Sup Forums hates Trump now

>Sup Forums hates Trump now

What happened?

Trump started enacting Republican policies that hurt them.

That's just the shills user

Sup Forums realized that literally all of Trump's grandchildren are Jews

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Trump voter and former supporter here. He betrayed us. Simple as that. He didn't drain the swamp, he didn't lock her up and our economy is going to shit. He's a fucking failure and needs to be impeached.

Given the chance, I'd have changed my vote to Gary Johnson.

Until liberals stop getting ass blasted over his existence I will support him.

Shills gonna shill

They've realized he is an empty suit.

Trump sucks jewish dick. We voted for an independent president not for this shit

Who's that?
Nice thread faggot

I'm an alt-righter but even I will admit he's a darn right bad president

Neck yourself

>Sup Forums is one person

Trump is still God Emperor

holy fuck you just need to look at those reply times to see this is shilled as fuck

you forgot to turn your proxy off

Shill detected


But also he lost me when he didn't want to deport all dreamers


Retard detected

It's just autists trying to change the narrative.

Triggered shill is triggered, yes i'm calling you a shill, no troll is this retarded.


This. Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Don't get all buttmad if I call out your true colors.

fuck off jew

I want Eminem to like me so I have to hate Blumpf now sorry

I don't hate Trump, not a huge fan of his stupid comments about military families.
Still agree with his policies for the most part.

He says cringe worthy shit a lot.

i don't like that my president bow down to a terrorist sand nigger

>he still blindly follows le god emperor
>he thinks I am the retard
Projection: The Post

You just need to look at the meme this guy posted
Only leftist memes contain a wall of text in order to try and get their message across.
The left cannot fucking meme


>What happened?
Still no wall.

Leaf not understanding politics... again

What are you even talking about?

Wut? Wut?

I still support him just for the fun media show.

Otherwise nah, the dude failed to implement the wall and threw away his best bargaining chip with DACA.

Nice try, Leaf. Fuck off

That Trump is a retarded kike puppet and you are retarded if you support him unironically

The election night was worth it! I had the best night in my life so I don't care if the USA gets destroyed.

Prototypes are being built in San diego

Very popular pasta user! But that does sum it up for me too. It's sad too I'm not surprised either.

>anonymous board
>not gonna lie
Man oh man

this might be the laziest attempt at a shill ever. didn't wanna go to work on a saturday huh slaveblue.
it sucks i'm sure.


>Blumpfadumpf failed at building the wall like he promised!

>pretending not to know that bureaucratic decision making is mind numblingly slow

>pretending that it's not going to take a fucking long time to build A GIANT WALL THAT SPANS THE ENTIRE US-MEXICO BORDER

We always thought better him than Hillary, but that doesn't make him a backstabbing fucking idiot. Seriously, of all the people in the world for the most important job in the world you put forward the most corrupt and evil candidate ever, and the most Jewish and retarded candidate ever.
If he stuck to his words and wasn't doing shit like warmongering in Afghanistan and Syria, paying for the wall and keeping dreamers in then maybe we would like him more.
Still we agree its better than Hillary, but not by fucking much.

I certainly wouldn't call everyone that is unsupportive or skeptical of him a shill, but the sudden spike in Trump hate on this board is usually signs of shills acting among skeptics to distract from something. Does Trump support Jews? Sure, the ones who're willing to work with him. But as soon as I see a long-winded thread claiming Trump is a shill for Israel, or some other obvious bait in an attempt to appease Sup Forums, that's when I go check the news to see what might be happening that they don't want you noticing.

Most of us grew up.

What do you mean?

We always win, slowly but steadily. That's what is happening.

>pretending that a central campaign promise that gets ignored for the first year of a term is DEFINITELY going to get done 2-3 years down the line

>Newyork liberal
>did not uphold his promisses
>is interventionist
Sup Forums never liked Trump, his fanboys were just too vocal because they are cunts with a lot of time on their hands.

>believing in change
I mean
Shitty democrat pres and shityy republican pres. This is leading up to actual jewish presidency.

