>no evangelion
Evafags BTFO
No evangelion
b-but evangelion is the best and most popular animu in the world, isn't?
>yokai watch
>one piece
God I fucking hate normalfags
Doesn't have Gundam, Doraemon, or Lupin. Must all be shit.
Eva would be out of place on that list.
why did you leave out the biggest normalfag shounen? you sound like a bigger faggot, lad
No Pokemon there...
Well, with the Kalos league fiasco, it was obvious Pokemon became a shame for japanese
>Yokai Watch
Are those even popular outside Japan? I know they're huge in Japan but shouldn't they go for the gaijin crowd?
>Luffy and Naruto are there
>No Ichigo
A few days ago I saw a lot of anons saying Evangelion was sure to be there, as it's the best anime ever made. What went wrong, why can't they recognize the masterpiece that is Evangelion?
Seriously who gives a shit about Astroboy in this day and age?
The west doesn't care, Japan doesn't care
Really? On the same level as DB and One Piece?
>shin chan
Oh fuck I hope they do a CGI model for him like the others.
Naruto is bigger than op outside of japan, and db is on par i would say, especially sisnce it never got proper air time on free tb worldwide
>First regular 24 minutes long and weekly animu.
>it was the hottest thing in 60's
>1st shonen manga
>it got 40% of rating in the Nielsen system when that company was giving the audience data in Japan
Where is Gundam?
Why would Eva be on a list of lamestream surface-level plebeian shit for marketing to the unwashed masses
>in this day and age
I see, so eva is an underground anime for only the elite.
That's my Anno.
>A few days ago I saw a lot of anons saying Evangelion was sure to be there, as it's the best anime ever made. What went wrong, why can't they recognize the masterpiece that is Evangelion?
Olympics can only deal with family friendly IPs.
They show Doraemon during the closing ceremony.
Kinda lazy design, at least put them in sportswear or something
Yokai Watch rapes Pokemon inside Japan, both in TV ratings and vidya sales
>no bleach
How the fuck is shin-can there?
If he didn't blow his manga into irrelevance, he would be bathing into that sweet Olympic royalties in 2020
Only real crime is no Re:Zero aka the better version of Eva
>tfw haven't seen any of those
Evangelion doesn't fit in with other anime
Almost all those anime are fun, light-hearted power fantasies that are appropriate for children
Evangelion is a deep, dark, character study on many different characters, all of whom are psychologically broken and suffer from a wide variety of mental issues, plus there's plenty of graphically violent and sexual scenes
Shinji is the antithesis of your typical anime hero, he's cowardly, weak, and doesn't have any special abilities or powers
I could go on about eva's subversion of anime tropes and it's deconstruction of the mecha genre but you get the idea
Where's Bleach?
Sorry my bad, fuck DBZ too.
Although its tolerable in some ways since its basically the most well known shonen manga in the world and its importance is far broader then garbage like Nuruto or One Piece.
You people are completely missing the point.
The only questionable choice there for me would be the Maho Precure. By 2020 they will have been out of TV for years and 4 new cure teams will be around.
Couldn't they just remake Akko-chan or Sally (since it's her 50th anniversary)
I know the west doesn't give a fuck, but they don't give a fuck about Precure either. It's all Sailor Moon and the god awful pedophilia MGs like Madoka.
>In this day and age
Probably trying to increase their popularity overseas. They want to brainwash little european/muslim girls into thinking that being a "magical girl" is a good thing.
Naruto has been more well known than DBZ for a while now
>the god awful pedophilia MGs like Madoka
you have to go back
>pedophilia MGs like Madoka.
If anything, it is lesbianism
Madoka is god awful and nothing will change that.
But the maho Precure are witches, wouldn't that get the muslim girls stoned or some shit?
If they really wanted to include a Precure, it should've been Smile or the original. Those are more international and popular, I guess.
Its little girls sold to otakus, if you like your nanoha and Illyia it's fine, but I find it awful
Im pretty sure it hasn't.
They should be safe as long as they are in Europe.
Yes but your post implied that sexualizing 14 year olds is (1) pedophilia and (2) wrong. Both of which tells me that you're straight from MAL.
>Japan's only cultural export is its cutesy little cartoons
How dishonourable.
>Not Nagisa and Honoka
Fuck yourself with an axe, Japan.
>no evangelion
>one shit
hahaha what the fuck were they thinking?
Nah. It implied Madoka is awful, and that pedophilia, as in the attraction to underage girls, is a selling point.
I don't care if you are into it, but so far all MG selling little girls to big friends have been shit.
Actually it's quite fair. Bleach had its chance and Kubo blew it on stupid asspulls because he is a bad writer and has almost no respect for his audience or his characters.
Sorry they're not putting up obscure anime from decades ago or flavor of the seasons
Why jibanyan and not Pikachu?
>yokai watch
When will they stop pushing this shit.
Nobody likes it
>No Pikachu
>Literally during Pokémon's second coming with normies
Wtf are they smoking? Also
>Not using sports manga characters like Captain Tsubasa, Slam Dunk, Prince of tennis, etc..
