then they were *all* royalty.

They're trying to create a cultural history that isn't thousands of years of tribal warfare and some short-lived and poorly managed jungle kingdoms. In truth Africa has just never produced historical figures with the same clout as say, Genghis Khan.

Blacks were actual Kings and queens. Do your research. If you really wanted to know you wouldn't ask Sup Forums.

I believe it started with them saying ancient egyptians and babylonians were african, and predictably became more ridiculous.

Blacks civilized you , this is a fact

Actual Vikings

ITT:Wh*teys get BTFO

That's a footman in your pic I guess. Victorians used to enjoy a trail of sambos fussing and bowing around their carriages. Those were the good old days when If a nigerty nog stepped out of line you'd just beat him with a riding crop.
That's the only way they will EVER fit into civilisation, they need to be owned like dogs. We are essentially releasing dogs into society and then lying about it when they shit on the floor and don't scoop after themselves

It's where black people appropriate white things from history like being greek gods in movies and shit.

It is obvious that (((they))) want to annihilate cultures and sheeeeit.
What OP was asking is why anyone would believe the narrative that all didus were kangz and godz and sheeit, or even regular citizens with rights the same as other people.


It's like americans larping as irish/german/scandi. They can't trace their real ancestry and they're all mixed anyway so they attach themselves to some historical significance.

All the new world slaves came from the west coast of africa, nowhere near egypt.

Pic related

I see a swastika there
>we wuz nazis and shieet


It's the denial stage of grief. Nigger hordes never even made it to the stone age, while other civilizations prospered, built aqueducts, discovered mathematics, etc.

Noggers are also in the anger phase. They have a major inferiority complex, and try to blame wypipo for their inability to perform.

Soon we will see bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. Then they will all fuck off back to Apefrica where they can be bitten by mosquitos and live like king nigas.


From what i understood, most movements like that imply that black slaves in America are descendants from historical african empires, like Kush, Abyssinia, Ghana or Mali. Which is not true, because african slaves were taken from the most tribal and undeveloped regions of Africa, where there was no concrete states.

We wuz dick washers and sheeeit.

Wuz they ayyyys n sheit too?

It's the evolution meme again. Evolution myths got started around the time lots of Victorians were seeing negros as ape men.
So if we descended from Africa then the first civilisations were black.
It's all pure shite of course.
I grew up being told blacks evolved for the Sun, but now they say black skin copes less well with the sun. It doesn't stop evolution memers who just evolve their fantasy however many times they fail to refute science.

Holy sheeit. Maximum kekage achived.

Damn, even the Poos had a civilization/empire better than the niggers

I guess because it is easier to make shit up rather than face the harsh reality of their past where they didn't do much of anything.



Kangz is easily one of my favorite memes ever

it's all an offshoot of the black power/religious movements that started up in the 1920s.

read up on it, some of this shit is fucking wild


It's an exaggeration to say negros were in the stoneage. They have never made it that far.
We are NOT the same species, they are as close to animals as they are to us. They belong in zoos like in America were they just put them in jail for natural life.

>violent marauders were black
Really activates the almonds

dem pyrotechnic dindus are the best dindus

But yeah it is pretty funny that they claim to descend from these people. It is one thing to be proud of your ethnic groups accomplishments but to claim to descend from all great black people is just funny in my opinion.

Pretty much this - historical revisionism that's a poor straw-grab at anything which could give them a deeper history than they really ever had.

The Kangs part specifically comes from the aspect that some black people insist that Pharaohs of Egypt and by extension Egyptians in general are black, simply on the bases that modern Egypt has some black people in it.

This is retarded of course because you can't judge the historical racial composition of any country based on what it's like in modern days, after all America as a nation didn't even exist several hundred years ago, so why is it a reach to suggest that several thousand years ago there were practically no dark-skinned people not only anywhere in Europe, but most of North Africa and the whole of the Middle East?

This is particularly insulting to Egyptians themselves, who are sandniggers at best in terms of skin color, and in ancient times they were more Armenian-tier dark.