This. I honestly DGAF about US politics. But that liberal salt on election night... Holy fuck... That was just orgasmic. I have never felt pleasure like that in my entire life and likely never will. I don't care if he turns out to be the worst president ever (unlikely) that one moment was worth it.

Did you know liberals love air as well? You should just stop breathing, that will show them!

>how to expose yourself as a shill
>part 1
>forget your turkey proxy on, or even worse, be a literal roach

this is incorrect.

Also the fact that the hard-core supporters are trash that suck his dick, they seriously are only better than commies in the sense that their heart is in the right place in wanting to help America. Like commies they are physically unable to think independently or take any criticism, they will lap up any word Donald says without the simplest thought.
They will call me a "Shill", "Share-blue" and whatever fucking name in a way commies call people Nazis so they can pretend any word I say is just shilling so any criticism is somehow invalid in their mind. I supported Trump in the elections to stop Hill, helping meme him to the US and expose Clintons corruption on social media, I don't regret it but don't believe he is any good.

>Sup Forums is one person
Cracks me up every time.


>Happy that Liberals were mad a dumb ass got elected
>Liberals proven right to be mad because he is an incompetent dumb ass
Fucking Sup Forums logic

Kek agrees with that.
God of chaos remember

You should die for this post.

I love Trump

Meh. I'm still hopeful. DACA isn't out of hot water yet and the wall appears to be coming, and even if Bannon's gone Miller is still there and he's got magical Jew powers that prevent him from being fired.

Its a leaf

>Republicans cant pass healthcare or tax reform
>They will surely build a controversial wall!
The next few weeks with tax reform is going to be so fucking sad. But go ahead and blame the democrats now. Republicans alone do not have the votes to do shit.

The election night results was worth every promise he broke

The amount of euphoria I experienced was unbelievable as I watched the pure rage of Liberals

If he lets the new gun control bill pass. Then ill give up on him.

I'm still hopeful, but this DACA bullshit and RINO bullshit are making me wonder

He better not give these greasy illegal invaders a free pass and he'd better deport all DACA parents pronto


So about the wall, you might not have heard... :/

>What did they mean by this?

triple 7' must be true sadly.

Well it started with him bombing Syria and becoming too friendly with der juden

It's completely fine to hate Trump, I thought the only reason he was elected was to stop the Clinton's from installing the NWO.

He went through with tax cuts and started gutting ACA instead of just sticking to bootyblasting libs and feminists.
Now he's fucking with our NEETbux.

Lol idiot

Not gonna lie, former Trump hacker here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

i dont hate him i just wont shill for him. if he fucks up i dont know him personally. i dont hang out with him. that nigger never gave me anything so i owe him nothing

he wanted to be BFF with israel and the saudis 2 countries im not a fan of. he doesnt want to get rid of illegals something he promised he would do. he very well may screw the middle class with his tax plan and im not rich

If he locks her up I will vote for him again

But Hillary would have been worse. She still needs locking up

Lock her up!


>implying we ever liked him
We only liked the response he got from the left.

Reddit refugees excluded that is.

Much better than Hillary. Wanna send yr kids to get blown up in Tehran, Iran ? Hillary wanted war with Iran! Hillary == much worse

>shills don't realize the obvious word they use as a giveaway

Note how Isis went broke after Obama left office!

Another shariablue thread

He has them already. I am just glad Hillary did not get those codes.

He's completely been semitified, I honestly think he's just there to please Isreal

This sperglord trying to counter anyone's argument with his anime gifs. OPINION DISCARDED.


He sucks Isreals cock

nice shill thread leafboi

Ja visst. Vi har din IPvfyra

I hated Trump until I understood what he was doing. Now I regret not voting for him. Definitely going to next time. I was a Dem all my life. Now I want the DNC to burn.

Honestly? I'm neither with him or against him politically. I'm just watching the fire rise more. I'm in it for the chaos and despair from the left. Each day they're making their selves look like the most unlikable pieces of shit on Earth and proving just that on their own.


>backed off from the climate agreement like a retard
>attacks Iran for no reason and wants to end the nuclear agreement
>retarded travel ban
>no wall
he's just a big meme