Why are millennials embracing socialism?

Why are millennials embracing socialism?

They aren't?

Because National Socialism is next.

Who is this cute boy?

Because the kike education system does not teach history nor economics.

Kids hear shit like "free healthcare" or "free college" and like the way it sounds and actually believe that it is free. They don't understand that the money to pay for it has to come from somewhere.

They're lazy and unemployed and they fell for the college meme, and they don't want to pay their own debts off.

All I want to embrace is her


They are actually the most individualistic generation.

Because my generation is fucking retarded for the most part.

who cares. those who embrace socialism get what they deserve. just protect yourself from them.

This. And the older generations fucked them with the stupid fucking (((social security)))

>go to college
>get indoctrinated with cultural marxism
>also indebt yourself for $70,000 plus interest
>can't afford anything because of your own stupidity
>think the answer is "socialism" (communism) so now you can actually have amenities

they are fucking lazy and will follow anything that says they dont have to work


because they are a bunch of jobless losers who were brainwashed by an incompetent education system as well as a corrupt media

>why do kids go through an edgy and rebellious phase

Gee I dunno. They'll grow up in a few years and gain a respect for authority, calm down.

They are in their mid to late 20s.

sadly everyone under 25 should probably be killed off and the population start over.

Generation Zyklon is embracing the opposite. Just today in the UK its been revealed that only 7% of students want to be "rich and famous" i.e Actors,football stars etc most want skilled vocational and influential work like Engineers,Business Entrepreneurs,Doctors,Teachers,Police Officers etc

Compare that to just 5 years ago when more than 40% wanted to be "rich and famous".

We're not raised by our parents.
They left that task to the (((teachers))).

>short hair

They never grew out of it thanks to the adult daycare centers known as colleges.

Because they are the epitome of Nietzsche's Last Man

Because they're lazy faggots. Blame their Boomer parents for letting them get that way. Them blame the kikes for having their part in it too.

The real reason: Millennials are known for being entitled as fuck.

Millennials are also known for living fairly comfy lives thanks to their parents and our capitalistic society.

The problem is that millennials are starting to grow up. Mommy and Daddy are starting to cut them off. Telling them to get a job and move out.

They don't want to grow up though... They still want mommy and daddy to take care of them.

When Daddy stops taking care of them, they look to the state to be their daddy. This is where the rise of socialism comes in.

Think about it... Why do most western socialists tend to be lily-white college kids? Because they're more likely to come from a sheltered, meddle/upper-middle class home.

because they've never had to live under it

It's the ultimate identity for virtue signalers that ignore logic and historical facts.

if it looks like a girl then it is to me

>all have tattoos, body mods, colored hair
>all claim to be some gender other than binary
>all repeat the same identity politics narrative from the [Current Year]


>Why are millennials embracing socialism?
Because the schools are full of Marxist fucks. They are being indoctrinated.

They are embracing it because the kikes are bleeding western nations to death. As the kikes bring in an endless amount of syrian refugees, south americans and niggers to gibs-me-dat the system to death, the prices of food, living, and day to day essentials have skyrocketed. The kikes are bleeding your average american to death, and most of these millennial liberal faggots would be too brainwashed and stubborn to ever admit the real problem - that they are in the same boat as the Nazi's were back in the 1930's when the jews were economically bleeding germans to death and enslaving them with their banking blood libel.

The solution? Oh let's be more liberal now. This plays right into Jewish hands, this is their game changer. Recruit all of these mindless drones to serve them, rather than oppose the true problem - kikes!

>women are hard to come by
>for those who date, women make them become socialists
>they eat vegan and pee sitting
>otherwise they get no poon

Debate me you faggots.

its because they are basically like kids

t. Alberto Barbosa


empty utopian society promises.


because poor lazy people love the idea of equality

because with few exceptions that entire generation is chockablock with faggot snowflakes

>"free healthcare"
>"free college"
Again that's not Socialism your tard.

They don't understand economics and they expect everything to be done for them.

Because we're the alternative.

I mean, if I had to choose between commies and us, at least the commies are less likely to call me a faggot then tell me to suck my mom's dick.

Who the fuck is this broad?

>Why are millennials embracing socialism?

We need to eat the rich. Thats why.

remember to sage and hide daily slide threads.

Havent seen any around here.

Well apart from the kids who are actually paid to hold signs and spout liberal/green/socialist bullshit. And you can spot them easily because the signs are professionally made and brand spanking new, as opposed to a realistic piece of cardboard and writing in primitive pencil crayons.

From what I can tell only very rich and comfortable, often privately educated western kids take it "seriously". The ones that shell out 20 dollars for a "gourmet" avocado and garlic toast bread.

Individualism is degenerate. Family first, race/ethnicity second, country third, and yourself last

They were raised by their mothers, who acted like mothers. They don't want to leave home.

kys for me

>implying millenials were not all raised by single mothers


you're retarded

Because they are too sheltered and retarded to hold a job in a demand economy so they need the gibberment to take care of their useless hides.

>Individualism is degenerate. Family first, race/ethnicity second, country third, and yourself last


I don't know about other countries, but here it's because the liberals destroyed american education. We were better off when the majority of teachers were men.

millenial questions don't seem right without steve o


Marxism was completely intellectually BTFO 1840s. I don't know why it's so popular in academia, perhaps: "We do not learn from history because our studies are brief and prejudiced."
-Sir John Glubb

We're not strong enough to stand on our own two feet in this economic climate.

They aren't embracing socialism, idpol is anti-socialist. They're capitalist allies.

Socialism can only really work when you have a governing body that is completely altruistic and unable to be corrupted by anything at all.

socialism is the abolition of private profit, free stuff has nothing to do with socialism

Because boomers took their future from them. Socialism is evil but boomers are just as bad. It's the only thing that promises change so they embrace it.