Liberals right when they say light-skin Hispanics will be looked at 60 years from now the same way we look at Irish Today?
Liberals right when they say light-skin Hispanics will be looked at 60 years from now the same way we look at Irish...
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Imagine all at once? I would betray my race.
They speak a different language you fucking retard
Still not getting my dick
They probably have 40% to 50% white in them.
That depends
Irish spoke Irish.
Oh they would get 100% white in them boy
they have nice feet desu
would give them my cherizo if you know what I mean
Yes. Whiteness is a social construct that has repeatedly changed and expanded over the years. No reason why it won't do so again.
i-is that a threat bagelboy?
Hispanics are going the other way. Fifty years ago, they wanted to be white, and pretty much counted. Now it pays to be a minority.
No, they are still Hispanic, they are not white. They come from shit part of the Americas... as opposed to Irish come from Europe
They spoke Gaelic
Hispanics are racially and culturally different than the Irish.
No that's bullshit. They let the irish in legally because they were european. Just because anglos treated em like shit doesn't mean they weren't white. Mexicans aren't white.
Also unless they fully integrate, which will never happen, they'll still be shitty beaners
their IQs won't improve, and it will become more obvious as time goes by.
in the end, racists will win, because facts are facts.
I still have no idea what this meme means
if they make those IQ tests so that they cater to someone besides white straight cis males, maybe their "IQ" wouldn't be so "low".
im sure they will in the future do movies just like shindler's list but about the undocumented
Strip em down, line em up, bend em over!
They'll have to since jews can't make nazi movies without actual aryans unless they go all WE WUZ GERMANS N SHIET
The Irish entered the US when welfare didn't exist.
Mexicans are entering the US and 80% are on some form of welfare. They aren't even legally allowed to collect it without a child, and they use more welfare than niggers.
We still speak Gaeilge you fucktard
t. Pádraig lasmuigh den tír
America is a White nationalist country. GTFO Spic
in the future it will be "white" as in racially defined not skin colored, and more mixing will create a unified "mixed whiteness" acceptance as we face off against the asians and blacks
>ywn have a freckled, red head mummy teach you potatospeech while she pours baileys into her coffee
Why even live?
light-skinned Hispanics are half bred between Spanish conquistadors and the natives. mesoamerican culture is not compatible with faustian culture, which is why we should have wiped them all out.
These bitches are creepy. They need to remain in obscurity for sake of our mental health.
need legitimate IQ tests first, what we have now is bogus since they're inconsistent as a person can take a test, study, then take the IQ test again and score a higher IQ when in reality only their knowledge increased, not their intellectual ability
When will your hatred of all things good in this world finally end? You have your clay, you have shekels, what more do you people want?
>Implying Irish people didn't ruin America as much as Hispanics will
I wonder if their spic cunts all look the same.
We're the only reason you're still above 50% white you fucking nigger.
This would be true if there was not a constant influx of Mexicans.
See first generations of any race are not going to be completely assimilated but 2nd and 3rd generations usually are. Second and third generation Mexicans are usually assimilated Americans but they are surrounded by first generation and immigrants so as a group they are not assimilated. You can have American loving, english speaking Protestant Mexican Americans living next to recent wetbacks who only speak Spanish and fly Mexican flags. Something the Irish and Italians did not have.
You can have Mexicans become the Irish and Italians but you have to seal the border completely. You just cant have a group of assimilate completely if you can bringing more and more influences from their home country
Fuck off. This country was founded and made great by Anglo-Saxons. Go back to your shitty island and stop mucking up the country, potatonigger.
I think they're cute
Correct, they will be seen as non-white
just look at the results -- there are basically no beaners in STEM fields. somehow they are even less intelligent than niggers.
Why are you "Anglo-Saxons" so poor compared to the glory of the Celt?
okay listen beaner.
you dont want to live with mexicans, so you come to live with whites. what makes you think WE want to live with mexicans, if even you don't?
off the top of my head, there's that alcubierre guy
i'm sure there are many more considering at least one dude is relatively famous
i'd give them my lucky charms
East Asians have higher IQ than whites, must be because of all that white bias. You couldn't explain why the white average IQ is always 100, you know that little about the subject, but you're ready to go with all the Marxist college indoctrination answers.You need shut the fuck up and lurk more, faggot.
>Average IQ of 92
Literally the equivalent of niggers in America. No wonder you love communism and Catholicism so much. I bet the only reason your IQ is even that high is because of the Brits mixing with your women.
because our father kidnapped the lowest of the niggers to colonize their new land, then we invited the lowest of the potato niggers into the country, then invited the lowest of the pizza niggers, then the lowest of the burrito subhumans, and now the lowest of the sand niggers
meanwhile the native potato niggers stayed at home and waited for someone to take over the responsibility of their country for them
>You can have Mexicans become the Irish and Italians
top fucking kek
its like you civic nat cucks have NO idea about genetics whatsoever. american fucking education.
These girls creep me the hell out. They're smile is so fucking creepy it's like from a horror movie. They also look weirdly like underage. Fuck em and Fuck all spics
If you could have all three in unison it might make sense from some fetish pov. If you only get 1 its totally pointless thb.
