Every country that accepts immigrants and migrants has seen increases in their economic performance...

Every country that accepts immigrants and migrants has seen increases in their economic performance. Places like Japan have been in a recession for decades. Anti immigrant sentiment isn't logical. It's purely emotional. ALL ECONOMIC INDICATORS SHOW MIGRANTS ARE A BENEFIT. Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:


blood is more important than money


>humans are just commodities

based croatian

>muh shekels
kys kike

the only people that should care are globalist bankers



The economy will come and go, but your nations people and the safety thereof should be your top priority.

>jews make more profits using third world slaves
>s-see goyim, it's good for us!
The ovens will burn hot once more. It cannot come soon enough.

Average household income is not as significant of an indicator of economic performance as median household income


People are more important than money. The japanese understand this, jews never will.

shitty b8 m8 2/5

lol at that ass

The 1% get direct cuts of the profits due to the CHEAP LABOR SCHEME this is mass immigration.

The poorer people get cheap goods at Walmart.

Who is getting the better deal? The 1%. Ask deadly questions. E.G. Hey professor! Why is your neighborhood not full of brown immigrants? You said those poor whites deserved to be murdered if they resisted integration. What makes you so special that you don't have to walk your own talk? Are a modern version of a slave master or something?

The anti white (((Corporatists))) can not withstand cross examination of their beliefs. Spread the word.

>Japan is in recession
>stil lthe 3rd strongest economy in the world and #1 in cars, technology, and robotics
Im not seeing a problem.
The "quality" of Western products (especially US) has gone down the toilet with migrants/outsourcing. Not only did it kill rural America but it also tarnished the American reputation to being low quality shit, and American companies need government assistance to continue to operate.

So where is the benefit really? a few manipulated statistics? ok, but I'll just open my eyes and remember that Japanese cars are still good and GM isn't.

All of that is bullshit
Kill yourself OP

The increases in economic performance were already in place, that's what attracts migrants, they're after gibs and a Western standard of living. They do, however, bring an increase in crime and terrorism and they undermine the culture of the host country.

>economic performance
every single time
more people = more shit to sell
more people = lower wages for low income jobs

immigrants, even second or third generation, sent a percentage of their income to the motherland , that's a major issue
that money does not flow back into the countries economic system and leaves a gap

Not really. It means nothing in the long run. People race mix.

t.Shlomo Rosenblatt

Fuck off you piece of baiting nigger shit

Day of the rope for shills soon.

thank you user. You are responsible for a happening. You stupid idiotic moronic line will be the reason a jewish pre school will get burn down on Monday. Thanks you took it too far

>Places like Japan have been in a recession for decades. Anti immigrant sentiment isn't logical. It's purely emotional. ALL ECONOMIC INDICATORS SHOW MIGRANTS ARE A BENEFIT. Prove me wrong.

Japan is doing just fine without immigrants, see vid:


>Whites maxed out their debt
>Import millions of new debt owners
>Wonder why banks do so well

Why do you fags on pol like taylor swift so much?

are you literally comparing people to a commodity?

just because a country makes more money, doesn't make it better. It doesn't even mean that the general population gets more money to spend

Holy shit, never knew her ass was that thick!


Shopped tits & shit arguments.

Tay tay is /ourgirl/

We take in the most immigrants

We are only 20 FUCKING TRILLION DOLLARS in debt

>But, hey, the 1%ers are doing great!

THIS. Immigrants hold up the debt ponzi scheme. There's no way it's not all going to collapse on itself sooner or later. Self-sufficient countries will weather the crash, but what's going to happen in countries where EVERYONE is looking to collect what they are owed?

>Every country that accepts immigrants and migrants has seen increases in their economic performance
I'd like some sources on that. thelocal.se/20160531/fewer-than-500-of-163000-asylum-seekers-found-jobs Says otherwise.

You know how I know you're a nigger?
Only primates like big ass, humans perfer tits.

fuck off japan can entirely shut its borders now and it will still become the strongest economy in the world just because it accepted bitcoin first as legal tender and has a central bank that knows how to play the game in the current year.

