We have 3x3 threads. How about a Anti 3x3?
>inb4 no having same tastes means shit
Negative 3x3
Been done before
I don't know how I forgot about SAO
This has about as much shit on it as a standard 3x3.
yeah, it's supposed to be all shit
that's why it's called an Neg3x3
MP100 is good.
K-On!! is good.
Go learn about sakuga and meet me after class.
mp100 is cliche as fuck
that's why I put it up there but really i should have put SAO in its place instead
What other battle shounen offers the same commentary on repressed adolescence, trans-valuates the core of shounen, has subversive humour and features such experimental styles?
Don't expect someone who's only watched it to understand anything
Please, nigger, the only one of those that's even close to bottom tier is Eiken. This is more like a list of popular anime from the last two years that you didn't like. Watch more anime.
>defending Twintails
keep picking lint from your belly button
>not liking Sabagebu
kys my man
3x3 threads are cancer enough, but what kind of autistic fucktard keeps track of which anime they hate the most?
you obviously haven't seen Eiken
That shit is what started it for me
holy shit these are bad
I really really loved Twintails.
Power rangers with the love of fetishes. I loved every minute of it. It was my AOTY by far.
+1 Mob Psycho from what I've seen.
Sabagebu was good.
K-on and Lucky Star were good.
DBZ is probably just meh. The Cell Sage was shiiiiiiit.
>there are people who seriously dislike both cross ange and Sabagebu
Christ can't have those assertive female characters who are horrible people.
Ange was cliched shit and Sabagebu was boring. If I wanted to watch animus with good references I'd watch Lucky Star or Watamote
If Twintails is even close to one of the ten worst anime you've ever seen, you haven't watched much.
Is that fucking Human Zoo or whatever? I really don't even get what the point of that was.
How was cross ange cliche?
isn't that the point?
>everything i dont like is cliche or boring
>Human Zoo
Yeah. I've never seen anything that labelled itself as a ''movie'' be that completely pointless and worthless.
>Sabagebu! in an anti-3x3
>Worst 9
It has literally had 7 episodes.
It doesn't have that pervasive of a fan presence, though I don't really like what it does have.
How can you hate it that much already?
>Fan service at every turn
>"Guy mistaken as pervert" cliche
>"Rivals/Enemies unite as friends to defeat evil"
>Corning singing used by hero and villain
dragons and parallel uni was cool tho
>doesn't like mob
You're one of those fags huh.
>mp100 is cliche as fuck
I understand having different taste, but you're an idiot that completely misses the point and themes of the show 16 years old. You're in fact tastless and this thread is garbage. Fuck off.
>found the mp100 fangirl
>posting worst girl in KotH
Should've posted Hank-chan.
kek, you are literally underaged aren't you? You don't gotta lie bro.
Mobfags BTFO.
OP have a good taste and he's probably an anime expert.
>he doesn't like what I like so he must be underaged
at least this is better than the
>he's just a troll
shit I see on Reddit
Mob is garbage
NGNL's premise and characters are garbage
One Piece is repetitive shounenshit.
Don't know what the other 6 show so I can't judge but those 3 I mentioned sucks egg.
>shit I see on Reddit
>I go to Reddit
You sure showed that guy.
fan service isn't a cliche, lolis are not cliches. You are a fucking retard
Reddit is garbage but it has it's good points. I can get news faster there than I can here, for example. I also love visiting specific game subreddits after my thread in Sup Forums drops off of the face of Sup Forums because no one replied
does it suck, yes
does it have its good points, yes
Okay, you can leave now what you've confirmed your own autism
>video game
>reddit has its good points
is this Neo Sup Forums?
Just leave before you embarrass yourself even more.
>talking about reddit and video games on the anime board
Fuck off reddit.
Is this bait?
>Mobfags BTFO.
What are you talking about? OP is only sharing his opinion about certain shows that are unfortunately not his cup of tea. He's not presenting any basis or explanation for why he dislikes this anime, I bet he only cares about the fanbase, which is not really that bad besides some Reigenfags that are a little to much sometimes but oh well. Whatever. These pretentious idiots love to act like superior to others when the only thing they do is watch cartoons all day, showing me their taste like some kind of weird treasure, like I care. It's funny.
And what's wrong with Inuyasha? Fuck you. I can't believe someone can dislike it, like I don't see what is wrong with it. Ah! Dont tell me, it because it's entry-level, isn't it? Bah.
