Claims he is benevolant

>claims he is benevolant
>creates evil

>Hates fags
>Creates OP

>create fags
>hate them for being fags


Gods view is simple. If you die it doesn't matter because there is an afterlife. Really fucked up way of thinking.

>creates world
>it doesnt matter


>creates evil
I think you meant to say "creates beings with free-will who create evil through their actions."

It's a useful way of thinking, t b h. Realists tend to be cowards.

>create evil people
>send them to hell for being evil

The person creating evil has a choice to not create evil or create it. God will judge him regardless of his actions or inaction.

Evil is his absence
Free will is not evil
Evil is the free will choice to be absent of God

>claims he is literate
>writes "benevolant"

>>Gives you free will
>>Sends you to hell forever for using it

Seems like a nice guy

Niggers like you would not understand you are just Beasts of the field in sack cloth. If you had a soul you might understand.

He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. -- Matthew 11:15 KJV

thats right child the bible is just like one of your star wars expanded universe novels

>God gives you free will
>tells you that you can only use it one way
What did he mean by this?

>making Job’s life shit just to prove a point wasn’t evil

More like

>claims he is benevolent
>gives us free will
>we create evil ourselves
>God lets it happen because he cares about our autonomy

That is creating evil, dumbass.

The real redpill is that evil is not even real. Everything is good and god is a troll.

how can something be good if there isn't anything to compare it with?

Atheist argument #1: How can you believe in an imaginary god who's like Santa Claus?

Atheist argument #2: How can you believe in an imaginary god who's not like Santa Claus?

>claims he's not a fag
>is OP

He didn't, though
Only after eve ate from the fruit in eden did evil enter the world

God is perfect so the only perfect way to behave is as God Himself would. The point of free will is that independent created beings wouldn't be godlike if they didn't act like God on their own. Original Sin is the hubris of those beings who think they know better than God.

>The person creating evil has a choice to not create evil or create it
God gives the possibility of being evil, though, which means god created evil, since god creates all possibilities. God could give free will while still disallowing all evil. "Free will" is not absolutely free, obviously, since it is limited by many things. So God could just as easily limited it to only good, but he chose to create evil instead.

That is assuming the normal idea that evil is real. Actually it is not and everything that is created is good, even niggers.


>Evil is his absence
Not possible. That is an absurd statement.

>sucks cock everyday
>posts the same thread after it over and over again

>claims he is benevolant


bad is the absence of good

God did not create evil. Evil is the unfortunate consequence of allowing free-will.

Man is not creature of instinct, he can think, and reason, and choose how and when to act or not. God doesn't just want us to do the right thing, he wants us to *choose* to do the right thing. He wants us to make a conscious decision to be good people, respect others, care for and love one another. Sin is punished because sin is having the option to do the right thing and making a conscious decision not to.

Do not blame God for good or evil. Good exists because men choose to do good. Evil exists because men choose to commit evil acts. God gave Man the freedom to choose.

Is it not extreme hubris to assume you know how God would behave?

Maybe he wants to give you an option?

Satan did that

>The real redpill is that evil is not even real.
>Everything is good and god is a troll.

>Psalm 136:1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever.
Your move.

>calls someone gay
>has the word "cum" in his ID
I shiggle.

God allowed it.



>Doesn't like jews

>Worships jewish zombie
Inb4 jesus wasn't a jew, reed teh bible.

Expecting anything less from Yalbadoath, the Demiurge.

>Dad, Billy has been bullying me in school! :(
>I know son, I betted with him that you wouldn't cry.
T-thanks father.

If he didn't we would just be automatons. And making someone have no control would be amoral. You're allowed to chose your favourite ice cream but once you start being an edgy fag you get what you have coming. And he didn't actually give us the option to be evil. He created the fruit with evil and asked adam and eve if they wanted the ability to chose evil. And he warned them it would be shit. And he introduced the forgiveness of sins so humanity wouldn't have to suffer because of that mistake. And yet some people still want to mess it up. Once you do that you can't really play the victim anymore.

Fucking yes

Righteousness is doing what is right. Benevolence is sending his son to save you despite your unworthyness, thanks to the rightful conditions on earth you deserve. That you can benefit from it is grace. That salvation is also offered is righteousness.

> if I'm going to give them the opportunity to condemn themselves, im going to give them the opportunity to not.

Evil is the absence of good. Or removing yourself from good. Those who enact evil are allowed through God's righteousness. They are allowed to come to him and repent, and sin no more.

What will you choose OP? More cum guzzling, or less?

God isn't all powerful or all knowing.


Omnipotence means he knows evil (and all the actions that will occur) will happen despite free will existing. If he didn't know it would happen, he really isn't all powerful and all knowing thus contradicts himself and is arguably no long God.

It is like pushing a pram off a cliff then going I didn't know it was gravity and the pram which really did it.

Evil is literally the disobeying of God.
God doesn't create the disobeying of God - sin can only be a product of wills separate from God willfully disobeying Him.

>Jews are his chosen people

What, he can't like jokes?

>How can you worship an imaginary god who's not like Santa Claus?

You worship an evil deity.

What's the purpose of free will if you cannot use it? And why give something that you know is going to be abused?

>according to jews

really makes the ol grinder turn

>"Evil is literally the disobeying of God."
>"God doesn't create the disobeying of God"
The bible says he literally did when he created humans and granted them "free will". If evil is disobeying God (exercising "free will") then God IS THE CREATOR OF ALL EVIL.
>Monotheism cucks the human mind and limits the potential for humans to do their best.