Just send the niggers home to Obama. Obama can go to and be their King.

See and It's not about their ability to contribute work. It's their ability to contribute warm bodies that can rack up debt. As a nice side-effect they also drive down wages for everyone that holds a job they are capable of doing.

>dat shoop
Taytay wishes she had tits n ads like that. Poor little white girl is a fucking twig. Pic related is the ideal woman.

Muh ppl.

Japan already owns 40% of their national debt
Japan will be the first country to eliminate its own world debt

fuck off mutt this obviously doesn't apply to your mongrel nation

Capitalism is the snake that eats itself. It survives by growing exponentially. Natives of the first world have stopped having children because of dept. Dept is the driving force behind the economy. Without a constant influx of new dept into the system it will all collapse. Thats why migrants and refuges are givin gibs, and preferential treatment by banks. (((They))) are creating a new caste of dept-slaves under the assumption that the newcomers are going to play ball. The bankers are going to be in for a rude awakening when they realize africans dont consider dept to be obligation.

Because NYC is totally not a thriving metropolis, right?

You get gdp and lose gdp per capita. Germany and France lost 15% of their gdp per capita due to accepting immigrants. Go google it right now.

Countries dont shit out natural resources. If you are firing tens of thousands of people in the oil industry, accepting low skill immigrants is going to do jack shit for your economy with all the downsides it has.

Ethnic homogenity and social harmony are infinitely more important than (((economy))). Only a kike would suggest otherwise.

Too young for me, pedo.

Also disgusting furfag.

Debt not dept

But your post is spot on, short and fairly conduct. Good redpoll material

you mean why do CIA nigger shills love her so much? because she's the 'queen' in the illuminati satanist cultism which the CIA niggers subscribe to
Sup Forums proper has no love for the jews' media whore, much to (((their))) chagrin


NYC is a desolate dirty and dangerously overcrowded shithole

>economic performance
Kys, Jew. An economy is not a thing of value in itself, it is only useful as a measure of the well-being of a people. 'Economic growth' gained by importing foreigners is just looting.

>welfare costs
>healtcare costs
>infrastructure costs
>police costs

which are the mechanisms that make hordes of niggers beneficial to economy?
who's making the money apart from banks and large companies that can their workers even less?

This. Anyway, all the economic benefits of migrants can be achieved by increased birthrates. The fact that this alternate solution is not even discussed in the mainstream is all the proof I need of an anti-white agenda.

No they dont. There's no evidence to suggest that other than people forcing its agenda. Any article suggesting it works is a lie. The indicidual facts show thay migrants typically cost more than they produce. Everywhere.

The only pro that migrants offer is that they are cheap labor. Hahahahahahaha

I'm half Austrian

Also note we can achieve the exact same output by removing minimum wage laws and stop the use of foreign and cheap labor. We can easily get our young to do these jobs like they used to and are supposed to.

This, This. And sage this gay ass thread

Half austrian half nigger is still nigger, nigger.

>muh gdp

This is utter bullshit. Here are the arguments for migration:
>muh jobs americans won't do
This is a lie because migrants have driven down wages by bringing in infinite labor supply (thus demand is low, so wages can be minimal). Americans will not do plantation work for $7/hr because manual labor is valued at $15+/hr here, otherwise it isn't worth it. This is just an out for employers to pay people less, and straight up steals the jobs from Americans. They do the same with low-skill white collar jobs as well.
>muh pensions/social security
We have to pay for not only their social services, but their pensions in the future as well. This is a ponzi scheme that rests on permanent population growth and constantly increasing immigration. Unsustainable.
>muh vibrant diversity

That's it. That's all they have. They are full of shit and they know it, and are putting up a Marxist facade to hide the fact that plutocrats are lining their pockets with cheap labor while your nation disintegrates.

