
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump meets w/UN Sec Gen Gutierres 10/20/17
>FLotUS Melania donates Inaugural Ball Gown to Smithsonian 10/20/17
>AG Sessions in Austin TX talks to LEOs 10/20/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis meets w/french surrender monkeys 10/20/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis welcomes the frogs 10/20/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis/Sen McCuck talk to the press 10/20/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis lets lindsey make an ass of "him"self 10/20/17
>Krispy leads POTUS' commission combating drugs 10/20/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 10/20/17
>This Week @State 10/20/17
>DoD video: caring for the pupper warriors 10/20/17
>Leftists are retards (but we knew this already) 10/20/17
>Eric+Lara+Luke Trump on F&F 10/20/17

>The Renewal of the American Spirit
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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The government isn't forcing them to change their opinion. They aren't forcing them to apply for disaster relief, are they?
Constitutionalist are

I know it's extremely improbable but just what if the classified info fully implicated the government? Imagine what the shitstorm would be like.



Ask your state to lower its legal drinking age lower than 21. See what happens to your federal Interstate/highway funds. It's the same concept.

But I thought Trump wouldn't allow release of the JFK files!!!!


Makes me think Bernie has decided not to run for 2020.

First for "if you say death to America then that means you hate America and Americans"

And "refering to America as the great satan is anti-American"

The Johnson administration is already pretty reviled anyway though. I'd like to find out LHO was a Soviet supported agent and Johnson was a chickenshit who didn't retaliate.

Best rally girl, would wife

DNC primary is still rigged. Go figure.

That there is a fire to fan though.


I hate this beady eye'd faggot

Someone must've told him how terrible he looked at the debate.

They lost everything when Perez won the DNC chair. Remember back then how they tried to console Bernie voters that they will work with Bernie and improve DNC? Perez is instead bringing Donna Brazille and the old gang back.


Joey Kimmel

JFK assassination, not intern, Joe.

The main Democrat will be running with a republican vice-president. I just know it.

"We will unite America" kind of campaign.

I can see the slogans "United America", "One people united"..etc.

we have a rolling release OP pastebin
welcome to two days ago

>implying anyone reads pastebin ;_;

I know.

refresh pastebin nigger

He still won't say a word about this. He's the biggest cuck in politics.

I was talking about the girl on the left

are libs salty/losing their mind over the JFK files? are they so anti-Trump that they'd love to be kept in the dark on this?

I don't see anything about capitalism or aircraft carriers so this effort is bound to fail.

He has asian lineage right? His eyes are too beady.

>Perez is instead bringing Donna Brazille and the old gang back.

The only reason DWS isn't also back is because Awan is gonna roll on her.

> apply for government service
> "we are going to deny you this service because you hold a bad opinion, change it or you won't receive our services."
Come on, it doesn't matter if you're applying or the government is forcing it on you, asking you to change your opinions is an infringement on your first amendment rights.
If I were those Texans, I'd secure the first amendment with the second amendment.
Fucking shoot the jew enablers

Who has the best legal system?

Its something good that is he making the right choice on so they are on damage control.

Donna Brazille is still on that committee, she leaked debate questions to Hillary.

>The main Democrat will be running with a republican vice-president. I just know it.
it'll be kasich

I think he's a Brit.

Blocks your vote, what do?

he will be almost 80 in 2020

Refute this, drumpfstiltkins.

You can have them both. Best rally girl coming through.

Each to their own. This girl stole my heart.

Guess Hillary does want another go. Wonder if Obama has to support her because of something she has on him.

>though laws
You only get probation for getting a bj by a pizza girl

That's literally a softball for Trump to bring up all the anti-white, anti-christian, and anti-male stuff that the Democrats have spewed for the past decade. I wish... but they are clearly going for economics despite their "base" still focusing on social justice.

Either way, they are fucked. The fact that they have no rebooted themselves says that they have no clue what they are doing.

Kek, they even purged the only tranny in the DNC because it was an ally of Ellison.


How does NSA Director Rogers going to Trump Tower fits in the story? Did he warn Trump about the surveillance and this is why Brennan and Clapper wanted him gone?

Japan with their virtually 100% conviction rate and death sentence.

>3 Spencerfats get arrested, after one fired a gun after the SpencerSpurgeFest
>Coincidentally, 2/3 of them were giving interview to local media prior to the event
>One or more of them have also given interviews to WashPoo in the past

Really makes you think

Hey Hijack, where are you?

Distraction from what?

