Me and my friends kinda came across this stuff together and once we did we began showing each other videos about the Jews and how the run everything and all,once we found out about globalism and how everything is completely fucked beyond repair and that we're basically living in the collapse of society... It's really odd, like we weren't built to know what we know now. Almost like it's a forbidden knowledge.
Why have my some of my friends become so blackpilled since becoming redpilled
Other urls found in this thread:
No it's just y'all becoming jaded as fuck when you found out that the world was a lot more fucked than you originally believed so rather than fight it you just enter full nihilism mode and say "why bother?"
>"The truth will set you free" They said.
They dont tell you 99.99% of people dont know or care about the truth.
Bet you wanna go back dont you faggot?
Too bad you are here forever.
I don't think being jaded has anything to do with the blackpill. And it isn't about embracing nihilism. The blackpill is essentially, ''do we have a realistic chance at fighting the tide?''. The answer is either to fight the tide or run for the hills. Our people have been made deaf and blind, and we can not communicate to them that they need to fight against the tide. So they won't care. In fact they hate us and think we are fucking retarded. What should we do? Die with the rest or have a magical hope that they will soon wake up?
I think the realistic course of action is to have a life that is compatible with the two imaginable futures; a major collapse will either come or not. You can live a ''normal'' life and keep raising awareness in people around you, and still prepare for radical changes. If you can not survive without civilization, there is a chance you will die before your old days.
Because they are smart enough to realize the white race is doomed.
West is weak. It needs hard times to fix itself. If you have time to feel bad about yourself and the world then you don't spend enough time developing yourself and getting as much power as you can before hard times hit.
The white race isnt doomed, just certain European countries are past the point of return.
>Too bad you are here forever.
Yes but after the black pill comes the whatever pill
Because first you go from believing white people are the most privileged people in the world to realizing they're a dying race. You start blaming (((others)))) for this. Yet you're facing a monumental uphill battle because people are brainwashed from the cradle to reject doing anything that might help reverse this trend.
It gets worse from there. You are however forced to admit the problems white people of are ultimately of their own doing. That the problems are fundamentally impossible to fix in the forseeable future because white people would rather have material comforts over children. The only thing that will save us is a global calamity that collapses the economy so hard people that it gives society a reset. So the only way to save white people is for white people to go through hardships they have never seen before.
Reality is bleak. Oh yeah, and if you want to get really nihilistic, you can start looking into shit like heat death of the universe and get really depressed, but we're gonna get wiped out long before that happens anyways.
I agree but I don't blame any others, we can only blame ourselves.
Two factors:
1. The Red Pill exposes many terrifying truths. It can be easy to fell helpless and hopeless when you find out that the "truths" you were raised on are total lies.
2. Too much talk, not enough walk. You took the Red Pill and accepted the hard truths of the world. Now you have to do something about them. (I strongly recommend you learn to use your Free Speech long before you try anything violent.) If you let yourself get too demoralized to do anything you are going to get Black Pilled fast.
Drop flyers anonymously, don't get your finger prints on them and don't tell anyone what you are doing. Try to get in the local news paper as "mystery man drops flyers, governor declares witch hunt on all pro whites."
Whatever you do, shut your mouth about it. The lulz will be epic and unless you told someone or left identifying evidence behind you can not easily be found.
At first you believe that's it's the Jews doing this to you, but as time goes on you quickly begin to realize that the real problem isn't the Jews,it's us.
This bro, and them we can even go as far as saying it's human nature, we kill and fuck each other constantly.
The only thing left to do is loose all inhibitions and enjoy the new world for however long it lasts
Fuck over* lol
this, everything is completely natural and this is how it has to go down to raise once again from the ashes of the old, the cycle never ends
Because we can't do shit. Everything is crumbling, idiots breed like rabbits and mankind will never reach anything higher because of that in the future. And when you die, no one will remember your name either.
So why bother?
Fuck off JIDF
I concur.
the post in that pic started out well, but lost me at ancap, throw the garbage out, this is no blackpill.
Earth Poles are about to shift and I am embracing our only true hope which is nature destroying the Globalists dreams and hopes.
We are Going tribal and it’s great. No more intermixing. Your color your people. Earth shall rebalance us.
Remove yourself
He has a point though people are fucking stupid.
I mean we went against the only people who dared to stand.
You guys did too. Now look at the mess we are.
We have to take responsibility.
>friends become blackpilled
beta numales infected with toxoplasmosis for living with cats and also having a soy diet. purge the numale
Hail mother nature!
no he has a point, you're either too brainwashed to actually face the reality or a philosemite if you're not JIDF. Literally kill yourself.
Abolish the Family Courts and everything will fix itself.
Slav living in Murrica here. Tell me what are you all so afraid of? Not trolling, genuinely interested, started lurking here a couple days ago.
