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Yeah whatever you do, don't post a link to the article.

No surprise. Fit, armed NYC cops do a better job than unarmed blobbies.



just now? i thought it would have been for years


>british police salary doesn't matter because of socialism
>told not to engage with violent criminals
>told not to risk their lives
>if a psycho does something the military is called in
compared to
>NYC cops make $40,000/year
>can't afford to live in the city
>only people willing to do the job are imported from NJ and nigger filled boroughs
>grow up hating minorities and criminals for making their childhoods miserable
>handed SWAT gear and military grade weapons to play with
hmmm i wonder why NYC is so safe

Welcome to the club LONDON BTFO!

Looks like you're right to an extent. The zero tolerance attitude is something Met Police have specifically decided to move away from.

They have admitted countless times that they are unable to attend burglary call outs in certain sreas as they are stretched out too thin. Cut backs, voluntary early retirements and resignations, and a prevalance of anti-Police attitudes in government that have sought to ban stop-searches.

They are held to account by middle class politicians who in their youth despised the Police and in their adulthood have had no experience with violent crime.


are you actually proud that your biggest city is compared to other dangerous cities?

dumb burger

what happened to the "we changed how we evaluated crime hat's why it's on the rise" excuse ?




You know, its really sad. I used to think of Britain as tea and crumpets and top hats and the ministry of silly walks. Now All I can think about Our Muslim mayors and child rape .The former was a lot more pleasant .

Hmm I wonder why? It's not because of all the non-whites right?

Yes and?
London has been a shithole for a while now.

The UK is an Orwellian shithole.

try google, the data just came out. London more dangerous than NYC now..Holy fuck

Your pic related ignores a key thing. Crime dropped nation wide during that time, likely because of abortion being legalized 18yrs earlier. NYC is like number one in abortions.

they dont look very unarmed to me

so bongs cant use 56% argument against burgers anymore?

It's not the Islamic terrorism though, they are drug pushers, pimps and thugs too. Albanians have a hold of the London drug market though I think.

The courts are also filled with snivelling liberal judges who are refusing to lock up the very few offenders who get caught and charged.

Dunno why any westerner laugh at this, your city is next

Dear London

You get the sandniggers you deserve

Yeah, race is everything.

Why are you proud of having a reputation for dangerous cities OP?

Jew York isn't even close to the most dangerous one you have.

Why aren't you doing your civic duty and hanging these traitors?

And that same sort of people in the CPS prevent the Police from taking it that far half of the time.

This is serious, we can't just ignore the evidence any longer, we must work to remove deadly weapons. We need to crack down on the use of improvised weaponry by confiscating all silverware from unlicensed carriers. All civilian issue utensils will be subject to rigorous screening procedures to ensure they cannot be operated as melee or projectile weaponry.

Stop using your phone


The absolute state of the UK

That falls apart when it keeps rising every year as you bring in more niggers and muds.

So it gets memory hole'd as soon as that becomes apparent.

London still is more white than America's top cities.

let's not link to corporate news ok?


brit police have more important priorities than stopping crime

You've the power to designate one major city anywhere in the world as a maximum security prison.

Which and why?

And not even half as (((diverse))), lmao.

At this point most of our state institutions are simply filled with bureaucrats and sycophants all the way to the very top, and there's no easy solution to this.

can't afford to fight crime when you need to fund your virtue signaling budget

>go to take my TV license exam

>fail again

>die from an acid attack on the way home


HAHA posters are the niggers of Sup Forums. No fucking difference at all from the niggers that communicate in emojis because they lack the intellect and vocabulary to express an original thought.

Stupid cunt and your mother is a stupid cunt and the world would be a better place without you. It's not like anyone would notice.

Maybe if we have some more gun control...

You can thank the trotskyist entryism of the 60s for that.

can't police in real life when you're busy policing twitter

Special ones. They have run around announcing "armed police" where they go.

>The courts are also filled with snivelling liberal judges who are refusing to lock up the very few offenders who get caught and charged.

Unless they post some (((offensive))) bants on the internet....

And coming to a prison near you soon... wolf whistlers and male gazers.


Nobody said it would be easy but it's time to do something anyway


Like applying warpaint

Welcome to Diversity.

Yeah no. All cities can get fucked as far as I care


Hong Kong. Easier to keep them there and far away.

news clip that is more xenophobic than ever. insinuating the religion of peace is anything but tree hugging hippies who cant bear the thought of stepping on a ant without bursting into tears

All the civilized whites moved out, now it's just immigrants and lefties living in mansions with 20 feet walls.

NYPD gets it in

>Unless they post some (((offensive))) bants on the internet....

Of course. Those are political crimes so they're treated completely differently.

I can't believe this is real without abandoning everything I know about the world

Based Tater Niggers

Good thing they binned those knives

>fit cops

nice meme

Yeah it isn't funny, its just sad.

Half of europe is too dangerous to go visit nowadays and is sad as fuck.

they just need more gun control duh


Steroid use is endemic with American cops. Helps keep them angry and irrational.

Isnt new york super safe though? Like if you dont go to one of 3 "districts" its one of the safest places on the planet?

What is the reason UK voted to exit EU?
I thought they were on their way to uncuckify themselves, but instead they delved even further?
Was EU just a hindrance to them?

Why does his point fingernail look like the nail fo a big thumb? What the hell is in the water over there?

No brit should be surprised by this, London is an absolute cancer on our fair isle. We need a wall around london and the capitol moving back to York (though york is a fucking shithole now too so i'm stumped)

>Other POC get second tier
How the fuck is this not the most racist shit you can actually spew out of your cumtrap?


oh hey remind me what London's most popular baby name is again?

Centuries of industrial waste

>London has more white people than NYC
>More dangerous
Sup Forums BTFO

Daily reminder that quality of life in London is lower than in Warsaw

London-has 800 victims of knife attack injuries in 2 months

WHOLE Poland-has 700 victims of knife attack injuries in a WHOLE year.

Let this sink in. 38 mln country in Eastern Europe has less knife attacks in a year than London alone in 2 months




bin that knife

Are those MP7s?

Anyone who lives in this shithole shouldn't be in the least bit surprised by this.

well played loldon

>London is still more white than literal melting pots of multiculturalism that have been brewing since the 1600's
Nigel pls. I can't take it anymore

This is sickening. Britbongs deserve to be slaughtered desu

To be fair to London, most criminals go to New Jersey to do crime and New Yokers dont report as much petty shit. Shoplifter? Chase and beat them with a bat. No need to involve cops.

To think we were once controlled by these cucks.

Part and parcel of living in a multicultural city.

whats the point of carrying around such big guns and equipment etc if they never ever use it on those who are a real threat? I dont understand this display of strength, one would stop feeling secure the minute he realises those are just for show...
If those policemen shot anyone who was commiting a crime on sight, crime would diminish immensely in a weeks time. The (((government))) benefits from this but I don't see how, maybe by subjugating British people to migrants?


listen to the zog
don't bin that wog

Does anyone really fall for these macros?

But not more dangerous than Chicago. Checkmate burgers.

except it's on the news sites you fucking pleb

They carry them in train stations and other obvious terrorist targets for security theater. As you say, they're just for show.

Police in largest cities / POI's / transport hubs are armed.

Still pathetically pushing a social agenda law enforcement have no business touching... but they are armed.

What the fuck are these digits!?

Question for britanons; what do you think would happen to London if restrictions on carrying firearms were lifted?


welcome newfriend. would you like to know more about the jews?

The very first groups to get hold of them would be black gangs and the whole city would turn into a warzone.