Is racemixing degenerate when the bull is white?

I've noticed that most white guys who date outside of their race tend to be alpha chad looking types, whereas white women who do the same are trashy.

Surely it's alpha genes that attract the non-white women? Personally there's nothing wrong with oil drilling.

>With a lisp like that what's a guy gonna do?


Less so I'd say
Still pretty retarded tho

That chick is beautiful though. Good for Cody.

No. The only good form of mixing is Latin European male and Slavic or Germanic European female

Wait until you're 18 to post here.

Not a single beta looking male in sight.

Anyone can attract a woman from within their own race unless you're a hideous, overweight neckbeard with poor hygiene, but it takes a special something to seduce a woman of another colour.

It gets me every time... "Ricemixing is degenerate" said by an dude hiding in the basement and the closest contact with a girl he had was when he had family photo with cousin.

I can't help but see interracial relationships as being fetish- based...

White male, asian female
Black male, white female

Everyone recoils at this shit because it's a flaunting of their sexual fetishes in public

What race is the woman?
If your condeming your future kid to be an ugly mullato with an identity crisis or some beta happa that will shoot up a school then you're better off not doing it


coal drilling is equally as bad is coal burning

I will date any decent-looking ethnic woman who is willing to fuck me. The primary reason is that decent-looking white women won't fuck me. Blame them.

This is the correct answer

He could of done better desu


Inside the oven you go.

It's all degenerate some pairs are just more disgusting than others

It's your duty to uplift the lesser races.

how did you come to that conclusion?

world unironcally suck him off, not even gay

Yes. Racemixing is just as shitty whether the male or the female is non white

dude she's fucking hot if you're implying her skin colour bothers you, you're ghey bra

Slipery slope.

with a rope around their heads

yes, how do you not know this already, wtf

Ban all racemixing except Jewish women and Black men

So wait what if race mixing is good long term?

more people become white or at least part white, and then from there integrate into white culture as we breed them out.

I mean fuck the spaniards did the same thing

that one needed a carlos

>American flag

You should always be working towards a lighter “whiter” race. I’m Hispanic and date an aryan.

this is genius

>jewish niggers

He has a nice Chad jaw/chin

Rashida Jones is in her mid 30s
Guy is as much of a Chad as I am

>canadian IP


dude get real she wouldn't even fart within a mile of you

Good leafpost

>women over 30 are a catch


brandi rhodes is not black tho

all race-mixing is wrong.

a dick won't save you on DOTR.

in fact it's just another thing to tie a rope around.


>fuckable 30yo automatically means 2.5 kids, a dog and a minivan
virgo detected

yeah it's disgusting any way you mix it

That is called Vagoo Witchcraft
mother nature has created periods for that very reason
the problem is, some women practice anal sex as easily as yawning

This. Idk what it is, but I'm a tall (6ft1) decent looking white guy with a God job and I've never had a white woman give me the time of day. Most I see these days are with Jamal's or Mexican guys. Foreign women however like Asian girls and some Mexican girls literally throw themselves at me. Feels bad man

Meh, I'm dating a very cute and thin half white, half Hispanic girl, zero fucks given, great in bed, can cook and clean.

(cont) it is good to avoid sex for 4-5 days to turn back into reality for a while, in you are in a relationship

Brandi is amazingly attractive, but can't wrestle or do anything else outside of announcing for shit.
Cawdy is shit.

turbo nigger blood, don't let the relaxed hair fool you.

Never insult her granny even if she's a monster and you'll be fine.

Look at the offspring and non-degenerate sex tourism patterns

>I've noticed that most white guys who date outside of their race tend to be alpha chad looking types, whereas white women who do the same are trashy.
Most are trashy. For example sexpats bringing back thai women. It is degenerate no matter what, unless you do it outside of white countries. Ultimately you settle for less than what you deserve if you are a top tier chad.

just wait until she has a kid

>It's your duty to uplift the lesser races.
In THEIR countries, yes of course.

4 5 6 and 7 are gorgeous

Yes there is and I'll tell you to fuck off if I see you with your niggeresse
The same when I see a white slut with a nigger.
Get a spic idk but not a fucking nog.

you guys need to realize that all women/men with dark features are less intelligent and perceptive than someone with blonde hair and lighter eyes. 99% of the time.

Ive dated dark haired women and the attitude they have is animalistic where the women i have had successful relationships with had more curious souls, a human-like attitude and of course, blonde hair.

You will notice that most 'blondes' are women with dark hair who dye it blonde. They are culturally appropriating and sexualizing blonde features. These women have inferior features and intelligence where blonde girls have more going on.
Every fake blonde slut should be called out for sexualization, body modification and objectification.

I agree with you leaf

White guys that date black women are high T Chads because they have to literally fight nigger males sometimes fo stealinz they wimmenz. Or be physically intimidating enough to scare niggers away, and mentally strong enough to not be scared of confrontation.

White guys that date hispanics are average and they are pretty equal in terms of dating out.

White guys that date asian women are absolute pathetic losers who are too beta to get other women. Weak-wristed and pencil-necked, these losers think "a good job in IT" is enough to compensate for being less attractive and social-ineptitude.
