How do we stop Asian women from seducing white men??
I'm so mad right now, lost a a really good back up plan recently, his business just started picking up and now he is making high six figures, but he is dating some dumb chink gook >.
How do we stop Asian women from seducing white men??
I'm so mad right now, lost a a really good back up plan recently, his business just started picking up and now he is making high six figures, but he is dating some dumb chink gook >.
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roastie detected
That’s a good looking female (male).
It's not just that asian women are seducing white men, it's that white women are driving white men away.
Let the Asian women take the white men, sister.
I already got myself an asian bf.
>How do we stop Asian women from seducing white men??
We don't.
send tits
if you wanna stop white men from getting seduced by asian women you first have to understand that no seduction is taking place - white men are moving away from white women due to the environment that has raised them and allowed them to become unfeminine. if you want to start fixing the problem, slowly but surely, change the environment and start raising girls right
Maybe if white women stopped being awful they would not need to worry about yellow women
>sissy beta swedencuck can't settle for sandnigger
Truly the biggest faggots and self defeating betas of the entire planet.
thats not a asian, thats sayathefox
shes as plastic as a stereotypical korean whore
If he fell for the asian meme he's not worth it
>I'm so mad right now, lost a a really good back up plan recently
> ">.
Those are for my boyfriend only.
Youre the kind of woman who deserves to be chained up in the kitchen. Your muslim husband wont even make you his 2nd wife. Have fun being the annoying one
Nice paste
why is this same thread posted on here every day?
>yellow women aren't awful
They got you good m8.
Sopa de gato...
Uma delícia!
Nice bait.
>How do we stop Asian women from seducing white men??
we dont, either white woman become better or men will continue to go for what they like. its pretty simple actually.
Maybe White women could simply try acting like women again. Might just work
what the fuck
That is just aweful.
WTF I hate chink bitches now!
(did kitterz died?)
Oh look another weeb thread!
>(did kitterz died?)
The reason why it's trembling is because the inside of the washing machine gets hot so in a sense its getting cooked from within while getting drowned and battered
I wonder if she got punished for playing with her food
That cunt is fucked in the head.
I already know what chink bitches are all about. have a clingy long distance bitch that won't leave me because i took her virginity.
anybody want my clingy chink fucktoy? please? got better right? guys?