No, remove me yourself. We'll both enjoy it
Because Evola was right, you can't fight the Kali Yuga. All you can hope to do is Ride The Tiger or die as a Man Among the Ruins.
When you become red-pilled you stop walking around in a state of "sleep" and wake up. It is like taking control of a dream, you are finally in control. There is much to be done you soon realize, which might make you upset. Get a woman, a family, stop drinking, exercise.. I think it is easy to forget what you are working towards and be overwhelmed. Remember, you have not lost control, you have gained it, and it takes a man to be in control of himself.
There's that old saying OP:
"A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in."
We're not that society. We're the opposite of that society. We're a society who will invite doctor Chang and Pajeet in at the expense of giving up our childrens future potential wealth because we want somebody to wipe our ass when we're old. We're a society who will basically do anything, destroy the environment, give away the country, owe debt to foreign interests, anything for short term material comfort. We're a society which won't get into relationships because it's hard. We won't have kids because it's expensive. The attitude of most people is, if I can't have kids in a house with a backyard and a few bedrooms I'm not even going to bother. Then, if somebody does work hard enough to do that, they'll go, I don't have time for kids.
We won't put it on on the line to ensure our kids future. We won't bleed for our kids. We won't die for our kids. We'll do anything we can to keep things comfortable. Our philosophy is based around hedonism, that's why we take in immigrants, not for their sake we're bringing them into the same fucked up mess we're in, we bring them in for the economic good of the state and our own comfort because they promise to work hard and fill the jobs we need.
The problem is we are trapped, trapped in a cycle of chasing hedonistic pleasures even at the cost of eliminating any form of existence we have on this world forever. We're so rich and so educated, yet we live a more broken existence than an idiot in Africa with 8 kids.
The blackpill is we're doomed to decline until we fall so low there is no future left to give away and we will be forced to build one for ourselves. The Natives in North America are rebounding in population these days. Before we rebound, we will first have to suffer the same fate they did. We will have to pay the debt for our sloth before we will admit we can no longer sin.
Speak on it, son.
How am I brainwashed? Because I accept White people committed racial suicide by destroying Germany?
These truly are end times.
All we can do, all we can hope, is not to prevent our declines, but to be one of those who survives it. That's what the redpill gives you, the redpill won't stop the decline, but it does mean your family can be one of its survivors.
Evola was right indeed. You cannot fight the Kali Yuga. You can only survive it.
Welcome to the Esoteric Order of Shitposting and it's metaphysical struggle. Reality is not an illusion, but this belief has hidden the power and ways in which collective belief have a tangible impact upon reality. We are engaging in our own political struggles, yes, but there is a simultaneous war being waged on the metaphysical level. Words and symbols have a forgotten power in their impact upon the fabric of reality. Mean what you say and say what you mean. We shall surely be entering a period of strange happenings that will change the course of human history.
''Ancaps and lolbertarians are also at fault'' you had a problem with that? It's true.
This is what I'd say. Save your family and people who will listen to you. Do not waste time with trying arguing with people that consider you evil.
It wont work taking you back to Bluepilled, but being redpilled doesnt seem as bad
But is everything fucked up beyond repair? I don't think so, friendo. In middle ages they had black plague, then things were bad. Now, awareness is rising, and what is really beyond repair? There will always be political corruption, murders, greed etc. That's unfortunately part of human nature.
Redpilled = blaming Jews, cultural marxism
Blackpilled = more correctly, seeing all gender & racial distinctions and not seeking convenient bogeymen
When all you do is reading redpill related topics you end up as blackpilled... They need a balance because too much of anything ain't healthy
This. People who say weed is the answer are wrong. Don't drink, don't take drugs. Stop eating bad food. Think of your ability to have clarity and see the world as a gift from God. Do nothing to yourself that affects this clarity. Think instead that you were awoken by God to be his voice to others. You need to become healthy and you need to work to wake others. This is why you were given clarity.
thats a fuckin sweet logo!
I ask myself all the time, "If I don't, who will?".
Disagree. You need to go deeper. "Jews" do not exist as you might think. Jews have been infiltrated and subjugated by an outside force that is completely against God and nature. Most jews are not even aware of this due to the compartmentalization of Zionist hierarchy. When we blame jews we are not blaming the descendants of the 12 tribes. We are blaming the parasite that calls themselves "jews" but have never been jews. They are the world deceivers and have been for hundreds of years.
Hello, friend.
From the mountains of Europe, to the bloodlines of the Danube, to the Pasture of lowlands, to the Whispers of the Trees we Europeans shall rise again. Our blood is thick and it never will cease to persist. Suffering should be embraced as Wisdom to be learned from. Become like your forefathers.
Jews didn't invent the wheel, domesticate the horse, invent the plow, invent the internet
You are locked in to a very shallow analysis of world affairs
Freedom comes with a burden.