Why some of you can't enjoy anime for what it truly is, a form of entertaiment? I'm not angry, just sharing my opinion. I don't even want to take part of these thread. Bye
This. I just didn't like them and I wanted others to share what they themselves don't like but Sup Forums always wants to turn it into
>hue he don't know what he talking about
>what an underaged kid for not liking what I like
>I am true connoisseur of anime
Fuck off forever and kill yourself, or you can wait for the mods to do it for you.
Leave and don't come back, then, you newfag piece of shit.
>And what's wrong with Inuyasha? Fuck you. I can't believe someone can dislike it, like I don't see what is wrong with it. Ah! Dont tell me, it because it's entry-level, isn't it? Bah.
No, nigger, it's because it fucking drags on endlessly for a million episodes, has terrible plot contrivances to achieve this ("Whoops, I made this character so strong he could end the series, I guess I'll neuter him with some bees," etc.), and really has nothing of real appeal after the first cour or two except to fangirls obsessed with the cute guys.
No, that's fucking retarded. If you know you won't like something you won't watch it and if you watch an episode / a few episodes of something and you dislike it, you'll drop it. So the only shows you can put on your "anti 3x3" are mediocre but not really notable in any way.
Speak for myself, I watched all of Ordian in morbid fascination.
Well, that's just your opinion. I always loved Inuyasha, like I didn't care about the amount of episodes, I really didn't wanted to end. It's was a good experience filled with good characters, drama and cute moments, and the music was very good.
>cute guys
Nothing wrong wrong with that. You don't see me complaining about some of those ridiculous female characters from those cheap harem series you boys love so much. I don't want to argue with you. I don't even care now. Bye-bye.
> You don't see me complaining about some of those ridiculous female characters from those cheap harem series you boys love so much.
No, but I assume you don't like male-targeted harem series very much if you're a straight woman. And most male anons sure as hell don't think Fairy Tail is a good series, or even that most harems are more than tolerable.
>Well, that's just your opinion.
>you boys
> I don't want to argue with you. I don't even care now. Bye-bye.
Fuck off back to tumblr.
>Mob Psycho 100
Damn, OP. That's some bad taste.
>mob psycho 100 is too cliche
Just how dumb do you have to be to not notice that it's on purpose
The authore uses cliches to set a tone, and then does whatever the fuck he wants in order to tell a personal, intimist story about small, sensitive and weak Mob. It's not about glorification of power, although it uses all the related tropes.
I bet you think Utena is cliche as well because battle of the week and sailor fuku transformations
Kill your fucking self.
Not him, but the characters in Mob aren't particularly interesting or amazing.
I have been part of these threads for almost a year now, even before you idiots open the door to those other idiots that came thanks to digi-whatever, sooo sorry, but no. I'm not going anywhere, it's not like I post very often so I'm not a problem.
>Human Zoo
What the hell did I just watch?
Meh, the stupid canadian is sleeping. See you guys later
>What the hell did I just watch?
Literally nothing and shit.
If you want to watch something that will blow your mind, I highly recommend watching Master of Martial Hearts.
It's the EoE of anime.
Are you stupid?
>anti 3x3
bumping to expose more dumb posters who doesn't know what this thread all about.
More like stupid dumb janitor. I didn't do anything to get deleted like that.
I'm usually pretty good at figuring out what kind of shows I'll like so there aren't that many I really hated.
>disliking Mirai Nikki
>Kara No Kyoukai
Off your you piece of shit.
A few of these arent even actually bad, but in a 3x3 thread I would probably mark all of these down if you had any of them. a straight 0/9
Left out obvious ones like chaos;head because noone puts that shit on their 3x3 anyway
Kara no Kyoukai is garbabe. Maybe not worst 9 material but definetly in the bottom 20%.
All others are legit but how can anyone dislike Hidamari Sketch?
You've only seen 9 shows?
2/9 NGNL and Sabagebu are pretty fun.
2/9 K-On and LS are good.
1/9 Akagi
1/9 KnK
1/9, half a point for HS and CG.
Shinsekai Yori was great and Katanagatari was okay.
>Off your you piece of shit.
>this mad fanboi
It has terrible hand-fisted thematic exposition. I don't mind if a show tried hard to be deep but this one tries hard and fails miserably.
>All others are legit but how can anyone dislike Hidamari Sketch?
I found no single aspect of it interesting or appealing. It felt really tedious.
Yes, especially the animation done on glass is cliche. I mean, why does every anime do it!?