Is there any way we can realistically save Europe or is all lost?
Have the Jews won?
Is there any way we can realistically save Europe or is all lost?
Have the Jews won?
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>Have the Jews won?
Is this a thing? Is this how hot chocolate produced?
The Jews won the moment they crucified Jesus 2000 years ago, he became a martyr, the epitome of the saying "The jew cries in pain as he strikes you"
I wonder who's behind this post.
Its a great way to make hot chocolate at home, much tastier than choco powder
indeed. it's the fault of our own aryan tribe. saying that a tribe that accounts for less than 1% of our population is the root cause of europes downfall, is an insult to europeans themselves.
You can make it that way, nothing wrong with it. Nesquick doesn't order 10 tonnes of choco-gorillas to melt down though, no
>Have the Jews won?
There have been low points in history before. Europe was on the brink from the seventh century all the wall through maybe maybe the fourteenth.
The West is not yet lost. But men must take their stand.
>Is there any way we can realistically save Europe
Stop women from voting and remove all/any social welfare. Problem solved.
Not if many of the roots have been planted there by non aryans. We're currently in shit mostly because of Germany's WW2 guilt and our ever increasing consumption of (((American))) media
Mass migration is 100% the fault of Jews, you dolt! You're aware that George Soros has demanded that the EU accept a bare minimum of one million Islamic immigrants per year, every year, forever, aren't you?
The international Soros organization consists of thousands of NGOs which are recruiting immigrants, paying them to go to Europe, and facilitating every aspect of their migration. Some of these NGOs are involved in the background checks and vetting process, too.
So there is absolutely NO WAY to stop any of this. Because to do so would be anti-Semitic. Because to do so is racist. Because Jewish media has trained Europeans to be TERRIFIED of the word "racist". So there is no possible way this process can be stopped. Only idiots and daydreamers don't know this. Not one in ten thousand people is brave enough to not care about being called "racist", which means they have tacitly agreed to being genocidally wiped out by their Jewish masters.
It would be a joy if the tables were turned and Jews were wiped from the face of the earth, but people are too psychologically battered by media. Unless there were a way to teach people that they need not be impressed by phrases such as "hate speech" and words like "racist". But that's impossible because mass media is owned and operated from top to bottom by Jews.
But it would be the most glorious day in humanity's history were it to happen. And it could theoretically happen in a single day. If a day and exact time were chosen, every Jew in the world could be murdered simultaneously. Think of the Joy and happiness and world peace that would instantly result!
Don't blame it on the migrants, it's just another evidence that white women is generally trash with no education/religion and white males are most of the time gays/cucks/pedos
Bland milk vs delicious hot chocolate. LOL. Can’t wait for the new BLACK age
For example, at 2pm Eastern Standard Time on October 28th, 2017, if every person standing near a Jew were to simultaneously stab or shoot it, we would have accomplished the eternal dream of world peace in a single moment! The joy it would bring! Earth would become a Garden of Eden again, and we could begin to really evolve! Instead of Jewish Wars and Jewish Indentured Servitude, we could focus on space exploration and colonizing the universe. If Jews, all Jews of every age everywhere on this entire planet, were to be destroyed in a single day, in substantially less than a year there would be heaven on earth.
This idea and this plan of simultaneously excising the cancer everywhere simultaneously must be discussed and given the widest possible circulation. Please help do your part with this. Spread this idea. Discuss it. Jews will obviously know, because their treacherous eyes and spies are EVERYWHERE WATCHING AND LISTENING, but this plan is humanity's only hope. Until the day is organized, let us pick them off at random serial killer-style! Bankers dining in restaurants in Switzerland? Kill them where they sit or stab them when they set foot outside. Truly, this would be THE most beautiful trend in human history were it to be initiated at once by brave and noble early adapters wherever they may be on the earth.
I want to try that food.
chocolate makes everything better.
Niggers are more comparable to feces desu
Someone should make a pic about niggers "what you expect (chocolate) x what you get (shit)"
Gee i wonder user, what flag could possibly be behind this post
they dont even use chocolate
Sopa de pitburr uma dericia
monkey soup > pitbur soup
I agree, wtf, Europeans themselves declared nationalism a cancer and multiculturalism and diversity a success. Only I think they meant European multicultalism not shitskin multliculturalism but then liberals interpreted it as shitskin multiculturalism
Sopa de macaco. Uma delicia
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.
1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.
For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.
1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.
2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.
3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.
The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.
Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.
Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.
Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.
Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
- [ ]
Have you tried them both?
Una delicioso
Somebody with no stake or investment in your life says
>lol go jump off a bridge.
so you go home and move a bunch of Syrian migrants into your room and they slit your daughter's throat before raping her.
That's your fault dude.
fucking broken Sup Forums.......
my comment was too racist to post, that's horseshit. long story short fuck niggers we need to have a holocaust against them, they should only be in Africa. fucking monkies
Where can one get a choc gorilla? Asking for a friend.
looks tasty
>implying everyone will be brown
Pic related is half black. What's the problem exactly?
People are giving so much shit but, the statement is completely true. Yes, the jew elites are pushing for immigration heavy in Europe and the west. But, even so, if someone was telling me to get jump off a bridge, why would I do it? The people in Europe are a first world nation. They have the resources to figure out who the fuck they were letting in. They can learn about their culture. They can learn how it differs from their own. They can learn how they enforce their beliefs. They can learn the hostility they have towards women. They can learn how the mass immigration is set up for abuse. They have documented proof of "child" migrants assaulting, raping, lying, stealing, and cheating the people of Europe. They have all these tools and resources to make a well, educated decision. Yet, they don't. Being proud of your country is now being a nationalist, hence being a racist. Wanted to stop or slow down immigration is being a racist. Investigating crimes of migrants now has a chance of being racist. Crimes committed by migrants are now being pardon or punished no more than a slap on the risk. Voices of reason are being shut down all over Europe, Their free speech has been violated. Their rights are being taken away. They are falling down a steep hill and will only continue to fall faster if the people of Europe don't take action. They're are many protest occurring. France is the latest example I have at the moment. I just truly think it wont be enough. I lost all hope when Le Penn lost. She gave a damn about her people and the majority didnt care about themselves. The people of Europe as a whole, are willfully ignorant. Again, I am aware the jews are pushing for this and are making nations theatened one another if they dont. Poland is a great example. Even so, they had the tools and resources to make an educated guess. More so now when they have statistics and documented proof.
TLDR: Europe is dumb.
I welcome and retort or rebuttal.
>0.02 shekels have been deposited in your account
i hope these filthy mestizos starve to death until there are none
Hello fellow Barbara poster
I'm from a WMBF relationship. I lool like an ire in thr face and have Mexican skin.
You need to be locked up in an asylum.
Sage goes in all fields. This is NOT the place to advocate murder of a race or ethnicity.
Shame on you.
>not putting blacked on it
potatoes, onions, carrots, and pitbull head, mmmm
There is always a way my goy
Top kek, maybe the blue hair, damaged IQ and tatoos?
>half black
Wrong, most niggers in te US are highly mixed white just like Obama
I'm in. Gotta make a later date, though.
We need to calculate how many jews there are and start a sect, executing the act once we have a more sensible number of followers.
For the longest time I thought the OP image, based on the thumbnail, was an ape fetus or some sort of shock image so I never clicked it. I can't believe I was right, it's still gore even if it's a nigger you guys.
Mods delete this.
Poo in loo
Jews start these threads.