>we wuz electricians and shieet
>thomas edison wuz tyrone edwards and shieet

He gonna die...he gonna die...he gonna die...he dead

The Civilised built all the cool shit
We've been invaded time and time again (Troy, Rome, Vienna)
Niggers see the momuments and assume they had something to do with it
>besides invading the people who made it
rewrites history (with help of traitors)
OP is a fag
someone saves it
>the cycle continues

In Ireland, Fairys live under hills.
Fairy = Fíor Rí = True King = Pharaoh/Fairy

Queen of The Fairys was the Mythical Leader of a Gaelic Resistance called
>The WhiteBoys

Newgrange is a Pyramid, Celts are in the Vedas, Jesus was Greek,
Jews invaded Ancient Egypt, Troy was real, Atlantis is real
There was a Pre- Ice Age Civilization
Titans and Giants were a thing
Humans encountered Dinosaurs

>they are as close to animals as they are to us
you're quite fucking hopeful of nogs, here

Racism is a huge sign of unintelligence and inferiority. White people need stop being scared of all other races. Its that kind of inferiority that is causing white women to race mix

''kangz'' meme. It was started by other Europeans, we interrupted the hell out of Africans, they didn't have a chance to start their own thing.

It's literally that simple

it's just more niggers stealing shit
>Egypt, located on the isthmus of Africa, is an ideal region to study historical population dynamics due to its geographic location and documented interactions with ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia and Europe. Particularly, in the first millennium BCE Egypt endured foreign domination leading to growing numbers of foreigners living within its borders possibly contributing genetically to the local population. Here we present 90 mitochondrial genomes as well as genome-wide data sets from three individuals obtained from Egyptian mummies. The samples recovered from Middle Egypt span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Easterners than present-day Egyptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times. This analysis establishes ancient Egyptian mummies as a genetic source to study ancient human history and offers the perspective of deciphering Egypt’s past at a genome-wide level.

>taught white people how to bathe

And then the knowledge was immediately forgotten?

Aren't those steps Andennes, which were pretty surely used for farming.


>Ancient Troy
>A Black Civilization

>and sheeeeit.

Can't wait for a "groundbreaking" discovery that proves water is wet

THIS. Whites cant admit they NEED other races to advance. Whites have never built a culture without using other superior cultures


>groundbreaking research
So kangz being dundus is now widely accepted as a truth...
>just end my liferino

The original people of the Earth come from Black. Black can produce all, white can't. White are not native/indigenous/aboriginal anything. Dark is dominant, light is recessive.
Regardless of how many stupid post are made here to shit disturb and lie.... regardless of how destroyed/foolish so called black people are today, we are the parent of all MAN-kind.
The bible tells you we all come from one blood. But the cracker is just going to crack so i don't' see any point in trying to argue with the Monkey's uncle.

Walk it off champ

No, we wuz giants!

But even then, being a king of niggers is like being the tallest midget in the room. I don't say that white people "were astronauts and shit" just because certain white people were astronauts.

>reddit flag
>nigger-tier reading comprehension
fuck off nigger.


Hmm who else's self-concept revolves around a victim mythology based on pseudohistory?

It's a shooped version of this picture of Mozart.

Gonna keep this one in my head for a while topkek

That's very touching!
Powerful! I'm by no means an expert, but I'd say at least 2000 kW of powerful, deep and emotionally touching without googling


To this day, I still don't understand how can anybody think that can even work or even makes sense
>be Yakub
>kids make fun of me in school
>get mad
>play with magnets
>get an idea to enslave all the black people by creating new people to do it
>manage to get a following of black people to somewhere in Greece
>make them practice Eugenics
>suddenly Indians, Asians and White People in just the span of 600 years
>White people start messing with the original Black People
>get put in caves and become animals
>send Moses to lead them out but somehow they take over the entire World despite the Black people being said to be superior

Like who could even come up with this story or who could even believe it?

Sure because LOOKITUP is total evidence.
So, you were the original, authentic, bona fide, true, real, 100% genuine Israelites and Hebro's.
>Y'all mufuggaz was Native Amerikangz and Vikangz too. it just never ends does it? Why build a culture when you can just step in and appropriate someone else' culture?

you have to go back, Faggots.

What's your fucking problem, nigger?

Modern Egyptians are mostly Arabs and probably a little bit Roman/Italian from migration. The ancient Egyptians were apparently more Asian-like.

But I agree with this post. It's an attempt to "black wash" history by inventing historic importance where there wasn't any, and claiming there was some conspiracy to cover it up.

I dunno.. as a white guy. If I was black, I'd find the whole thing offensive. There are actual black leaders and historic people in the last 100 years they can talk about, instead of making up and rewriting history just to ignore the atrocities committed in Africa today.

This shit comes for Prince Hall (black) freemasons and Nation of Islam. Essentially, nigs stole esoteric stories about white israelites and aryans and made up their own version of it.

Marcus Garvey created fascism,Mussolini adapted for whites

A subtle reference, which only R&M fans are capable of understanding

>Blacks were actual Kings and queens
Kings and queens of monkeys.

