>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump weekly address #38 10/21/17
>Pres Trump's call to military widow 10/20/17
>Pres Trump meets w/UN Sec Gen Gutierres 10/20/17
>FLotUS Melania donates Inaugural Ball Gown to Smithsonian 10/20/17
>AG Sessions in Austin TX talks to LEOs 10/20/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis meets w/french surrender monkeys 10/20/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis welcomes the frogs 10/20/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis/Sen McCuck talk to the press 10/20/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis lets lindsey make an ass of "him"self 10/20/17
>Krispy leads POTUS' commission combating drugs 10/20/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 10/20/17
>This Week @State 10/20/17
>DoD video: caring for the pupper warriors 10/20/17
>The Renewal of the American Spirit
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
Powerful. What is /ptg/ doing to destroy the threat?
I think the JFK files should be left alone. We already know what happened
What the fuck are you doing putting that in the title, moron?
I want to give that faggot a wedgie
Why do I get the feeling he jerks off to fantasies of his wife fucking other men?
Yeah, the secret service domed him on a ND and covered it up to save face
Will Trump really open up the JFK files?
I the congress and senate or the federal judges won't let him do that?
So he will probably change his mind. Be careful what you wish for.
Post yfw we find evidence Israel was behind the CIA killing JFK
>I think the JFK files should be left alone. We already know what happened
t. cia
Gassing these Jews with no survivors.
all leftists are women because all women are vulnerable
Socialism is the ideology of the molested. Whether that be sexually, economically, or militarily.
Confirmed. He's rapped over a dozen small girls.
Because you're perceptive.
Hey fuckface, what's with the dumb title and magapede?
Also anything in eastern upstate New York is infected by Massholes. All the Ex Hippies in Berkshire County spill all the way into ditches County New York. Oh BTW germanon do you have poofs Orthodox Jews are Republican Voters???
not all men its sexist to assume just because he is a man he is gonna hurt you
I don't know who this Lain is, please post a link if you have one so I can change that, but if any of the Kek-praising internet wizards aren't familiar with a writer named Grant Morrison and his concept of Pop Magic, go ahead and read up on it, you'll see some startling parallels.
I wonder if Jefferey Dean Morgan is actually a Trump supporter.
all hat no cattle
Can someone make a new thread
That censorship thing is giving AJ a hard time.
>That last one
>Sitting on your ass and letting the CIA/Navy SEALs kill Bin Laden
>Claiming credit for it when it should have happened ten years earlier
Have you been looking for freedom today?
Is "The Hoff" really the man, the myth, and dare I say, The American Treasure?
Oh fuck I forgot about dumb simple games on my Linux machine. They even have Dolphin emulator so i can play N64 and Wii games. Fuck guess I found out what I'm doing on my Saturday afternoon.
And of course they never showed the body
I can if we need to but everyone would get pissy. I'm trying to figure out what the fuck OP was thinking before I did anything.
sandniggers with opinions are my favourite type of sandniggers
lol. checked.
Piss off if you're so triggered by alt-lite memes.
I may have my quirks and kinka but at least i can safely say I will never be this much of a humongous faggot
Respond back, OP you dumb fuck. What the fuck is with magapede shit in the title, you dumb faggot?
Spinsters BTFO
is that more cuphead art, damn they have some good art
>Sup Forums is finally going after my shitty rep
dog bless
What the fuck are you on about, dumb cunt? We don't put plebbit shit terms or bullshit in the title. Who the fuck are you making fun of and why did you put something so dumb in the title?
Obama's one and only accomplishment of any consequence, although not really....
Cuphead has some of the best reaction images, I swear to god.
>Move on em like a bitch
Yeah, we don't put anti-Trump titles in the OP unironically, what the hell are you doing?
Boys I don't know if I can wait until 11/8/2020 for the next metric fuck ton of salt... seriously boys I think I'm gonna die if I don't get some sodium In me real fast.
Remember the EO from yesterday?
"President Trump is reactivating retired military people so that Trump can recall Robert Gates, and all the generals Obama forced to resign after Benghazi.
Once back in service they can be compelled in the military courts to be a witness or testify against Obama and Hillary on scandals such as uranium one and Benghazi.
Obama was their commander in chief while they were in service. If they return to service, Trump is their commander in chief, they can tell him everything."
So I guess this is you with the same file name posting before with a muzzie flag, what is your game?