You can use it. Choices have consequences - if you don't like the consequences of some choices that's your problem.

Free will doesn't necessitate evil. The holders of the will can choose evil - because that's what it MEANS to be free; to be able to choose - but creating wills with the possibility for evil =/= "creating" evil.

People will remember Job (his example has been handed down for more than 4,000 years) and his piety until the final judgment. Atheist are forgotten very quickly in history.


>you can only use your free will to submit to my own will, otherwise you will root in hell for eternity

>He created the fruit with evil and asked adam and eve if they wanted the ability to chose evil
Are we god's children? Does god love us?
You don't give a toddler a free will to choose to insert a finger into a socket and die.



Hell is separation from God and was created for the Devil and his angels. He doesn't send people there. You either acknowledge your sinful condition and take his free gift of salvation, or you will become eternally separated from God. There is no where else to go, so you end up there.

Nigga why have a kid you know they are going to disobey you as some point no matter what. You create children out of love despite there faults.

Sry you are a Slavic double nigger and have no soul.

There are a whole bunch of completely morally neutral acts of the will. Almost the entirety of aesthetic judgements and concerns have little essentially to do with a person's moral status with God. Literally the only things that are asked of you are a whole bunch of simple negatives (don't use violence, don't steal, don't lie) and a slew of virtuous general positives (be kind, be merciful, be forgiving).

You choose Him or you choose eternal separation from Him. We are here because of Him.

They'll remember Hamlet as well.

>fruit with evil
Pretty sure it was fruits of knowledge and life. Which together would make man to become like god.

>mfw this thread actually disproved christianity

I guess there is some faggot OP out there that is going to create this thread every day even though I destroyed him already. Definitely a spawn of Satan.

Why create free will if anyone who use it will burn in hell?

If you need to enslave your will to another being's will (god in this case), you have no more will.

>literally a choice to suck dick
>choose to suck
>receive consequences
>atheist cant understand this

>doesn't exist
>created shit all
NO excuses

do you know what Sin is?

depends on which team i have to root for?

>choosing evil or good receives same end game
shit plot desu

Everything you do is an act of the will.
Literally everyone uses their own wills and freely so. You're quite literally saying the equivalent of "if you're asked to do something and you do it you're not free". That's pathetically moronic.

Knowledge and power of will are evil concepts to Christucks.
They'd rather stay ignorant and spineless.
Literally- burrying your head in the sand: The religion

because your free to lead your own life, as long as you do THE RIGHT THING

evil is the easy option

Suppose I'm teaching a class and I decide to hold an exam. Some people will do really well, most people will do alright, and some people will fail. Whose fault is it if someone fails? The student who chose to slack off, chose not to try, or the teacher who gave the exam?

>What's the purpose of free will if you cannot use it?
I can *choose* to eat nothing but sweets and chips for five years, but that choice has consequences - I'll become a disgusting, morbidly obese slop whose one bag of pork rinds away from a fatal heart attack. Does that mean you're not allowed to ever enjoy a cookie or a slice of cake? No. It just means you have to choose to act responsibly and enjoy sweets in moderation.

but if you choose evil, you are punished

why cant atheist understand this, do atheist not believe in evil?

I don't think it was the fruit itself, it was about the choice to know good and evil (be like God). Now we go around thinking we are good cause we know good and evil, right vs wrong. He provided the commandments to show us, that even if we follow it to a T, we just become like the Pharisees. At our core we are not like God, we need him, hence we need the salvation He has provided by coming into the world and dying. This is how He chose to restore us to Himself. He is God, we are here because of Him, He decides how salvation works.


faith alone gets you no where

God is Love


Time constrained beings have the illusion of free will. They see their choices unfold before them. Out of time and all knowing, free will is rent. Everything is preordained destiny. Always is, has, and will be.

What is benevolence without evil?

This is actually a valid inquiry: If your god is good and omnipotent and knows the future why doesn't he share egalitarian philosophies?

It isnt even about doing the right thing, its about acknowleadging Him and as a result our need for Him, because we cannot be Good.

If you choose to walk over a cliff, you'll presumably fall.
Actions have consequences - saying one doesn't have free will just because there exist options with consequences one doesn't like is absurd.

'Love' does not send innocents to burn in hell for eterniety


> DUR duh bibol is literol

Would you rather have no free will?

God created perfect human beings Adam and Eve(Genesis 1:27), these perfect human beings were given a simple test (Genesis 2:16&17) and failed.
>Adam and Eve ate fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and God punished them even though ADAM AND EVE had NO KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL prior to eating the tree's fruit. God demanded the impossible from them.
>Did God set Adam and Eve for failure or is God incapable of foreseeing his own mistakes?



>Whose fault is it if someone fails?
If the circumstance is a teacher who does not have to test people (if he did not all powerful), knows which students will fail, could have prepared them not to fail (by not exactly what to do so they every single one won't) and by letting them fail will have them punished forever then yes we can blame them.

Most teachers can't know all that, but even then we have the term setting someone up to fail. The whole all knowing all powerful thing really fucks with the whole situation.

Love is making sure your loved ones never feel the touch of darkness or the sting of sadness, the anguish of fear or the piercing pain of vulnerability. Love is caring, not displaying evil so you can recognize a few moments of solace.

Your god is a cunt and a shitty demiurge.

>Be pre-programmed to only like dick
>Decide to act on the impulses god gave you
>God punishes you for acting on the impulses he gave you
God is kind of a dick, he actively creates an uneven playing field and then punishes people for failing. If the same people succeed, well whatever they get the same reward as the people who didn't have to overcome adversity.