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Look, I don't care if you're baiting. I still want to call you retarded for having absolutely no understanding of demographics.

G*rman have created everything bad that happened on earth

Whites don't reproduce, while invaders multiply like pests. What to understand?

>invaders multiply like pests
Got any data to support this? Last I read, the immigrants adapt similar (unsustainable) birth rates, which of course makes the whole situation worse - else we could just stop/reduce immigration and breed them out. But no, they do not reproduce as much, thus the neverending need for more immigrants to keep the population growing. That's actually a worse problem.

Not in one but maybe in 2, also my country is gonna fall soon, our fertility rates are very low and we are being replaced by immigrants.

That the white birthrate is still 1.3 and it takes far more than a hundred years for whites to be even a small minority you fucking down syndrome.
Even america still has more than one generation, and they are more deeply fucked

Welcome to the club

you are a good goy

Not receiving 1 million aliens a year

watching the world fly by the past 20 years... i'd say there is only 1/2generation of time.
my country, the people... fubar.

Never liked germans to begin with, faggots exported too many collectivist ideologies over the years, time to go extinct and let Allah impregnate your ugly women.

this is the last chance for germans to wake up and start killing niggers and shitskins

My cousin already has her first arab boyfriend :3 feels good.

>she told the family it's her first
Kek. First. Sure.

Where did you read that? Niggers have been in our country for years and have more children on average.

It is not the White birth rate you are referring to, but the birth rate in general which includes those with German citizenship but Turkish roots. Also, there is an immigration of millions of Browns and Blacks now to Germany, not even considering their families who will follow them. It is possible that this flooding will increase even more.

Then a certain share of Germans will racemix with non-Germans which leads to further dilution.

I do not blindly trust statistics from the government. When I see Muslims they often tend to visibly having more children. For example, it is not unusual to see two pregnant muslim women with their baby stroller and children walking with them. If I run around in cities I see so many Browns and Blacks.

Furthermore, most Germans are older people.

Up to 40% of academic women remain childless, the rest most often has only one or two children. This means that we see a strong dysgenic effect.

All in all, this is a demographic catastrophe.

Go back Youssef.

both niggers and pakis breed like rabbits. You need to get your head checked mate. Fucking deluded.

>that pic
t. Italian

All the subhumans will take over Germany & eventually they spread to the rest of Europe thus our whole continent becomes Brazil 2.0 Denmark´s economy is already collapsing

Why was this post deleted?

you are whats wrong with this country

This thread should go ab ins gas.

Time to redefine what it means to be Deutsch.

Zurück nach Israel. Wir werden dich jagen

>ugliest negroid they could find becoming mister germany and doing the black power fist
You might not like it, but this is what peak diversity looks like.

Is it true?

This hurts my heart

OP speaks the truth.
Already foreigners account for half of all births in Germany.
Mohammed is the number one male baby name if you include all spellings/transliterations.

I think there a four options,
1. balkanzation
2. Ending like Brazil, wich means a mixed race (Kalergi)
3.violent conflictor
4. something like the Benes decrees.

wer is proofs?

Option 4 is possible. Despite the liberal excuse 'while they're already here!' you can just expel them.

Pic related is current year's typical German Kraut with average German potato skin. Go figure.

Der Bergjude - Kriegsverlängerer

Let's do some trade, we get your Brazilians and you get our Nafris?

>need for more immigrants to keep the population growing
Why do you need this again???

That's a 0+- deal.


Because if the population isnt growing, its declining


Thats not a good enough reason for you?

It frustrates me to see all the screaming, crying, and hand wringing that happens over the threat of "Whitey appropriatin' and destroyin' muh Kultur" but nobody blinks an eye at the wholesale destruction of German ethnic identity and heritage

Nope. Why is a declining population a bad thing? As long as there is some amount of births, there will eventually be an equilibrium where the population stays stable.

Why do Germans embrace death?
I have never seen a people hate themselves so much until I met germans

hey, the longer your war, the more monies for us.

But who will create instability in the community?
Who will push inflation of consumer goods higher?

You arent thinking about these important things user

Syrian war is over. Send the rapefugees (and roaches as well) back. Or else.

(small) healthy population > big population

The reason is the MASSIVE elderly welfare policies. I know in the US for example you pay into "Social Security" which takes from everybody's paychecks their whole life, then when you retire at 65 you can then start receiving that money instead.

The problem with this system mathematically is that when it was started decades ago the life expectancy was 66, now it's upwards of 77+. Additionally, the ratio when it began of people over 65 to people under 65 was at a comfortable 1:20, but because nobody has kids anymore the populations of America and Europe (I'm sure the old person situation is somewhat comparable over there), the ratio is now more like 1:3.

There simply are not enough taxpayers to support the welfare system for our massive elderly populations. THIS is why we have massive immigration in the West, and THIS is why birthrates matter so much. But what politicians won't tell you is that this is because of old people, because if they did then old people would start losing their retirement benefits, and they would rather throw their country and posterity into the garbage than not be retired for the last 40 years of their life.

Why not just drink the koolaid all at once or walk yourselves to the gas chamber. Putting yourselves through such a painful slow process of watching your native country turn third world must be horrifying but you somehow do it with a smile.

You're stupid and your children, if you have any, will pay the price.
That's exactly what we thought for 50 years in France. Look at us now.

I say we go full Greek God mode and throw them all in a hole.

Well the only true Germans that stayed durring both great wars were cucks, the rest left to the States. Those that weren't killed, surrendered to the allies so they were even more like cucks. Those that helped populate Germany after the war were literal commies, poles, austrians, jews, and allies who decided to stay there for good beer and easy women.

Every good German left before it was too late before weimar set in. The good ones that stayed were killed.

Poland will join to you.
Polish women like BBC.
Only feel bad for Bavaria, the best land in Deutschland.

Nice contradiction

Jesus christ people like you are our downfall it's incredible
Just fuck my shit up already please


Germany will be majority non-German in one generation, and It'll be non-white in two generation. For that it's enough to maintain the 200.000. Refugee/year quotas. An average muslim has 3.0 TFR at least while a German's 1.0. You've 18 million foreigners already. And under the age of 5 your children are 40% non-German...

Lol good citizen of the state

200.000 per year wouldn't be an issue if we deported consequently. we don't.