Why are you so poor compared to a people with an IQ if 92 then?
IQ tests don't account for emotional/social intelligence which is quickly become equally as important as traditional intelligence
i think even niggers would score higher than asians when it comes to emotional intelligence
Gimme the THICC one on the left!
Is anyone getting your dick tho user? sad
Mexicans dont really go to college and get any type of degree because of the extreme machismo in our culture. Mexican boys are taught to become blue collar workers, work in construction and do other type of manual labor because "real men work with their hands" and college is seen as something effeminate men who cant handle manual labor do. Women are encouraged to go to college because they want them to become nurses and teachers, traditionally women jobs. "Mija Maria going to college to become a nurse and my son Jose is a total man who works construction and lifts heavy stuff all day. So proud"
That is why you see more Latinas getting college degrees than Latino men do. A Mexican dream society is where men go out and work hard manual labor with the bros and come home to a cute teacher or nurse. No I dont agree with this low class proletariat outlook on life my people have, but dont bash us for not falling for muh stem meme
it won't be relevant when the future, when people are divided between cybernetically enhanced superhumans (ubermeschen) and normal meatbags (shitskins)
>somehow they are even less intelligent than niggers.
also gotta say, no way
hispanics are mostly mixed so they have white genes
there are literally no famous niggers in STEM that aren't pop scientists. show me one who can even comprehend these calculations
they are underage, they turn 18 in november. if you really think spics can be cute and of legal age you haven't met any.
>Trusting any statistic that judges the quality of a nation with fucking QATAR at the top
Really blights my potatoes.
Then why did you quote it?
I detect that nigger-tier genetics may have infected you nigger-user.
>they are underage, they turn 18 in november. if you really think spics can be cute and of legal age you haven't met any.
You're on to something here with the underage hispanics being the only attractive version of a hispanic, lel.
You are seriously mentally ill spamming them 3 for over a month on Sup Forums
this so much. I work a tech company in silicon valley and despite the beaner majority in my city, there are no beaners in my entire department (tech support), or the entire engineering department. Its just whites, poos, chinks and muslims. We even have a fucking nigger here in tech support, but no spics.
In my statistic, Qatar is in 29th place with its 78 IQ, where it belongs. Your study is the one that believes Qatar is #1.
This is almost true. Software engineer here. I work with 2 Mexicans. Both however can trace their lineage either back to Germany or Spain. They're incredibly white.
IQ/GDP correlation is ??? Your statistic was IQ, which you just disavowed Yankee education I swear. I worked for a while in your country and even the "educated" yanks I met were fucktards. Even up here, most of the people with any intelligence are either Irish or British expats.
Enjoy drowning in Pakis/Chinks and niggers.
No Beaners in STEM? Hang out in Miami like ever.
Also the Irish are basically IT gods for whatever reason just because they aren't American and can support European Customers.
Can confirm I work at a Software Company.
Of the top 88 earning ancestries in the United State, not even ONE is from latin america. Yet these people are outbreeding everyone.
I hate every single Irishman I have ever met. So yes, of course.
How do we look at the Irish today? As a bunch of drunk drug addicted liberal smartasses that should never have been given the right to vote?
The women in the picture aren't black.
bitch please
Catholic Church and low iq. We give them money to do nothing and fuck all day. Why are we surprised? They also feel there's a purpose in what they're doing. They think they're recapturing Mexican land.
Oh god could you imagine a triple blowjob from the three that look the same? Oh my god fuck
Most Irish (shit whites) were originally brought to the USA as slaves. It's no coincidence that many of their descendants became wiggers (see: Boston).
They're not really "white," and statistically they're as liberal as niggers.
light skinned latinos will become the new scapegoat when the white man goes extinct. have fun pedro.
No. Latinos are pieces of shit who refuse to integrate. They want to live in America for money and higher quality of life but keep their Latino identity. There was no Irish telemundo or Irish sanctuary cities or press 2 to speak Irish. Every day by my grocery stores latina woman line up filled with trash bags of recycling cans to feed into the machine to get paid out $3. None ever know English. As long as Liberals push that English is not a big deal to learn, no they won't. Also liberals push white people are evil propaganda daily also does not help.
is that picture photoshopped? What the fuck
You're Canadian. That's a given. No girls required.
how do you know this about them? why are these random chicks always appearing here?
yes, this is a very astonishing phenomena. It is even more astonishing that spics are not crying "equality" and demand AA in IT. What the hell is going on? As racist as I am, it is hard to understand why won't any beaners take the lucrative coding career -- which isn't even that hard.
Cause you're an idiotic fucktard?
doin muh part pregnating them bitches fo sho yall mad wite boys/?
You mean as a bunch of useless papist niggers?
>all three
Shamefur dispray!
Depends on what you mean by "comprehend", because those are calculations on level of 1st year of mathematics. So, literally easy to calculate as equations, but probably pretty ahrd to understand in physics therms.
nah, you are just a creep looking up info about 3 minor mexicans.
Someone posted their IG a month or two ago, they posted a birthday picture last november holding the number 17. By simple logic, I'd assume they turn 18 this november. Poor girls already have crooked feet and look old. Their older sister is already fat, too.
good one, leaf.