Now that Sup Forums has become a libertarian/nazi synthesis, what ideology will be the new antithesis?

Now that Sup Forums has become a libertarian/nazi synthesis, what ideology will be the new antithesis?

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>libertarian/nazi synthesis

American national socialism. It’s already a thing, user.

>now...has become

Now as in "in the last couple of years"

Communist Globalism

state socialism

saying Sup Forums is a libertarian/nazi synthesis is like saying Charlottesville was a fascist/anarcho-communist synthesis

ok that seems to make more sense

and those are pretty good answers:


Islamic communism

Post rare Caesar's.

Jew worship


Kek, I didnt know he had that dialogue line.

Individualist Anarcho Socialism

>Now that Sup Forums has become a libertarian/nazi synthesis
There is no such thing. There is anarchiddies folding ground to fascists, that's all.

We are National Libertarians:

Liberty for my people, slavery for my enemies


And who do you define as your enemy?

>Noodles added

anyone not of my race/culture

You realize that's literally hate speech right? Wanting to enslave all non-whites/non-Aussies?

Are you new to Sup Forums?

I've been here since 2015. I thought Sup Forums was Conservative and a bit racist but would respect based black men based Asians etc. And like nationalism economically but you don't hate other people and want to enslave them that's just pure, that's literally worse than the Nazis.

Even the white supremacists and nationalists don't want what you're suggesting,

Dude stop falling for it

Transexual AIDS-Worship

Say one more thing related and you're being banned for trolling

Do you need to be banned?

is this the new ancom?

It will be its own antithesis.

I was always a helicopter loving crypto-fascist.

have you got anything to actually contribute to the discussion?

>You realize that's literally hate speech right?
>Do you need to be banned?

12yr old eurofag detected

Stop calling yourselves libertarian. Libertarians are cucks.


Statist communist.

I'd say they created us as their antithesis more than anything.

catch this libertarian queers

Libertarianism + race realism + stricter laws on abortion and divorce

Hegelian philosophy doesn't work. Go back to college and ask for your money back.


The only correct answer in this thread.

>kekistan flag
>hate speech
Summer has been over for like 2 months,what are you still doing here kid?
Dont you have homework to do?

shit b& m8

Who is that dead American white supremacist who kinda looks like Ron Paul and I think he might have been a doctor as well?

I've gone so far into antisemitism that have transcended into smitephilia. I love jews!

>You realize that's literally hate speech right?
Serious question are you actually retarded or something ?

Seriously guys, I know you know who I'm talking about. His ideology is Sup Forums in a nutshell.

David Duke?


>Noodles added

The Sup Forums Rationalists Party.

Core principles include
- A foundation consisting heavily reliant on understanding of the Great Books and Great Ideas of The Western World

-A realpolitik mindset that rejects identity politics, unprovable conspiracy theories sensationalism, and progandistic politics

-The rejection of Eastern magical thinking (This includes identity politics, emotional politics, and most schemes and conspiracy theories)

-Acknowledgement that conscpiracy theories are mostly government disinformation campaigns to make citizens feel helpless

-Patrol ourselves more than our enemies (reject those in our own movement who use propagandistic and sub-rational appeals to emotions, identity politics, sensationalism, etc...

-A great emphasis on conservative employment of social programs. (As we learned from Rome, this is the only way to stop Populari movements; you must take Populari power away by becoming yourself the provider of social programs; regardless of your opinion, this is a necessary evil

-Degeneracy is to be discouraged and the advancement of man in dignity is to be nurtured

-National security and national unity are always the top priority

It’s a start.