the brazilification of the west is inevitable at this point
get yourself a qt yellow/brown/bl*ck girl and make lots of babies!
the brazilification of the west is inevitable at this point
get yourself a qt yellow/brown/bl*ck girl and make lots of babies!
Nigger lover....
The day of the rope is coming.
there won't be a day of the rope. you're so delusional it's not even funny
Is that supposed to be a good thing? Brazil is one of the worst places on the Earth.
It's why Trump got elected.
shut the fuck up the day of the emu is coming for you
slowly realizing that Sup Forums would rather breed with an ugly white woman than with a super hot asian girl
The "white" brazilians are still higher status in society so I don't see how turning everyone to sludge eliminates racism. The lighter people will always have an edge like in india or latin america.
The fuck is "gmh" and why does everyone try to talk like a nigger these days?
gmh means gives me hope
>Vishnu won't descend into his next avatar and rid the world of evil as kalki
Liberals are delusional
Get me high
This is for you.
>the brazilification of the west is inevitable at this point
yes, which is exactly why i support it
It will not hold, and the Earth shall be destroyed
The souls of the globalized race will be good energy source
How did a maori figure out how to even use the internet
Preferably snatch that yellow woman from a yellow boy.
grab my hair
No thanks
Our countries are irreparably fucked but I'm not gonna contribute to it
she's a filipina
I agree!
Have you seen Hapas?
I don't want to have autistic manlet children who grow up to be Elliot.
shut up weeb
We can't let this happen.
Keep telling yourself that user.
No thanks, I got a New England anglo grl
An Asian guy named Hiding In My Room on Youtube said every Asian girlfriend he has had were stolen by a white guy. Lol.
I'm gonna join my fellow arab nationalists to destroy the ottoman empire and degenerates like you!
she's mine
gmh? Get me hard? Post penor.
Correct. We will just be killing your kind until we get our way. The moment a mongrel tries to claim your ethnicity in media or politics - he must be killed. You unironically kill them and politicians in your country that support it. Add anti-racist and mixed raced politicians, immigrant community leaders - you have the enemy list. Look, people don't go to places like Chechnya, Lithuania and Albania for a reason. That reason is ultra violence. If you want the parties in power to follow the pureblooded native voice, you must impose a great threat to them. Repeatedly throughout history "terrorism" has been proven to work. The IRA got what they wanted, so did the ANC, and so did the KKK for that matter--just a handful examples from many.
The IRA got what they wanted because they started bombing places like Canary Wharf, City of London and Manchester city center. It wasn't the killing and maiming of people that brought about peace it was the disruption of business, banking and commerce. The British government didn't give a fuck about dead citizens but they did care about business and banking going elsewhere.
Then there are things like Judeo-Bolshevism, which secured its power through terror, and so did National Socialism. You can question whether it's right, sure, but it clearly has and does work, because people are massive cowards, and will give up a lot when in danger of being blown up or tortured or killed.
This is just the reality, and reality isn't soft and cuddly.
>An Asian guy named Hiding In My Room on Youtube said every Asian girlfriend he has had were stolen by a white guy. Lol.
I just looked at his channel, judging by the topics half is vid is him moping about something.
>implying Sup Forums's pickyness isn't just a cover for its lack of options
Brazil is diverse. It has more Whites than Germany. And more non-Whites than Whites.
you're first
she's not as goodlooking as she thinks
lily is a literal goddess
Fuck me
By one drop rule it is barely 5-8% White, if we count wogs as White that is
According to the one drop rule Russia is mongol.
>hates migrants
>Welcomes asian migrants
>hates racemixing
>Thinks racemixing with asians is good
Yeah this is why i stopped taking this place serious. Just a bunch of basement dwellers.
that chick with less/different makeup
nigger can you even read? try reading the OP again
yeah i read it just fine
>this place is a giant meme filled with societies retards
>comparing denisovan asian influx to LITERAL NONHUMAN negro
And it’s non-existent anyway. The only noneuro component of Russians is Finnic. The same Swedes have and in far bigger quantities. Russians and Balts are far more European than your lot
yes pls
>yeah i read it just fine
then you'd realise that I'm pro migrants and pro race mixing between all races
>1 post by this ID
reminder to sageru
read the thread
Give me head
>calls me a nigger as an insult
>is pro race mixing
Yeah like i said, This place is just filled with retards
what's wrong with saying nigger? I don't hate niggers, I just really like saying that word
>that moustache
You go ahead and fuck your japnigger tranny plastic surgery victim, cucktard.
>why does everyone try to talk like a nigger
Thank 140 characters for that.
My God. You are so deluded.
>you're not white
Fill in the missing letters for me
You can avoid this. You see, we've always been a multiracial society. It's in our blood. But also an aristocratic society, which valued merit, virtue, honor.
Realize that what went wrong was not our ethnic composition. Pigeons, it's basically the same as 300 years ago. What went wrong was our moral constitution.
Victimism, paternalism, feminism, degeneration of values, pro-minority policies, result in a reconfiguration of identity and social behavior.
This is what is happening in the West. That's what happened to us.
i love brown girls
fuck off racist
Yes mehmet we know
still a retard.
racist nigger nazi
Would seed
Disgusting. Asian women are the worst.
Gets me hot
they really do look like space aliens. only weirdo perv fetishists would want 2 cum inside this.
Well you're getting brown cock instead.
Thats my sister you fucking creep. Delet this
t. Merseyside octoroon, Britain First member
Mongrels are mongrels and have no place in Europe. Besides every European nation has its own ETHNO movement. Wider “White” label gets only relevant for mixed European ethnicities. Wog one being hardly ever accepted by the rest of Euro militants
>Go for a br style girl!
Nah.. if the West is truly going to be brazilified then I'm going for a Trap to match.
They're only good if they still have the Benis though. Doesn't look like he does, Geralt.
Fuck off
Said the nervous man/woman/it/thing/helicopter for the 55th time this year.
That's the wost disguise eva. She's definitely an alien.
Me too Karl, me too. It's a bad hand to be dealt in these times; to have a soft-spot for women of lower races.
>Realize that what went wrong was not our ethnic composition
Wrong. The more black you became, the worse things got.
95% of Brazilians have ugly fucking faces, and strange body types. No thanks.
what is gmh?
This chick looks a lot like mattress girl
mattress grl is frumpy tho
Again, wrong. In the course of the nineteenth century (during the Empire), we had a far larger proportion of blacks - to the point where the government adopted an official policy of whitening, importing Europeans, Arabs and Japanese.
And we were very far from this situation, which began to show results in the course of the 1980s and 1990s.
Not gonna lie but if the stats are true, how asians folks in the west can handle this?
>Importing Japanese for whiteing
The autism in this is 2 much
The brazilian guy I posted is better looking than this "woman"
Got Me Herpes
US asians are not the same as the natives of their country. They all look fucking horrible and are filthy whores in the US.
what does "gmh" mean?
>she's mine
Huma Abedin?
stop it jew
Gives me hope