>Two of a kind

There's a much easier explanation for this than you might think. Read the bell curve. A good 50% of blacks have an IQ around or below 80, pic related. Do you know how stupid that is? Picture yourself when you were 8 or 9. You were credulous, right? You probably couldn't grasp seemingly easy concepts that would defeat the KANGZ theories. That's what a large portion of niggers are like. You can explain to a black that the slaves came from west Africa and Egypt is in northeast Africa, but you probably won't be able to convince him that his ancestors were not pharaohs. Mentally a good number of negroes are like children. Violent, aggressive children.


because i know indians can be retarded, i just want to point out - this is all false information.

I'd say monkeys are more royal than a nigger will ever be

a civilization, that raped, plundered and killed. sounds like niggers to me.

>It's like americans larping as irish/german/scandi. They can't trace their real ancestry and they're all mixed anyway so they attach themselves to some historical significance.

Most Americans aren't mixed.
Last census, 2% was "mixed race".

Also, you brits are one to talk about mixing.
Your royal family is full of inbred monsters.

The answers are niggers and niggers.

They actually were,if you consider being rulers of a society which got destroyed by their own people just to sell them to colonists for guns and money as a substantial achievement.
I still believe that he should have gotten government funding instead of having the FBI on his case.
He was doing the right thing, make all the blacks go back to Africa and rebuild the society instead of being "oppressed" 24/7.
We even tried this with Liberia but look how that turned out.

A smart Sup Forumsack needs to write:

>Judaized Consciousness in the American Black: Racial Politics 1955-present

or hell, open it up to all the victim groups:
>Judaized Consciousness and the Fall of the West

I could do it with enough Adderall. What we're seeing is the Semitic spirit spread through all the "Oppressed" groups. Once Amelia Earhardt wanted to PROVE she was as good as the boys. Blacks wanted to PROVE they were as good as Whites. They had Aryan consciousness (in Nietzschean terms: master morality). They owned the truth of the matter; they were meritocratic and ambitious. Self-affirming, self-improving.

Now the "oppressed" are Chosen. They know they are ALREADY as good as they will ever need to be. They are the "good" against the "evil"--no longer the "bad" trying to change into "good." All that needs be done is destroy the hated victimizer. Then everything will be fine.

This is the heart of the Aryan/Semitic struggle. It's the master/slave struggle. It's the male/female struggle. One based on dynamism, growth, demonstration of power. The other based on stasis, whining, and lying for power. Deeds vs. words.

If the Europeans had not brought slaves to America, none of this would have happened.

Be sure to drop a link sometime when you do. I lurk a lot, but always download and read good shit anons here write or suggest.

>Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash
>Implying this isn't satire

Wish we could turn time back and leave Africans in their primitive tribes. We would have saved so much Money and could be much further as a society than we are now, while da black kangz would still be living in little huts. Feminists would have never made it to the powerful position which they have now, because without blacks (intersectionalism) fueling their SJW-Machinery there wouldn't be enough virtue-signaling potential for other lefties to join their cause.


The Ancient Aliens were black apparently.

That Sphinx cranium is definitely African in form.

They were the old gods of Greece.

Disgusting looking ape

I love this potent maymay. Saved, thanks user.

>DNA research
b-but weez all da same

Mid 90's pan African bullshit. Better check the flag:
>A leaf
Of course.

I sure will. More bookish Sup Forumsacks are going to save this board. Casual chat here is dying now that the shill invasion in 476 AD-tier. We need to step it up.

Unironically, does anyone have advice on how I can get amphetamines?

Hi shareblue

burn it all

I might grant you this. But you have to admit that whites advance far beyond the cultures that they borrow from.
>Greeks get writing and civilization from near East cultures-->develop democracy, philosophy, beautiful art --> BTFO Persian invaders-->Alexander steamrolls Near East, Egypt, Persia
>Romans take Greek influences, get pushed around by Carthaginians-->get their military shit together and annihilate Carthage, absorb Greek domains-->become one of the greatest empires in history
>Europe falls behind when Roman Empire collapses, gets bullied by Vikings and Muslim Arabs/Berbers-->rediscover Classical knowledge from Muslims-->develop Enlightenment ideals, scientific method, Age of Discovery-->dominate the globe
>European explorers/imperialists encounter Africa-->take slaves, divide the continent among themselves-->arguably get some influences in music and cooking --> what was once tribal rhythm that would never have been heard outside of darkest Africa is now rock music that is listened to all over the world, thanks to wypipo