Republicans just can't resist Kasich. Nah, the Democrats are so batty they'll never accept anyone but another communist on the ticket. Kasich will run independent with ZUCK and Trump will win 400+ electoral votes.

Shoot to kill.
It's that bad there?

You're wrong. This is settled law

>Brennan and Clapper wanted him gone

He went without informing Brennan or Clapper that he was doing so - remember that.

>something she has on him
she wouldnt be much of a clinton if she didnt

Somehow I feel the modern Democrat party would never support this joint ticket idea. And if it did happen it will be some unliked and irrelevant NeverTrump guy like Kasich, Graham, or Flake.

Japan is the best, most orderly major nation, Singapore is the best overall due to their executions of drug dealers and vety extensive policing system.

Trabucco a cute.

so is this unlisted video the weekly address? cuz i'm labelling it as such

>Pres Trump weekly address #38 10/21/17


controlled oppo is controlled oppo

Elizabeth Warren with running mate John Kasich!! The nasty woman and the nasty eater!!!

Refuting it would be a distraction. Nice try Nixon.

Wait, I could have sworn Japan didn't have a death sentence. At least according to my Japanese anniemays.

While we're talking about the first amendment anyway

Downfall should come to the great Satan and Israel should be a hole in the ground as well as California, New York and DC.
Under the first amendment, i would be entitled to hold this opinion and if the government told me to change that opinion, that'd be a violation of the first amendment.

As I'm not an American, this is all a hypothetical


>we're the campaign for unity!
>fuck white people and fuck drumph!
Yeah, unless Chuck Schumer starts calling the shots and his lackeys listen they are going to have an extremely hard sell with any unity platform.

He isn't even a Democrat.

He said Japan has a nearly 100 percent conviction rate and an incredibly high rate of solving crimes. You are very likely to get caught if you are an unorganized criminal in Japan.

My first thought was how is the left going to spin this as something bad.
Should've been obvious really.

It really sucks to be a leftist right now. Bernie and Trump were results of people tired of the system. People wanted a populist. Trump won the revolution against his party but Bernie got cucked hard though for a month or two before DNC primary Bernie was going hard against Hillary, but it was too little too late.

Now Hillary is back, slammed Bernie in her book and her friends in the DNC are purging out any Bernie influence. Leftists like The Young Turks are furious.

He was applying for asylum.

You can make terroristic threats and support terrorism all you want but they are still illegal in your country.

They don't atleast nobody is pussy enough to skip seppuku

*blocks your blood vessels*

He's in Dem Senate leadership.

but gabby has a better body...

Are they going to try to kill Armenians again?

So what was his motive? Did he decided to go against the Deep State?

Japanese court systems are essentially prove you are innocent rather than prove you are guilty.

Rogers is one of the good ones. We don't know what he talked about with Trump, but the fact is he's not part of the Obama-Brennan-Clapper deep state gang. They wanted to fire him but didn't go through with it since he probably has info too.

>The government isn't forcing them to change their opinion. They aren't forcing them to apply for disaster relief, are they?

No. And it's Texas law, signed by Governor Wheels.



I would not shouting fire in a crowded theater to instigate a riot or advocating violence.
I would be able to hold whatever opinion I want, and the government would have no right to deny me exercising the right to voice that opinion.

>she will never pee on you while aloofly checking her phone

Yeah, and they have an incredibly low crime rate and live long, peaceful lives.

>palestinian land
this fucking meme again
also are they really not afraid of alienating part of their base by going along with the muslim countries boycott of isreal?

That fucking tryhard in the center is meh though. Glad Trump hid her for post of the speech.

gu thing this chink aint my doctor.


Do not forget to give the very subtle support for Trump and fuck-you to NFL with this Trump's USFL team shirts

Looked like kit kat bars.

>Prague (AFP) - With voters upset over traditional parties and orders from Brussels, a billionaire populist dubbed the "Czech Trump" has taken a huge lead in the Czech Republic's election followed by an anti-EU and anti-Islam party with links to France's National Front.

Eatern Europe needs to break away from EU.

The fire keeps rising

Why don't you realize that this is literally Donald Trump?


The czes are also almost getting a 2nd amendment like yours, the czech that use the thread said they are being slow cunts though.

Oh they have a death sentence alright. When you are on their death row, you don't know your own execution date. One day, they just open the door to your cell, walk you down a hallway, and hang you until you are dead. You have to wait, sometimes months, sometimes years, knowing that the next rap at your door could be your dinner or your death.