>Every country that accepts immigrants and migrants has seen increases in their economic performance.
>"Furthermore, when Western immigrants were removed from the equation, the net cost rose to 33kr billion." That's nearly $50 billion.
>In comparison, ethnic Danes contributed a surplus of $84 billion in 2014.
>The report doesn't mince words, saying the data "shows conclusively that immigration has been an economic disaster for Denmark."

>Places like Japan have been in a recession for decades
>Japan is enjoying its longest economic expansion in a decade, buoyed by spending and investment.
>The world's third-largest economy has been gaining strength thanks to rising exports, including smart phones and memory chips.

>Anti immigrant sentiment isn't logical. It's purely emotional.


>Prove me wrong.
Just did. You're having a hard time tonight.

FBI pls go

You know these threads are great for developing counter arguments to mainstream rhetoric. Threads like these should be encouraged to flex and train our mental muscles.

Or maybe Im just a shill

WRONG. They have an extremely strong tendency not to race mix (especially white people). Pic related.

unsourced bullshit
even if your shite was true, it wouldnt be worth having to deal with niggers and muslims in europe every fucking day

LEGAL immigration is a net benefit because the country gets to decide who it allows in and who it doesn't. No one is against legal immigration, what they are against is illegal immigration because that means you don't know who or how many people come in. Legal immigration is taking in the best people that wants to come to your country so you can benefit from their talents and work. Illegal immigration means all the people that have nothing to offer comes in and drains resources.

Why is this such a hard concept to grasp for people?

>it means nothing
then please explain all of human history, ingroup preference, and the fact that the majority of the nations that exist today were founded on shared blood, and the ones that weren't are all shitholes

Non-western immigrants in several countries are a net-loss relative to what they use in government services after taking into account what they pay in taxes.

Fuck you. Economic growth is the measure imposed by your owners.
Flag checks out. How much are you worth, american?

>No one is against legal immigration
The surge in support for far right parties across Europe easily disproves your claim. For example:
>German election results: AfD enters parliament with record-high 12.6%

This. Shill or not, every Sup Forumsack should have solid points to take down liberal bullshit when they see it IRL. Check out Alternative Hypothesis to expand your skills as a politically active person.


>No one is against legal immigration

I am. Humans aren't interchangeable economic units.

>Insulting Japan's economy
>Small island with few natural resources is more efficient than over a billion chinese slaves in one of the largest empires in human history and the most corrupt international superpower on earth woth 3x the people and 5x the size

Japan's economy is one that should be looked to as an example

Kick out white cucks and shitskin parasites and survive forever in prosperity/hard work

You're slowely increasing the size of her ass and breasts every time you post this picture

This makes me rage hard.

>no one is against legal immigration
I am. Always have been always will be. Legal immigration accounts for more than 90% of the people who have come to the UK since 1950. They've utterly ruined our nation forever, legality has been basically irrelevant. The only reason illegal immigration is worse is because they by their very nature tend to have a more shifty outlook on laws.

this is only true for the top 1%, they get more money because sandniggers are cheaper to employ. how fucking dumb are you? i would smash your teeth out you fucking moron

>a croat calling others mongrels

Eventually, after enough production, everyone has everything they need, except for daily consumables like food and fuel. (((They))) own the capital that profits from production, but the production economy is inherently self-limiting. Therefore in order to perpetuate the system, they have to import third world niggers who have nothing, so they can work in the system and the capital holding class can continue to profit.


Ok, so you want zero mobility at all? Like the country you are born in is where you are forced to live for the rest of your life? You'd rather have a dead beat alcoholic living on the street in your country because he was born there than a foreign born millionaire setting up a business in your country?

You could greatly expand the economy and vastly decrease crime rate if you executed all blacks and instituted incentives for whites to reproduce. Does that mean that you want this to happen as well?

>They've utterly ruined our nation forever
> forever
maybe not

>Implying they came for work and not just exploiting welfare

The argument that nobody will take x job has been proven to be bullshit. Offer the right wage and your job will be filled. Employers in the US advertise high-education, experience-required jobs at 50k/yr (50-70% of market value) and never get any takers, so how terrible, they have to import Pajeet because they can tell the government nobody would take the job.