You are a true National Socialist.
Heils, brother.
I fail to see how the inventions you list invalidate anything.
Some days it seems hopeless, like nothing you do can stop it from disintegrating.
But sooner or later the tiger will tire. You just have to ride it until then and be ready to act when the time comes.
The hope comes from Christ-- only divine intervention will fix this and it will be very dark and scary (especially for the faithless) before we are delivered.
Idk senpai. Weed made me question what I thought I knew about life, society, and myself. It started me down the path of becoming redpilled. When I smoke I am a lot more introspective and harsh with my judgement of myself. It helped me start working out and making positive changes to my life. The only thing is that if you smoke it all the time it kinda kills your sociability, unless you smoke it with other people then and there. But obviously self control is the answer and not particularly hard. I would say it's not even terrible to smoke everyday, as long as it doesn't occupy a large portion of your day. It hasn't made me any dumber on average. Actually, I went from being a sub-par student in highschool (I was naturally good at school but never did any work) to making all A's in university. Obviously it will depend on the person, there is definitely a long transition in between where I am now and when I first started smoking, but it doesn't have to be terrible, just take care of what needs taking care of. Sometimes it takes an altered state of consciousness to realize certain aspects about your life.
I have seen it happen, the red pill, even when you just lead them to it, at first overwhelms. The recipient is overwhelmed, the door is open now, not just the revision of history, but the constant media hammering on the collective conscious, it seems like we are few and they are many, underfunded and already beaten. The first good response to the collapse of cognitive dissonance, to my great pleasure, is almost always an intense need to share what they now know with as many as possible. Of course now you have to caution those who have seen behind the curtain. It is a difficult journey, especially for those who have been steeped in the intelligentsia of the marxists, they have known facts all their lives, never having seen the primary source, and now they cannot find the sources of all the facts they used to write essays on, in fact they may never have exsisted. When your world crumbles down around you, you can finally see the roths at the top of the pile, and the webs extending out from them can be clearly seen. It is almost too much. One must remind that we are larger in number then they are, more wake up everyda. Prepare for the worst, keep you head down and learn as much as possible.
I do agree. I also have had very good introspection with my use years past. I would caution then to be very conservative with your use of it. At some point you will no longer need it or want it.
The last step of denial is moving on. Do that, and improve your situation. Many people are afraid to think, and to face the truth. They are dependent on distractions. The thing that might be the hardest for me is seeing other people living in denial, because i care about them. I want my people to be the best. As the other user said, it is when you realize it is not yourself, but others that is the problem.
Well, you can still vote and still educate and still organize with like minded people who have positive goals and strive to make the world a better place. It takes all kinds, and it takes a critical mass. Be patient and prepare yourself for what might come.
You're likely deaf and blind as well. Im a MTF transgender. I am not a degenerate. Yet I bet you would work against me.
That was beautiful user, have a (you).
What is more important? The intention, the means, or the ends?
Many drugs don't take away clarity of mind. Doesn't make sense to me. God creates EVERYTHING. Yet drugs in moderate usage are a negative? I don't think you know God. I think you know some one else's concept of God.
There is nothing nihilistic about wanting to die rather than be a wagecuck in this terrible world. For example, if I was born into the ruling class I wouldn't want to die and I would actually try to use my wealth to improve things. But as some random wagecuck I have virtually no chance to change anything here. I can do a good job working for an evil corporation and make enough to raise a family. But why the fuck would anyone want to bring more humans into this mess which will keep getting worse?
make a business, learn skills. Hell Hitler was a homeless painter in Vienna and lot at the shit storm he caused.
Because everything is so incredibly fucked m8
If you can conclude that white genocide is by design you can conclude that white resistance to white genocide was factored into (((their))) equation a long time ago.
Hitler also got lucky in that he walked into a movement already in progress and managed to woo its leaders with his weird, autistic charisma. Yes one in a million faggots gets unusual opportunity to move up, might as well play the lottery.
I already have skills. I made six figures out of college working for an evil tech company. The only thing I could influence was the quality of my work, which was top-tier, but I have no control over the hellish cult-like work environment or the generally evil stuff that my employer (and all corps) are up to.
Starting a small business isn't appealing unless it could actually make me rich and influential. Do you have any ideas on how to make yourself rich? Or even make a healthy profit? Not so easy.
I'm completely disillusioned on the power of voting. A proper economic crash could change the climate for better. Sure I'm still hoping for a major change in the way people think, but I won't have my survival in the hands of other people.
Your perception of me doesn't really matter. I don't work ''against'' any people in particular.
Society is rotten to the core and I'm not one to go and morale policing about degeneracy. Transgenderism is only a symptom of decay, not a cause.
We'll be fine. It's America that will be fucked. By this I mean it will turn into a bigger version of Mexico.
because the redpill is actually blackpill lite