I'm glad it's been such a success. With the state of gaming being absolute trash Cuphead has been a breath of fresh air.
Smoke crack it’s a great medium and a diverse profession.
Ben is forever /ourguy/
Just make another thread.
Get rid of the subversive op.
>implying its unironic
Its making fun of the lebbitards you dumbfuck.
>angry libs tweeting me now
Worth it.
>I don't know who this Lain is
>Lain is a fourteen-year-old girl who uncovers her true nature through the series. She is first depicted as a shy junior high school student with few friends or interests. She later grows multiple bolder personalities, both in the physical world and the Wired, and starts making more friends. As the series progresses, she eventually comes to discover that she is, in reality, merely an autonomous, sentient computer program in the physical and corporeal form of a human being, designed to sever the invisible barrier between the Wired and the real world. In the end, Lain is challenged to accept herself as a de facto goddess for the Wired, having become an omnipotent and omnipresent virtual being with worshipers of her own, as well as an ability to exist beyond the borders of devices, time, or space.
Well Alex ever escape the matrix? Will he ever truly break free?
The most replies I ever got was calling Muhammad a pedophile. So much asspain.
The woman in that scenario would be giddy at the prospect of having 5 decent men point for her affections for the whole night.
I don't see why put that dumb shit in the title, faggot.
I want to but I don't want people throwing a tantrum. For sure this faggot OP shouldn't be baking anymore.
The pundits at the time said it was going to give him a huge boost in his ratings. It took people about a week to realize there is no last boss of terrorism
Is this Vidor, Texas? If so I apparently dated one of the few Hispanic girls in that town (20-24) for a brief time.
What the fuck?
They're two Jews who tag-team to get the first comment
You forgot about the midterms.
>acting like reddit as a joke
Thread for discussion of a white ethnostate, a homeland to be carved out for the hardworking white man. The future of the white nationalists movement depends on European peoples migrating to and establishing a homeland for themselves exclusively.
>The will to make the move.
Guys, I know we have a lot of fun making memes and hiding behind our computer screens like a bunch of botards, but the reality is unless we come together in large numbers to make a state of our own we're going to become irrelevant and fade away. MAKE THE FUCKING MOVE AND.
Skills are more important than any other tool you can possibly have. We need skillful people not just people that know how to say the word nigger, above all we need intelligent and physically capable people that have what we need to get this kick started.
Right now we need each other more than ever and we can't do that unless we know each other and are comfortable talking to one another. Quietly networking together is the best option for us because right now we're under (((Their))) eyes and they have their eyes set on making us dead.
We need to have very tight cooperation, we're all brothers here in a world that's against us, the last thing we need is infighting over stupid bullshit. Know your allies and your enemies well.
discord gg/bPnWb
Based Chad showing the virgin journalists how a real game should be like.
>marriage isn't a plenty
>discord gg/bPnWb
Piss off you spamming faggot.
How is it possible for tourists to love Los Angeles when LA is overrun by illegals?
Where in LA do the tourists go and how is the demographics in these tourist areas?
Redpill me
>being so ass triggered by a plebbit memeing
The hugbox cult here needs to be destroyed that's for sure.
Women don't want safe men, they want men to keep then safe from other men. Women are supposed to feel small and weak around men, because they are.
You've, in a short space of time, called this place a hugbox cult and called people here pedes and magapedes, what's your problem faggot? Why did you think it was a good idea to put such a stupid thing as a title?
They go to the rich (((white))) parts.
It's because you're not cute enough user
All bakers need to be cute and of questionable sexuality
Why are girls so fucking uncoordinated in physical sports? What sort of retard holds a bat like that? And have you seen a girl throw a fucking ball IRL? I was never very good at baseball but I still threw a ball by putting my body mass behind it and using muscles to propel it. Watch a girl throw a baseball over-hand. They fucking twist their hips to try and utilize centripetal force instead of mass to propel it. What the fuck is the difference? Why aren't women physically coordinated?
Now it sounds like an /r9k/ rant, but I'm genuinely curious from a biological standpoint. Who holds a bat like that?
Kek is that a shoop or real? I wouldn't be surprised if they were making the bad guy wear a Trump hat.
No, I just don't see why OP should be spouting anti-Trump shit and putting it in the OP title, calling the place a hugbox cult. Call me unreasonable if you like.