That's an issue of the requirements set for immigrants though, not with immigration itself. It's like saying sugar shouldn't be used to bake a cake just because last time you baked a cake you used 10 times the amount in the recipe.

this is blatantly not true.

the only way immigration can benefit a country is when market gaps are filled with high skilled labour, not illiterate third world hordes. Japan is one of the safest, secure and prosperous countries which had a negative inflation until recently (which means things were getting cheaper by the month).

The (((GDP))) is an empty indicator which signifies absolutely nothing.
I know it sounds counterintuitive, but there is nothing wrong with controlled population and economic decline providing initial high level of life.

The only people who profit from ((((GDP))) are big corporations who bring millions of shitskins in and force governments to give them benefits so that they can pay for products and services.
You pay the tax which goes into their pockets. The tax you pay. The tax the (((immigrants))) spend on good and services, which boosts the GDP.

Don't fall for the GDP meme you niggerfaggot.

>increase GDP through brute force immigration because even as useless leeches getting welfare they still increase consumer spending
>GDP per capita remains stagnant
>Wages kept stagnant
Why should I favor immigration unless I'm a .1%er with no care for the future of my country?

How is that related to anything I wrote?

Ask the Germans how bringing in over 1 million low IQ non German speaking immigrants is working out for the economy. These migrants get over 700 Euro's a month, yet do no work and pay no taxes, and more are coming. It will crash their economy because too many people are taking money out of the system, and not putting any back in. Member Weimar? I member...


You're completely changing the argument, first and foremost. Your claim was that nobody's against legal immigration, which I can refute by the simple fact that I am.

In any case, one immigrant begets another. It's impossible to set realistic enough targets that guarantee high level immigrants only come to your nation. Look at australia; arguably pretty harsh points system to filter out trash trying to come to aus. Still filled up to the brim with muslims, lebs and chinks who are forever changing the nature of that nation (ruining it from what it was)

One immigrant who isn't of white racial characterstics, is too many.

For example, I assume you're a Danish blooded person. I wouldn't have a problem with you working in or living in the United Kingdom. We have some Danish blood in our history anyway.

But gutter niggers from somalia, nigeria etc have no place or use in europe and are only brought here by (((NGOs))) to prop up a pyramid scheme of debt and international capitalistic hegemony.

The thread really should have been over after this post

There is Greece and Italy.Look at their state now

I assumed your post content. This is why skilled immigration is happening in Scandi countries though, to fill skilled job openings. Their 'talents' are not unique and are just replacing some other EU/native.

Checked for truth!

Immigrants rarely contribute to the host country. In most cases they are a net drain on the fortunes of the natives. That alone is worth having an anti immigration stance.

>Ok, so you want zero mobility at all? Like the country you are born in is where you are forced to live for the rest of your life?
Steady-state populations are ideal, for long term environmental sustainability and for many other reasons.Perhaps white countries could allow relatively free migration between each other as long as it stays under strict annual quotas designed to prevent population growth (or shrinking). For example, if a shortfall of 2000 people is recorded at the end of a year in a given country, then 2000 whites can enter the following year, and so on. High standards of living generally result in 2.1 kids per couple or less so there should be room for small amounts of white migration.
>but what about muh diversity!!
There is no need to import non-white immigrants. There are tons of very high quality people spread out across white countries, we don't need other people.
>a foreign born millionaire setting up a business in your country?
We have a higher concentration of wealthy, high IQ people compared to the rest of the world. It's not necessary to look elsewhere. Furthermore, depriving the third world of the few capable people they need to develop their countries is a hostile act of brain drain, and frankly a racist and imperialistic policy and you should be ashamed of it. The third world needs those people far more than we do.

Why are you lying? I don't see the point at all. Every Norwegian has to pay 10 000kr extra each month because of immigration.
"1 syrian immigrant costs Norwegians 7 000 000 kr during their lifetime." That's 1 000 000 us dollars.