>Naruto in the middle
Sup Forums utterly blown the fuck out.
Go back to your cancer general.
The Kalos league fiasco and the fact YW is raping Pokemon in ratings, VG Sales, Box office performance and smartphone downloads. Pokemon Go's fad died very fast in Japan AFAIK
Of course they didn't pick a series like Eva you retard. This would be like London 2012 picking Agatha Christie murder mysteries as a tourism point. Or an Olympic in Boston having fucking Elder Gods
Putting Eva there would be like putting 2001: A Space Odyssey alongside Star Wars, LOTR, Harry Potter, Avatar, Titanic etc.
You get the idea.
>perpetual child running around collecting animals for no reason other than bragging rights
>never gets a job or a family
Japan is trying to put up a version serious, pro-family face with these picks.
Cry more, pikachu
>Been around since the 1970s
>Still publishing in 2016
>Not on the list
U wot m8?
Nah, Eva is pretty normie core.
Putting Eva there would be like putting Titanic in London 2012 though
Remember that 4 year plan to make it move by 2020?
>no bleach
>no gundam
top fucking kek
>I find it awful
Holy shit, you couldn't be more latter-day Mary Whitehouse moralising tumblr/MAL if you tried. Get the fuck off this board.
>2020 Olympics are about to start
>someone puts that on what looks like some weird place holder
>it starts glowing
>Eva01 emerges
>loud roaring sound thought stadium
Everybody is orange juice
Eva is only "normie core" by hardcore otaku standards. No one in the west (or anywhere else really) has seen it unless they are already an anime fan.
2001 is normie too but they are still arthouse.
>no JoJo
since you guys are smug anime expert, why not fill it yourself?
I'd say
>posting the outdated version
>closing ceremony
>kom suser top starts playing
>they flood the stadium with orange water
>crosses come out the ground
watcher percentages in Japan are comparable to Star Wars and Harry Potter. Also, Rebuild numbers also indicate wide spread popularity. It isnt comparable to 2001. Maybe to Tarantino movies.
By soccer anime, they should've used Inazuma 11 characters instead of Cap. Tsubasa. The former was more big than the latter in Japan, lets kids dream bc the main team always manages to win in the end and MC manages to be raped by a qt. However, I suppose they put Cap. Tsubasa bc of the cultural impact it left in Japan and bc it's still big in the land of soccer (sudacalandia).
Remove Naruto, YW, and Precure.
Add Pokemon, Gundam and Doraemon.
>japs won't advertise a show with nudity, alcoholism, broken characters and sex
>Evafags B-BTFO
Goku, Sailor Moon, and Astroboy stay. Guess Luffy too since OP is huge in Japan
Put Pikachu, Captain Tsubasa, some Gundam and Doraemon
One more reason to go. Man, is going to be so weird to see half of the audience holding their dakimakuras, I really hope someone handle one to Bolt-sama.
Doraemon is in the opening vidya.
Gundam is only popular amongst plamo otaku. It's not as normie as Eva.
Pokemon, as a mainstream thing, seized its death sentence after the Kalos fiasco.
because Eva isn't a normie show
Some of you guys are alright.
Don't go to Tokyo Olympics.
Merch show for little kids and men who think like little kids.
Has a bit more substance than pokemon but ultimately only exists to shill for merchandise.
DBZ, Sailor moon, and atom can stay
add pokemon
add doraemon
add MSG
Precure is fine, maybe replace it with FW or ypc5.
>Rin, Kuro and Mimi
>Miu & Chika
>Marui Triplets
>Lotte & Asuha
>The toddler from Papakiki
>Illya, Miyu and Kuro
>Inuzuka Tsumugi
I hope you enjoy being investigated faggot.
>Pokemon, as a mainstream thing, seized its death sentence after the Kalos fiasco.
Yeah keep deluding yourself into thinking they made the decision a week ago based on an anime episode they didn't like.
Then explain why yokai watch has a spot.
If you are gonna throw in merchandise anime at least do it with the most internationally known ones.
Japan, as always, with shit-taste.
Don't get trigger by filename, the image is like 10 years old.
fucking nice
> Talks about shit taste
> Posts Shitsuka
While Eva is normalfag as fuck in Japan and was one of the biggest popular anime phenomena in Japan's history, it's too dark for the bleached, sterilized image Japan is trying to create for the olympics (or rather that every olymlics is based on with its plastic and forced world peace shit). My first thought was also that the anime chosen were not the anime that Japan defines itself with, but rather are what the West perceives Japan and its anime as, though I doubt that now as I'm pretty sure precure and shin-chan don't really have any normalfag following outside Japan that I know of. If this were true, though, it would also contribute to why Eva isn't there, as despite being basic entry-level for both the Japanese public and Western otaku, it somehow has avoided basically any acknowledgement by Western normalfag culture compared to, say, Sailor Moon or Naruto.
And I forgot it!